Random Act of Kindness of the Month

October 2000


Popular Road School
Menlia Trammell
Teacher grades K-5

From Poplar Rd. we had a hard time selecting just one act of kindness because Treon, Heather, Madeline, and Kayla all were recognized for their kindness', but Kendall H. is the sort of friend who is sensitive to when other people are feeling down, and she was a real comfort to a classmate who had tried out for the school chorus and didn't make it. Part of her caring is sensitivity to how others feel.


P.S. 279
Terry Engelbert
Teacher grade 3

We have only been in school for a short time and already I can tell that Brian Caldwell of Class 3-208 deserves the honor of being our first Random Act of Kindness recipient. Brian is always there to share his supplies with anyone who might have forgotten something at home. Not only is he helpful to his classmates, he is there for me as well. Brian is learning the layout of our classroom so that at the end of the day he can straighten up. I don't need to ask him because he automatically helps me. He is becoming my right hand.
Brian is willing to go the extra yard for his classmates as well as his teacher and for this he is being honored this month






Benton Elementary
Ashley Jones
Teacher - Kindergarten

I would like to nominate Austin Grugett for the Student of the Month. Austin has been so kind to our new student. He has taken her "under his wing". He has helped her learn the school routine and make new friends. He did this on his own without any suggestion from his teachers. This truly makes it a


SeaView School
Gail Henderson
Teacher - grade 3/4/5

Our first honoree is Lori. Lori is very kind and always makes others feel welcome. We have a new student in our class and Lori recently included him in a game of Frisbee she was playing with her friends. This made Billy feel happy and welcome. Excellent, Lori!

Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart
Annie Sanchez
Teacher- grade 8 - U.S. History

My honoree for September is Olga Megrabian. Olga is an 8th grade student at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart in Miami, Florida. I chose to honor Olga for several reasons. First of all, Olga is the kind of student of which every teacher dreams. She is mature, dedicated to her studies, disciplined, and most importantly, she has intellectual curiosity! Secondly, Olga is concerned about the plight of the poor in the world, especially children, and about the rights of women, as she so eloquently mentioned in her Student Council campaign speech. Olga leads by example and truly lives the Sacred Heart goals. Congratulations Olga! All my love, Mrs. Sanchez

Hillcrest Elementary
Katherine Sander
Teacher - grade 3

Michelle is new to the group of students that I looped with to third grade. She quickly adapted to the routines and rituals of our class. One tradition we have is frequently recognizing students who made a difference in our day. Michelle was recognized by her peers for her contribution to the positive class climate, helping keep the class peaceful. In addition Michelle initiated the ritual of passing the monkey's fist to students who are on task, she even quietly reminded the recipients to pass it on after a while. That day was the first time the monkey's fist circulated to many deserving students.



Cement Middle School
Dale Baker
Teacher - grade 6

For September Cement Middle School student Haley Mink is selected for her random acts of kindness. Haley is a 6th grader and is always ready to help others. She helps new students find their classrooms, helps the teacher with taking roll, always has a smiling face to greet everyone, and makes everyone around her cheerful. Thanks to Haley for being kind to those around her.


Cement Middle School
Dale Baker
Teacher - grade 8

For September we would like to honor Felicia Moore. Felicia Moore is always willing to help other students with their work assignments. She is eager to help other students to remember things they need to bring to class, and will give other students things they don't have if she has extra. Felicia is always willing to help her teacher pass out papers, take roll, and run off papers as needed. She is a truly kind person.


J.C. Solmonese Elementary School
Wendy Quinlan
Teacher - Technology - grades 1-3

Raymond is a first grader. He has recently done many random acts of kindness. Brett is a new student in Raymond's first grade class. Miss Andreola is their teacher. Never having attended kindergarten here at JCS in Norton, Brett has been overwhelmed and intimidated by his new surroundings. Raymond has played games with Brett. Raymond has helped Brett separate from his father in the morning. Riding the same bus, Raymond has been a wonderful support to Brett. Just today when Brett entered the class after being driven to school by his dad, Raymond greeted his friend with a big hug. What a way to start the day!


P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher grade 3

Our first honoree this year is a wonderful child! From the first day of school she showed just how special she is. Shannon Cohall is a super student! She always knows the right thing to do and gets it done.
Shannon has taken it upon herself to assist the child who sits next to her. She has been helping her neighbor get organized by helping him keep his binder and desk in order, and keeping him on task. I wasn't even aware of what she was doing because she always manages to have her work done. Everyone should be lucky enough to have someone like Shannon around to help him or her too, including her teacher!

P.S. 279
Antonia Plevritis
Teacher - grade 3

The Random Act of Kindness award for class 3-A325 should go to Nkem Azikiwe. Our class got a new student from Haiti named Andy. Andy doesn't speak English. Nkem has gone out of her way to make Andy feel welcomed. Nkem has helped Andy with lining up, going to lunch and everyday school routines. She even waited with Andy at 3:00 when Andy's mom was not at the gate. Nkem has really shown how a little bit of kindness can really make someone feel a lot more comfortable and less nervous in a new environment.

P.S. 279
Ronnie Falkowitz
Teacher - grade 5

There are two girls in my 5th grade class that deserve the Random Act of Kindness award this month; they are Quynn Brock and Mona Quarless. Both girls helped out their classmate when she got injured. Mona and Quynn took her down to the nurse, stayed with her and comforted her. They are good friends and well deserving of the Random Act of Kindness award. Congratulations girls, keep up the kindness!


Milburn School
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - music

Brittany is a second grader at the Milburn School. She loves to sing and dance. Brittany welcomed the new students to the class. In music she taught them the words to all the songs. Brittany is always willing to lend a helping hand and be a best buddy to all her classmates.

