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Specialized Training

Clinical Pastoral Education: clinical experience in individual counseling at Gowanda State Hospital, Helmuth, New York, Summer, 1966. Supervised by the Reverend Mr. Richard Lehman, B.D. Certificate for one quarter clinical traing, and academic credit at Colgate Rochester Divinity School, Professor James Ashbrook, Ph.D., coordinator.

Further course work at State University of New York College at Brockport, in guidance and counseling, psychology, and sociology, 1969-1971.

Marriage Counseling: two year sequence as part of doctoral program combining didactic seminar and supervised clinical experiences in marriage and family counseling at the University of Minnesota Student Counseling Bureau and the Judson Family Center of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Program supervised by Professor Gerhard Nuebeck, Ed.d., 1972 - 1973, 1973 - 1974 academic years.

Teaching at the College Level: didactic seminar and supervised internship in teaching functional family course. Family Social Science Department, University of Minnesota, supervised by Professor Richard N. Hey, Ph.D., September, 1972 through June 1973.

Training in Human Sexuality: Education and Therapy in Sexual Health Care: 450 hour training internship in sexual health care including didactic seminars in research, therapy, and education, and sepervised clinical experiance with individuals, couples, and men's and couples' groups for the treatment of sexual dysfunction and sexual enrichment, at the Program in Human Sexuality of the University of Minnesota Medical School, under the supervision of Professor James W. Maddock, Ph.D., January through August, 1975.

Training through the course, Sexuality and Physical Disability: A Seminar for Trainers of Rehabilitation Counselors and Practitioners, Program in human Sexuality of the University of Minnesota Medical School. Certification as a Stage I Approved Independent Trainer of Sexuality and Physical disability, under the supervision of Theodore Cole, M.D., and Sandra Cole, September, 1976.

Training in Small Group Facilitation: Program in Human Sexuality of the University of Minnesota Medical School. Training in small group facilitation for Sexual Attitude Reassessment Seminars, conducted March through April, 1975. Completion of training and supervised experience as an "A" rated small group facilitator.

Training in Hypnotherapy through course by Nolan Bailey, Sr., Ph.D., Northwest Counseling Services, Washington DC, December, 1982.

Training course on "The New Hypnosis", by Daniel Araoz, Ph.D., Bethesda, Maryland June 26-27, 1982.

Training course on "Hypnotherapy", by T.X.Barber, Ph.D., Arlington Virginia, October 21-22, 1983.

Course, "Diagnosis and Treatment of Sex Offenders", The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Office of Continuing Education, Baltimore, Maryland, February 21-22, 1985.

Course, "Sexual Assault: The Psychology of the Offender, Assessment and Treatment", Forensic Mental Health Associates, A. Nicholas Groth, Ph.D., Baltimore, Maryland, November 25-26, 1985.

Workshop on "Difficult Problems in Sexual Abuse Evaluation and Treatment", Lucy Berliner, Harborview Sexual Assault Center, Seattle, Washington, at The Chesapeake Institute, Kensington, Maryland, September 8, 1986.

Workshop on "Sexual Addiction", by Nancy Dickinson, M.S., Human Sexuality Institute, Washington DC, November 4, 1987.

Continuing Education Experiences: training in role-playing techniques, human relations training, sensitivity training, hypnotherapy, sex therapy, supervision, and group work using experiential techniques.

Television Training Course, by Robert D. Wechter, Television Communicators, Washington DC, May 25, 1987.


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