Random Act of Kindness of the Month

May 2000


Seneca Ridge Middle School
Judy Engel
Teacher grade 6-8

The Random Act of Kindness winner for the month of May is Alison, an eighth grader at our school. Kelly, also an eighth grader, nominated her because Alison volunteers at a hospital. Alison has been volunteering at the hospital for a few months now. She goes into the hospital about every two weeks to make baby baskets for the newborn babies and she also visits people in the hospital that do not have their family with them.

Written by Daniel, Secretary of the F.C.C.L.A.


P.S. 279
Terry Engelbert
Teacher grade 3

It was very difficult to select one student for the Random Act of Kindness of the Month Award because this month two students stood out in my mind. They are Ambre Farrington and Maggie May Turchio. I am nominating these two children.
At lunch time the children bring down a book to read. It is expected of them. One day the principal was in, and was disappointed in the amount of children who did not have one. Children started to get pulled out. Ambre quickly lent a child in another class a book to read, so that that child would not get into trouble. The two girls aren't even friends, but what a wonderful way to begin a special friendship. I am sure the girl in 3-206 is grateful to Ambre. I was so proud of her when I heard this.
Maggie May Turchio is always around to share her supplies with children who may need them. She will also give up her own supplies so that others will have something to use. Now, Maggie May is sharing supplies. What an incredible child!







Valley H.S.
Kathy Dennis
Teacher - Health

Rosa Guerrero is Valley High School's "Random Acts Of Kindness" student of the month nominee for May. Rosa is a junior and is very involved in student activities and maintains a grade point average of 3.67. She often volunteers her free time on Saturdays,and other times, to work in her community for various volunteer service activities. Often she invites her friends along to help out too. She has contributed more than 100 hours of her time to the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana and in community service projects through FLAMA Club, Future Leaders of America Minors Association.


Steele School
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - music

Frank A. is a 6th grader at the Steele School in Baldwin. He recently acquired the part of one of Joseph's brothers in our production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, at the last minute. Frank gives up all his free time to insure a successful production. He's truly a dedicated and devoted student, who thinks of others first!


P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher grade 3

My honoree this month is Jabari LeGendre. He is not nominated for any one deed, but for his everyday goodness. If anyone seems troubled or hurt, Jabari will be there to see how he can help and make things better. He is a very kindhearted boy who has a wonderful sense of righteousness. He's just a joy to know!

