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Q.E.D. in 2003


(top row) Jenn, Kayla, Aubrey, Tina*

(middle row) KatieLyn*, La'Nita, Kara, Lindita*, Nicole

(bottom row) Greta, Christina*, Evan*

* sabre

The following are pictures and information from our 2003 season. As 2002 WGI Independent A Finalists in Dayton, we were promoted to the Open class for 2003, and we had a terrific season. The guard's performance in Dayton was the best yet, and the staff is extremely proud of them. Our 2003 show was entitled "Stained Glass", featuring the music of Dead Can Dance.

Did you know that the different glass colors in a stained glass window have different meanings? White means serenity, peace, faith, innocence. Yellow stands for the good things in life, the treasures of the earth. Blue is a cool color for contemplation & meditation, representing loyalty, eternity, wisdom. Green stands for hope & victory, happiness, good humor and fun. Red is a warm, active color, representing courage, self-sacrifice & martyrdom. Purple, the darkest of the colors, also has the darkest meaning... suffering, mystery, death.

"Floor Painting 101"... don't paint yourself into a corner... LOL



Origin of our Name