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Frank has his own site now. When I get some time, I'm going to put his pictures and links up but for now, there's just a little bit of his interests up.

We spent a quiet Christmas eve with my Mom and Sister in Brooklyn. Christmas day was a little more of an adventure. We got up early to bake an apple pie, then dressed in our freaky best and headed out, with pie to Penn Station to catch the train. All was going well until some snot got all loud and rude with us in the line for the ticket machine. Bah Humbug!! Anyway soon we were on our way. Everything was lovely at Frank's sister's house until the Monsoon/Nor-easter hit. Thank God Frank's Dad has a SUV, which normally I curse the very existence of but in this case, I think it was quite justified since we were able to avoid both the flood and the ice without injury. The LIRR didn't let us down for once and we made it home in decent time. Still too late - I'm looking forward to catching up on some needed sleep this weekend.

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12.16.02 - First the good news. I've just added more pictures. Most are of Frank's cars which soon will get their own section but for now it's all under our main album. Click here to see the additions.
   Argh - just when I thought it was safe to have routine, the MTA and transit people have to go and threaten to have a strike. Fortunately I only have a 6 mile walk to work which is what I should be covering in my runs anyway. Part of me loves the drama and adventure, part of me just wants to get to and from work without incident. It's annoying, any where else, if you threaten not to work, they just fire you. The good part of this is that my mom is spending a few days with us. She works about 10 minutes away in Downtown Brooklyn.
   Since I probably won't get another entry out before Christmas, happy holidays to everyone! :)

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12.02.02 - Where to begin... It has been a rough two weeks. First, Frank lost his mom due to a surgery complication. Then, I had a miscarriage. But we are here for each other and are going to try to enjoy the holidays anyway. Really after everything we've been through I just want some peace and a nice routine so we're going to keep things nice and mellow.
   Despite all, we had a nice Thanksgiving with Frank's sister, brother-in-law, nephews Yale and Trent, his dad, cousin Garret and my mom. She laid a wonderful feast out with all the trimings. The night before, Frank thought it would be fun to bake an apple pie. Not just any pie but one with a fancy woven top to it. So we ventured out to get the ingredients. Once home, our first dilema was to cook or not to cook the apples. We decided to cook for a little bit but to stop before the apples got mooshy. An hour and a half later, we accomplished pie! We didn't get to eat it untill the next day but it turned out to be quite tasty. We took pictures which I'll post soon.
   Dante and Clutch are just growing so fast. Clutch has a new container and a new location on our old phone table. He can really swim around a lot more now. Next time, I think we can move him up to a tank with a filter.

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11.13.02 - A lot can change in a month. Right after the toga party, we found out that we're going to be parents. Step one, pregnancy, primarily affects me. Step two, babycare, primarily affects Frank as he is the one that is going to stay home. So, like the good web geek I am, I've added a baby page which I'm going to update monthly. It'll contain links and information about what is going on during that month. Anything personal I'll probably just write in this journal.
   I feel pretty good. So far the only symptoms I have are fatigue, unlike anything I've ever felt before, and certain body modifications that aren't entirely unpleasent. I definitely have a womanly figure now. It's pretty wild.
   Halloween was lots of fun. We hung out for a little while at our friend Rob's comunity garden which they turned into a spooky wonderland. His fiance served foggy punch and Frank actually scared several small children into tears. Hopefully we'll have some pictures to put up soon. I'm really behind with the pictures.
   Obviously there's a new site. I always get into a more modern mood for fall. The only thing I've changed is the news section which is now called journal. I'm not archiving as much as I was before so there's no past news section. I've also added my new client to the web design page.

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10.29.02 - I never mean to let so much time pass between new news but in any case here's an update. We had a casualty. Sprocket put up a good fight but just wasn't able to hold on. We miss him and clutch is getting accustomed to being an "only child." With more room in his bowl, he is getting even bigger. Soon he'll need his own apartment.
   We had a wonderful toga party this past Friday. A decent amount of people came by, in toga like attire, to celebrate the beginning of the Halloween week. Once I collect all the pictures from everyone, I'll get them up on the site.
   Thursday is the big day! We're making the last minute changes to our costumes and preparing for the brisk but generally decent weather.

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09.06.02 - There is really nothing like tripping over pre-schoolers during your morning commute. Like a regular infestation, they're all over the place, scurrying about, all fixed up for the new school year. Of course we would love to have a little rugrat of our own but...
   News about the Zoo - Dante is fearless. He attacks Chloe and Baxter with reckless abandonment and just hops into everything; the tub, the couch, the garbage cans. I swear they put some kitty speed in the food. Clutch is almost twice his original size and Sprocket is hanging in there.
   Frank and I are just maintaining the schedule. Work is a little nutty until the new site comes out and I have some exciting client work ahead. On our agenda are the Renissaince Festival at The Cloisters and Halloween.

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All contents © 2002 Suzanne Dreitlein - See Terms of Use