Random Act of Kindness of the Month

November 2000


Union School
Merry Barbire,
Teacher grade 7

Our class would like to celebrate an Act of Kindness done by 7th Grader Gio C. We took a trip to the N.J. Performing Arts Center last week and Gio was kind enough to let students off the bus before he exited. Most of the students were rushing to go to lunch but many noticed that Gio waited and let students leave before him. We are trying to use patience and good listening skills this month and Gio definitely used patience with his classmates.


P.S. 279
Terry Engelbert
Teacher grade 3

This month I am going to nominate two boys, Andrew Garvin and Ramon Gayle for the recipients of the Random Act of Kindness of the Month Award. Both boys did wonderful random acts of kindness and it was too tough to just pick one. So, I am honoring both of them
One day last month it was pouring out and Alfred did not have an umbrella or jacket with him. Andrew volunteered to lend him his jacket because he knew Alfred had to long walk home from school, and besides his mom would be picking him up. I couldn't get over this unselfish act and I applaud Andrew for what he did.
My second recipient, Ramon also did something quite outstanding. We were going to have a vocabulary test in a few days, and without being asked he wrote down the words and definitions for William. "William had been out for a few days and would need them to study", said Ramon when asked why he was in William's seat? He just decided to help out a friend. Boy am I glad that William has such a good friend in Ramon.





School No. 6
Ellen Mandel-Steiner
Teacher - ESL K-5

Miss J calls him "my shadow" because he always loves to help her around the classroom with cleaning, projects and bulletin boards. He is RM, and this week he helped Miss J prepare the Halloween display filled with scary witches and other creatures. He never fails to lend a helping hand, and is always polite and well mannered. He is quite the "little gentleman!"


Sea View School
Gail Henderson
Teacher - grade 3/4/5

Devon is our newest "act of kindness honoree". Devon is kind because she includes others in group activities. She recently suggested including a classmate in a group math activity. The other members of the group the idea but Devon was able to convince them. In the end the group worked very well together and everyone got along well and it was a great success. The classmate felt good at being included and Devon's other group members felt happy that it was a good group activity. Way to go, Devon!


Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart
Annie Sanchez
Teacher- grade 8 - U.S. History

My honoree for October is Teresa (Teche) Chamorro. Teche is an 8th grader at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart. Her fantastic grades are evidence of the hard work and effort she has put into her studies this year. Teche is one of the few students who consistently come to office hours when she needs help. Furthermore, she gives of her time in Student Council, and leads by example. It is a pleasure to have Teche in class each day. Congratulations Teche! Love, Mrs. Sanchez

Steele School
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - music
Chris is a second grader at the Steele School. He is a friendly and conscientious student. Chris was assigned to be a buddy to a new student from Russia, who does not speak English. Chris always sits next to him, shows him the right thing to do, and guides him along the way.



Edison Middle School
Shelly Kakouris
Teacher - grade 6

The Winner for Edison Middle School this month is Doug Haresvoort. In our student nominating procedures, several sixth graders recognized Doug for his kind acts and thoughtful efforts. In addition to always being aware of students around him, and their needs, Doug is responsible in his classes. One incident early in the month is typical of Doug's caring attitude. Some boys were picking on a smaller boy at lunch. They stole his lunch, and would not give it back. Doug tried to get the lunch back from the boys, and he made sure the small boy was okay. I congratulate Doug on his great attitude. Thank you, Doug....Keep up the good work!


Winsor Hill Elementary
Donna Doutre
Teacher - grade 3

The student who has been chosen for his consistent kindness to others is Cory Marcelli. He is an eight year old third grader who is always happy, respectful,and helpful. Cory has been a good friend to everyone in the class. He has also made one of our new students feel very welcomed. It is a pleasure to have such a wonderful role model in our classroom.


J.C. Solmonese Elementary School
Wendy Quinlan
Teacher - Technology - grades 1-3

Kayla, a third grader in Mrs. O'Connell's class, should be rewarded for her kindness. Throughout the month she voluntarily put up the chairs of the absent children, she took down notes for children who were called down to the nurse during Social Studies. She also is very eager to help others if they need help during class time. She's an all around sweet girl.
Eric, also a third grader in Mrs. Gilbert's class was recently asked by some teachers to help a first grade girl during a practice Bus Evacuation. The girl has hearing and vision problems and may have had difficulty following along with the procedures without some assistance. Eric handled the request very maturely by showing the little girl where to go, how to follow the line and to wait quietly for the teachers. However, he went beyond the request by encouraging her politely and praising her when the whole event was over. He made sure she was safe and secure. That was a big responsibility for a young man. He handled the job with ease and with maturity and even went above and beyond the call of duty!
Rebecca, a third grader in Mr. Mindes' class has been very kind to students who have lost or forgotten their lunch/milk money. She has lent them the change that they needed. They, in turn, have promptly paid her back. Thank you, Rebecca.
On October 6th, Scott, a second grader from Mrs. Allen's room, happened to find a dollar bill on the floor of the cafeteria. Instead of keeping it, Scott did not hesitate to return it to the adult in charge who in turn tried to find it's owner. We are proud of Scott for being so honest. Honesty is always the best policy! Congratulations Scott.
Kudos to Mrs. Araujo's second grade class for being so kind and helpful to our Project SPOKE class! Her class showed these special needs children how to function in the Art room.


P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher grade 3

My selection for our honoree this month is Joseph DeJesus. Joseph is a joy to be around! He is always kind to everyone and ready to lend a helping hand.
It is such a joy to be his teacher knowing he is always eager to learn and to do the right thing. He certainly sets an example for all students to follow!

P.S. 279
Antonia Plevritis
Teacher - grade 3

Hadiatou Bah of class 3-A325 deserves the Random Act of Kindness of the Month award. I have seen Hadiatou help her neighbor pack up, fix and organize their desk and make sure her neighbor has the right books for homework. The best part about this is Hadiatou does this without disturbing me or her classmates. Congratulations!


Popular Road School
Menlia Trammell
Teacher grades K-5

Fourth grader Kayla A. is thoughtful and considerate. Not only does she go out of her way to be thoughtful of her classmates daily, but recently we had a Spanish speaking new student to join our class. Kayla has been a peer and a pal to assist in and out of class and make our new friend at ease and welcome here at Poplar Road.


Westside Middle School
Sheilah Barnett
Teacher grades 6, 7, 8

My nominee for this month is Justin Bagwell. I run the school store and there was a boy who accidentally laid his $10 bill on the table. Justin found it and gave it back to the boy. He is always polite when I wait on him.
