Random Act of Kindness of the Month

October 2001


Houghton Valley School
Louise Hugtenburg
Teacher - Junior School

      The Junior School wishes to nominate Luuk, Ben and Meleias, who have all shown kindness in different ways. They are always friendly, helpful and kind to their classmates, so this award is well deserved. Congratulations Boys!


Titahi Bay North School
Kathryn Pierre
Deputy Principal
Room 6

      Our nominee for this month received more nominations than anyone else. Her name is Jay Smith. She has been spotted helping other children by assisting them with their work. She always listens to instructions and follows them perfectly. She likes to cheer up people when they feel sad, just by giving them a rub on the back or saying a few kind words. Jay makes everyone in our classroom feel happy!


Benton Elementary
Susan Warren
Teacher - grade 4

      Cody is a most trustworthy person. The other students have confidence that he will always be ready and willing to help them with a problem or just about anything. I also trust him to do extra jobs for me when he has time. I can always count on Cody because I trust him.



Benton Elementary
Kim Anderson
Teacher - grade 4

     The student who is representing my classroom is Shelby Donohoo. I couldn't have chosen a more perfect representative of trustworthiness myself. But I didn't have to, her classmates chose her. I asked the class to vote on the person in our class they felt they could always count on to be trustworthy with important secrets or helping to take care of something valuable of theirs. As I watch Shelby in the classroom, she is trustworthy. I believe her friends can count on her to help them. Shelby respects her teachers and well as her peers. I feel she is worthy of this huge compliment!


Benton Elementary
Melinda Hendley
Teacher - kindergarten

      Rachel is a very dependable and honest student. She gets along well with others and settles conflicts fairly.


Benton Elementary
Candy Chumbler
Teacher - grade 1
      I nominate Christian May. He can be trusted to follow through with his tasks in the room as well as any errand within the building. He always tries real hard to please me and to work to the best of his potential. Christian is a fine example of a trustworthy student.


Poplar Road Elementary
Menlia Trammell
Teacher - grades K-5

      Third grader Cecilia M. and Nicole L. saved $60 over the summer and used that money to purchase bookbags and other school supplies for students who could not afford them. Poplar Road is extremely proud of Nicole's altruistic spirit.


P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher - computer lab

       Cheryl Luft is a 5th grade student who I have had the pleasure of knowing since she was in 3rd grade. She unselfishly gave up time from her summer vacation to help me set up the computer lab. Thanks to her help the school lab was ready for the rest of the students. I'm sure everybody who reaped the rewards of her act of kindness would like to thank her too!




Benton Elementary
Rhonda Long
Teacher - grade 5

      I would like to nominate Lexie Albritton. She is very trustworthy. I trust her each day to pick my daughter up from kindergarten. She also demonstrates this trait daily in the classroom.


Milburn School
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - music
     Max is a 5th grader at Milburn School! He is a high achiever and multitalented individual. Since we now have full day kindergarten, Max spends his lunchtime eating with the kindergarteners and making them feel comfortable with their first school experience. He offers his services at morning line-up, recess, and dismissal as well! Max is an outstanding role model and sets a prime example of what we can all do to make others feel special!


Claxton Elementary
Stacey Fauci
Teacher - grade 2

      The award would have to go to Shanice Pickens, who is always the first to help someone else when they need it. Considering what has happened in our country, I think that is a remarkable trait to have.


 School 6
Ellen Steiner
Teacher - ESL K-5
      I am so proud to name PK as the October honoree. PK came from Slovakia one year ago with no English. He is quite shy, but he reached out to help a fellow countryman. A few weeks ago, a new fifth grade boy from Slovakia came to our school with no English. PK served as my wonderful translator by helping explain homework and important notices. PK has come a long way with his English, and I am very proud of him!


Union Avenue School
Sandra LeVan
Teacher - Grade 2

      Random acts of kindness come in many sizes. No matter what size they are, they make the world a better place. Karl and Matthew are 7 year old boys who always think of helping others. One day Matt held the school door open for the principal! Matt is a very kind boy who loves to help others. Since Karl's mom loves flowers, Karl saved money to buy his mom a vase. He is a compassionate boy who thinks about others first. What wonderful acts these boys have done. We can't wait to see what October will bring.


Benton Elementary
Sue Lepisto
Teacher - grade 2

      My nominee is Krystian Clayton. Here are a few things about Krystian Clayton that make her my pick for the random act of kindness award. She makes good decisions and doesn't cheat. When she finds an item she returns it to the teacher. I know she tries to do the right thing.


Benton Elementary
Vickie Son
Teacher - grade 2

      Trent Parks displays honesty each day in the classroom. I can depend on him to always tell me the truth. He is very kind to his classmates.


Clark Middle School
Sheila Greemore
Teacher - 6th grade science

     On September 19, our school staff and student met outside of our school around our flag pole with city government officials to pray for the people of New York and those working to help. Several students prayed, sang, and parents spoke. Mrs. Jane Holland, school librarian, gave an uplifting speech to help students and staff through this tragic time. Please share our pictures with your students and accept our dearest thoughts and prayers at this time.













Eugene Field School
Terry Smith
Teacher - Grade 4

     Last week, Ryan noticed that someone had left litter on our playground. Other students ignored it and went on playing kickball. Ryan loves kickball, but he left the game and told me about all the litter and asked if he could clean it up. The both of us got busy and before long, several other students were helping.

