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This page has links to EVERY fight in the league's history, and so is quite interesting if you want to see how powerful the gladiators are and were (NOTE: This is ALL in chronological order).

Blue vs. The Prisoner .
Blue vs. The Cyborg .
Mr. Pogo vs. The Prisoner .
Mr. Pogo vs. The Cyborg .
Skepgar vs. The Prisoner .
Skepgar vs. The Cyborg .
Mr. Pogo vs. Blue (Normal Match) .
Skepgar vs. Blue (Normal Match) .
Grock vs. The Prisoner .
Grock vs. The Cyborg .
Goug vs. The Prisoner .
Goug vs. The Cyborg .
Mr. Pogo vs. Blue (Normal) .
Mr. Pogo vs. Skepgar (Normal) .
Blue vs. Grock (Normal) .
Grock vs. Goug (Normal) .
Blue vs. Skepgar (NoSurrender) .
Runeshadow vs. The Prisoner .
Runeshadow vs. The Cyborg .
Grock vs. Runeshadow (Normal) .
Blue vs. Goug (Normal) .
Goug vs. Blue (Normal) .
Tournament : Goug vs. Skepgar .
Tournament : Grock vs. The Prisoner .
Tournament : Mr. Pogo vs. The Cyborg .
Tournament : Blue vs. Runeshadow .
Tournament : Blue vs. Grock .
Tournament : Goug vs. Mr. Pogo .
Tournament : Final Round! Blue vs. Mr. Pogo (NoSurrender) .
Grock vs. Runeshadow (Normal) .
Blue vs. Runeshadow (Normal) .
Goug vs. Runeshadow (Normal) .
Umbra vs. The Prisoner .
Umbra vs. The Cyborg .
Umbra vs. Runeshadow (Normal) .
Goug vs. Blue (Normal) .
Lord Daalrhan vs. The Prisoner .
Lord Daalrhan vs. The Cyborg .
Umbra vs. Goug (Normal) .
Tournament: Umbra vs. Goug (Normal) .
Tournament: Runeshadow vs. The Prisoner .
Tournament: Umbra vs. Runeshadow .
Tournament : Final Round! Blue vs. Umbra (NoSurrender) .
Jon Striker vs. The Prisoner .
Jon Striker vs. The Cyborg .
Goug vs. Blue (Normal) .
Lord Daalrhan vs. Jon Striker .
Illegal Attack! Goug vs. Runeshadow and Umbra .
Illegal Attack! Blue vs. Runeshadow and Umbra .
Illegal Attack! Blue vs. Runeshadow .
Extreme Tag Fight! Goug and Blue vs. The Night Ones (Runeshadow and Umbra) .
Jon Striker vs. Lord Daalrhan (Normal) .
Blue vs. The Bear .
Blue vs. The Hellhound .
Blue vs. The Cyborg .
Goug vs. The Bear .
Goug vs. The Hellhound .
Goug vs. The Cyborg .
Runeshadows Final Battles (Illegal Attacks) .
Fury's Introductory Fights .
Fury vs. Jon Striker .
Umbra vs. Jon Striker .
Fury vs. Blue .
Billl the Galactic Hero's Introductory Fights .
Wraith's Introductory Fights .
Blue vs. Goug (Normal) .
Jon Striker vs. Billl the Galactic Hero - Commissioner's Fight .
Lord Daalrhan vs. Fury - Commissioner's Fight .
Wraith vs. Fury - Blood .
Goug vs. Fury - Firstblood .
Goug vs. Blue .
Introductory Fights - Mad McKragen .
Tournament - Fury vs. Billl the Galactic Hero .
Tournament - Goug vs. The Prisoner .
Tournament - Goug vs. Fury .
Tournament Final Match! Goug vs. Blue .
Wraith vs. Billl the Galactic Hero (Blood) .
Goug vs. Blue (Normal) .
Billl the Galactic Hero vs. Blue (Blood) .
Tag-Team Tournament Round One: Holy Retortment vs. Jon Striker and Fury .
Tag-Team Tournament Round One: Mad McKregan and Wraith vs. Killjoy and Billl the Galactic Hero .
Tag-Tean Tournament Round Two: Holy Retortment vs. Killjoy and Billl the Galactic Hero .
Tag-Team Tournament Round Two: Wraith and Mad McKregan vs. Jon Striker and Fury .
Tag-Team Tournament Final Round! Holy Retortment vs. Mad McKregan and Wraith .

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