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1*4 Complete Online New York City News & Opinions
Friday, 18 March 2005
Throwing Stones When You Live In A Glass House
Mood:  down
Now Playing: Dan Rather
Topic: NYC Politics
It seems like an eternity has passed by since that life-altering day on September 11, 2001 when all New Yorkers came together as one people united under one flag and our elected officials enthusiastically professed the words “I Will Never Forget”. Then as quick as a New York minute it was back to the same ole divisive dirty politics that in recent years have become worse then ever before - character smearing, race baiting, hatred, stone throwing, back biting, name calling and the win at all cost mentality are some of today’s norms that infest our political process. In addition, the local news media outlets are no longer interested in reporting factual and verified news. Some claim to be Investigative Reporters, a violation of New York State Law. A press pass doesn’t give a person the right to identify himself or herself as an Investigator in the State of New York. The mere use of the term investigator by any person or entity other then a licensed investigator is illegal and deceives the public into believing what is being reported are facts. Why are the proper authorities not enforcing the laws? Why are the local news media outlets permitted to go on perpetrating a fraud? Why do the local media give certain public officials an enormous amount of negative coverage pertaining to alleged wrong doings and give others none or very little, things that make you go hum? Who determines what is fact or fiction before a story is released? Should we have Congressional hearings on the way the media reports the news, just like the recent Hearings concerning Major League Baseball’s abuse of steroids? Why are we not outraged by the media’s out of control power? Why are they not held accountable for reporting false information? We need answers to these questions now. We learned a new fraise “The October Surprise” thanks to former CBS Anchor, Dan Rather’s feeble attempt to intentionally mislead the people in a Presidential Election. How many other “October Surprises” have the media sprung on us weeks prior to an election? Well, we aim take a good look at Sara Wallace an Investigator reporter for ABC news, who lives in New Jersey and is allowed to conduct illegal investigations here in New York. There are several local news media outlets that we plan to expose as nothing more then propaganda tools with politically motivated agendas not concerned with reporting facts. Furthermore, we aim to give you an alternative source of information and let you the public know what the local news media outlets won’t. We will go over past and current news and inform you of the double standards in enforcing the law and reporting the news. We are going to keep you the public informed. Finally, we want to hear from you too.

Posted by ny5/1asterisk at 7:32 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 19 March 2005 1:32 PM EST
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