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Page 13 of Selected Emails

Also read what people wrote in my Roosevelt Raceway guestbook by clicking HERE

Sunday, December 25, 2005 1:59 PM
Great job, my buddy Sparky from Queens E mailed me the sight. I began attending the races when I was a High School freshman. The Public Schools was on strike for three months, so my Dad asked me if I wanted to go to the races. I went of course.
My late day gives me two dollars and tells me to pick the double. In the first I play the 3 But But and in the second I noticed a horse as Rocky Graziano would say it just hit me. The name of the horse was Time Off I figured how appropriate the only reason I was at Roosevelt was because of the strike. As the story goes the double hits and pays $89.00 not bad for a freshman in High School. I was hooked.
I worked in the summers as a Lifeguard at Jones Beach. On the way home to Queens I passed the Roo.I started to work the late shift so on the way home I could stop and make some investments.
I always knew someday I would be a horse owner and they would be the trots. Well after Roos closed, I moved to IL.and entered the flat business because I felt disgust Roos closed due to the fact some "Fat Cat Politicians" Unethically lining their pockets at the expense of the little Guy.
I also was wondering if any racing fan out there could help me locate a copy of the Daily Double song they used to play at Yonkers. My racing Partner does not believe me. So If you can please help.
Monday, January 9, 2006 5:25 PM
sarge can you tell me if that girl that wrote about momentous and robbie siegelman was diane burzo and get her e-mail .I was a trainer back in the good old days.
thanks sarge
Tuesday, December 6, 2005 9:53 PM
Jeff - tremendous job with this site. Harness racing truly died when Roosevelt closed. My best memories were the 1 1/4M International Trot and 1 1/2M Challenge Cup. The post parades were great. Each horse would come trotting out under a spot light alone every thirty seconds as Jack Lee would announce the name and country. The stands would be packed. It was also amazing how those French trotters would simply get hung the entire 1 1/4M in the International and simply blow the Americans away going into the final turn. Ideal Du Gazeau and Lutine d'Isigny were so superior to any of the American trotters, it was simply astounding. As for pacers, I would bet Big Towner against anyone including Niatross had he drawn inside of him at Roosevelt and I'm sure Carmine agrees. There was nothing like watching Big Towner cut out blazing hot fractions with wire to wire wins. Even all time great Governor's Skipper generally could not handle him on the half-mile ovals. It was as good as it got when those two hooked up.
Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:30 PM
I am sending this for Bob Vitrano He doesn't have a computer He would like to know how he can get videos of WOR broadcasts Can you help?

If you think about it fitness is forever. Take steps to be fit.

Friday, January 27, 2006 6:42 PM
As a kid in the mid 50’s I lived on Mitchell AFB and played baseball on a playground next to the Raceway practice track. At night we would sit around on the playground (Monkey Bars) listening to Yankee games with the Grandstand lights as a background. It was such a beautiful time and place.

Mike & Karen Morrison

Tuesday, February 14, 2006 7:16 PM
Friday, February 17, 2006 2:29 PM
I saw the following on your site today

Leroy was stabled at Lewis Brothers Racing Stable in Accomac, Va. He was having a leisurely retirement with his own pasture and company in the adjoining one. He died on December 6, 2003 of pneumonia at the age of 32. He was a character to the end.
Lou Johnson
Sunday, February 26, 2006 12:00 AM
I found the old hip disco theme song to the WOR-TV Racing from Roosevelt show with Stan and Spencer. It is called "Express" by the B.T. Express. The song used to open and close the program each evening that WOR had the program on. I always thought that it was an original beat until I was listening to satellite radio at Saratoga Gaming and Raceway and heard this, and my first thought was "is this the same music that played on WOR in the 80's when Roosevelt Racing was on TV?" Then it hit me! Just hearing that song brought back memories. Thanks again Jeff!
~Tim B.
Monday, March 13, 2006 1:06 PM
I need time to gather my thoughts before posting them or writing more.... but I gotta say.. this is terrific and brings tears to my eyes
from the moment my father took me to yonkers when I was 8 ... and all our trips from NJ to Roosevelt ... man, what a plant that was.
I own and drive some of my own now... and I have the constant nastalgia .. KEN MCNUTT is the starter at Pocono Downs and we yack about the old days often (Herve drives there too)
Steve Markoff
Sunday, April 23, 2006 12:47 AM
i loved the deli that was not far from the raceway, that I always took my girlfriend to, before the races.... maybe it was on old country road??? it was awhile back (sighs)
I remember "the international" race was held for world reknowned trotters at Roosevelt... I remember all the old time drivers--- merrit dokey---george sholty---john chapman--carmine, of course, buddy gilmour and ben webster,............... I remember a guy stumbling into me and falling to the ground, and I ran to get one of the employees that sat you down in the grandstand, and it turned out the guy who stumbled to the floor had a nitro glycerin patch on his chest and should have never been there on a hot night with all the excitement and his heart condition.
Yes Howard Oil was legendary------he did the race calls in front of the elevator at yonkers raceway too!! I live in new rochelle, so I loved when it was at yonkers!! Good job with your site! I am jeff also,.
Sunday, April 23, 2006 2:11 AM
Dear Jeff,
I am working on a LITTLE PLAINS STABLE reunion to be held in July. Frank Ambrosini, track marshal, was a dear friend of mine back in the 60s and 70s but we have lost touch. Do you have an street or e-mail address for him? A phone number?

