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Amy's Amiablog
Friday, 16 February 2007
Mood:  lazy

Amy's Amiablog

Welcome to Amy's Amiablog.

"Amy" is how I think of myself, although it is not my given name. I think of it as my taken name, for I took the first name from my grandmother and the second from a cold city of rain-washed granite on the North Sea, the place where I was born:


Amy Aberdeen is the name under which I write– which these days means, mostly, post in chat rooms. It is the name under which I once wanted to become a "famous writer". This is really quite funny. I had to give up my ambition to be a Yale Younger Poet, for instance, about fifteen years ago. I haven't published a poem since about 1980 which was about when I gave up on the MFA in English. I could happily give up the "famous" part, if only I would commit to the "writer" part. Here is the only writing award I have won recently:

Under another name, I write weekly sermons, monthly newsletter articles, and occasional chancel dramas and theological treatises. Yes, I am a minister. I have allowed both Seminary and the Parish to divert me from what I always thought of as my True Calling: writing poetry, stories, and novels. No, you may not know more details about my religious tradition, my Seminaries, or my parish, except as you may glean from my blogging.

A Warning. I like to Capitalize erratically.

I intend this blog to contain the following:

    a weekly reflection on things of the Spirit
    a fortnightly political essay
    a fortnightly media/ arts/ entertainment review
    a monthly meditation on sex, gender, science and theology.
    links to poetry– both that of my own and of others.
    links to other favorite blogs and internet sites.

I intend this to be an Amiablog, for Amy is both Able and Amiable.

Say Friend and Enter!

Posted by ny5/aaberdeen at 7:05 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 16 February 2007 7:45 PM EST
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