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Trivia-Coaster Jumble-and Links Page!

This page consist of four parts. Coaster Trivia, coaster jumble, coaster thoughts..., and links.

If you wish to e-mail me on any of these topics, as your subject write either Trivia, or Jumble, if you want your web page with my links tell me about it. Please no banners!

Last Month-

Coaster Trivia! What is the longest wooden coaster west of the Mississippi? Answer is Rattler at Six Flags Fiesta Texas, which is 5080 ft.

Coaster Jumble! Here's an easy one tebas. The answer is Beast

This month-

Coaster Trivia! What is the name of the Boomerang coaster added to Lake Compunce in 1997?

Coaster Jumble! An easy one, kcbal dowiw. Coaster Thoughts has been discontinued due to low turnout.

Coaster Links!

Be it ever so humble...there's no place like home. Click here.
Getting sick of me and my page? Take a break at the best coaster web site (beside mine). Coaster Land U.S.A.!
May I say this is just the GREATEST roller-coaster website around-David Reynoso's THRILLASIS and PERESTROIKA Pages
My favorite Links page, hundreds of coaster links, I use it at least once a day, so check it out!
Tim Melago's links of every park in the world that has a web page-check it out!