If you or any of you readers know where he can be located, please e-mail me at the above address. The entire LPS crew would love to see him at the reunion. PLEASE, if anyone has any info on Frank, contact Pattie Auricchio ASAP.

Jeff, many thanks for your help. I too am an old Roosevelt Raceway fan. My former husband worked for Dr. Koenig back in the early 70s and then worked for Dr. Steele. We spent lots and lots of hours watching the horses at RR. Anyway, lots of good memories and great people.
Great website!

Monday, July 31, 2006 9:51 PM
Dear Jeff, came across your web site on the track. I think it's great that someone like you keep those memories alive. I'm writing you because of a project I'm working on. The famous driver of the 60's & 70's Eddie Wheeler is my mother's cousin. He was at the hospital the nite I was born. Since he was much older than me I did not see much of his racing. I did however name my first horse after one of his. Anyway, I would love to know of any memorabilia you may have concerning him.One of the emails to you from Ann Curran, Ontario Canada mentioned him and if you had her email add. I would appreciate it. Hope you can help. Sincerely, Bob Seele Email :
Wednesday, August 16, 2006 4:36 PM
Subject : Re:Roosevelt Raceway we miss you so.
what a great memorial to a great racetrack.
We used to race our horses there and I can hardly believe that putting up a mall and some housing could ever replace the splendor of Roosevelt Raceway.
I remember being so happy when the meet was over at Yonkers so we could come home to Roosevelt Raceway.
I remember sitting in the stands in the nice warm weather.
I remember running out to the winner's circle without a coat on in the freezing winter to get our picture taken in the winners circle but not being cold.
I remember going to the diner across the way on Old Country Road for an after races snack.
I remember watching the horses train on the back track.
I remember the night of the big accidents and being shaken when the ambulance for the horses or drivers came out.
I had more dinners in the cloud casino but loved sitting in the grandstand or standing on the main level too.
It is all coming back to me now. And how I miss it so.
Thanks for this site!
Sunday, October 15, 2006 9:54 PM
Hi Jeff,
I have many fond memories of Roosevelt Raceway, and a few not so fond ones. But it was a great place to watch a race, perhaps the best half mile track in the country.
I remember the night I caught Johanna's Time against Billy Haughton's undefeated Handle with Care (27 for 27?), who had a terrible trip, made a speed break, and then steadied and missed by a nose! I got lucky, Johnny had much the best that night.
I remember the night we got there early and watched out of town invader Count Kef warm up like a tiger for the featured trot race, nearly pulling the driver out of the sulky and never taking a bad step. He paid $40 and won wire to wire.
I remember the night we didn't catch Adover Lobell, who had shipped down from Monticello after finishing 7th or 8th in his last 8 starts. Little did most of the fans know or remember that he had won repeatedly in better company at Roosevelt earlier in the year. He was bet down from off the board (99-1) to 25 to one in the last three price changes. He had the 8 hole and got the lead before the turn, and Benny Webster came out to ride shotgun with the favorite to make sure of their investment. The crown was throwing garbage by the half.
I remember watching Niatross win the Messenger, and saving my winning tickets for posterity. BYW, I have a photo of mine of Niatross crossing the finish line, but it didn't come out that great it being at night and raining. But I hope to do a scan of it and see if I can improve it.
I remember Ted Taylor warming up Bret's Triumph, and when we asked him what he had under the hood, he turned his thumb up and smiled and won paying $17.
I remember Johnny Chapman squeezing through the rail in a five horse photo to win a featured race.
I remember Russell Rash driving all over the track like a wild man.
I could go on . . .
Here's a few photos for your collection. Perhaps you could send me a couple of yours.
These were taken in 1981.

Mike Castellano
Saturday, October 21, 2006 5:11 PM
Some of my fondest memories and greatest lessons about life were obtained in the 1970s at the grandest of all harness tracks -- Roosevelt Raceway. Thank you for your site; reading all the posts brought back back terrific memories. Please let me know if anyone knows what has happenned to Bobby Shuttleworth Jr., my best friend growing up. Thanks!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006 4:56 PM
Great site. I check back in from time to time to reminisce about the great days at RR in the 70's and 80's. Windows Live Local ( still has satellite shots of the raceway. Here are a couple of screen prints. Wanna really reminisce? A track where they finished racing before I was even born. Use the Windows site or Google maps to check out Goshen. Just south and west of the Historic Raceway you'll still see the triangular shape of the one mile Good Time Park, where the Hambletonian was run for years.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006 9:07 PM
Saw your webpage and it is excellent. I do have one question on the actual last night of racing. You state July 15, 1988. I believe it was really June 15, 1988. I have come across some old RR programs and the week before June 15, 1988 they start a countdown, " Only 5 Racing Days Left" , " Only 4 Racing Days Left", etc until June 15, 1988 which on the front of the program it states "Thank you for your patronage! Racing returns August 4". June 15 was a Wednesday. Will send a picture of the cover if you want, but will have to be in a few days or so as I just switched computers and need to get the camera reinstalled and I am waitinf for some software for it. Has to be June 15, 1988, they would have not went to Yonkers for a few weeks to be back again for a July 15 program. Any thoughts?
I worked for Bob Bencal at RR and YR 1979-1981 as a groom and RR was my second home for many years.
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