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The Secrets of Zelda


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The 4 Bottles

Bottle #1 - Win the Cucco game against Talon

Bottle #2 - Get the 7 Cuccos for the lady in Kakariko Village

Bottle #3 - Get Princess Ruto of the Zora's note in the Lake

Bottle #4 - Cature the 7 Big Poes and sell them to the Poe-Buyer behind Hyrule Castle's gate

Magic Spells

SPIN SWING - Go all the way up Death Mountain and blow up the rock to the side of the cave. When inside play

DIN'S FIRE - Go past the guard at Hyrule Castle's gate and blow up the rock at the dead - end.

FARORE'S WIND - Swim in Zora's Fountain until you come across a piece of land with stones on it. Blow up the stones and go inside.

DOUBLE MAGIC METER - In Death Mountain, go across both briges that go away from the Fire Temple, and break the rocks with the Megaton Hammer.

NAYRU'S LOVE - At the Desert Colossus in between the 2 palm trees, bomb the wall where Navi turns green.

DOUBLE DEFENSE - After you get the golden gauntlets, go to the dead- end outside of Ganon's Castle(left off the rainbow) and lift the pillar.

Magic Arrows

FIRE ARROW - Shoot a regular arrow through the two pillars at Lake Hylia(across the 2 bridges,next to the lab)into the sun at dawn

ICE ARROW - Find all the keys in the Gerudo Training Ground at Gerudo Fortress

LIGHT ARROW - After you get all the sage's medallions, go to the Temple of Time and Sheik (or maybe someone you know) will give it to you.

Young Link's Trading Sequence

STEP #1 - Go to the happy mask shop and get a Keaton Mask. Sell the Keaton Mask to the guard at the gate of Death Mountain Trail.

STEP #2 - Go back to the Happy Mask Shop and get the Skull Mask. Sell the Skull Mask to the boy in the Lost Woods(first turn left).

STEP #3 - Get the Spooky Mask from the Happy Mask Shop and sell it to the young boy in the Graveyard in back of Kakariko Village(during the day).

STEP #4 - Get the Bunny Hood from the shop and sell it to the guy running around Hyrule. I would suggest you do this when you have a Giants Wallet and no money because he will fill your wallet.

Now you can get the Mask of Truth, which gives you the ability to talk to the Gossip Stones. You also can get the Zora, Goron, and Gerudo masks that have different effects when used of different people(races).

Adult Link's Trading Squence

STEP #1 - Get Epona and the Long Shot

STEP #2 - Get the sad mini cucoo's egg from the girl in Kakariko Village( the one you got the bottle from). Hatch the egg.

STEP #3 - Use the cucco to wake up Talon, who is in the carpenter's wife's house(As you enter Kakariko, first house on the left).

STEP #4 - Bring the mini cucco back and get the blue, special cucco from the girl

STEP # 5 - Wake the guy sleeping in the Lost Woods with the new cucco(first left). He will then give you a mushroom in return.

STEP #6 - Get the Mushroom to the lady in the potion shop in Kakariko village within the time(no warping!). She will give you a medicinee to replace it.

STEP #7 - Bring the medicine back to the guy in the woods in time, but he won't be there. Give the medicine the the girl there and get the saw she gives you.

STEP #8 - Bring the saw to the head carpenter in Gerudo Valley and he will give you a broken Biggoron's Sword.

STEP #9 - Bring the sword to the Biggoron onto of Death Mountain, but since he can't see very well, he gives you a reciept for eye -drops.

STEP #10 - Bring the recipt to King Zora and he will give you(get this) a frog to bring to the Lakeside Labratory to make into eye - drops.

STEP #11 - Bring the eye-drops to Biggoron in tome and he will finish your sword in 3 days(you can use sun song to speed it up).

CONGRAGULATIONS!!! You got the Biggorons Sword, the strongest sword in the game!!

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