Random Act of Kindness of the Month

March 2001


Union School
Merry Barbire,
Teacher - grade 7

There is a student in our school that is very kind and on top of that is a leader of other students. During the month of February many students had gathered after school in an area that was off limits. Instead of allowing his fellow students to get in trouble he went to them and reminded them to move on so that they would not be in violation of the school's policy.
We are very lucky to have Brendan C. as a classmate in our school. Thanks Brendan . . . keep up the good work!


Sea View School
Gail Henderson

Grade 3/4/5

Teresa is our new "kindness" honoree. Teresa is a nice, kind, polite and caring person. She helps a student in our class with special needs. She makes sure he is safe and she likes to help him with some of his work. Teresa always treats her friends with respect.  


School No. 6
Ellen Mandel-Steiner
Teacher - ESL K-5

VG hails from El Salvador. She is smart, well behaved and always cooperative in class. Whenever a child has to visit the nurse, she is only too happy to accompany them. I can always depend on VG to help with jobs or a sick child. Because she is so sweet, it is only natural that she gave me a delicious cupcake from her dad's bakery and a beautiful card on Valentine's Day. She's my valentine anytime!

P.S. 279
Terry Engelbert
Teacher - grade 3

Xinia Sampson is this month's recipient for the Random Act of Kindness Award. She is a very hard working student who always puts her best foot forward. Whenever I need help, Xinia is there to help me out. Not only is she an aid to me, but also if someone wants or needs her she will always help them out. Class 3-208 is lucky to have such a goodhearted person as Xinia Sampson.


 J. C. Solmonese Elementary School
Wendy Quinlan
Teacher - Technology - grades 1-3
Sydney, a second grader from Mrs. Araujoís class, has been extremely kind and generous towards Katie on numerous occasions. Sydney goes out of her way to include Katie during play time and specials. Sydney is always there to lend Katie a helping hand.
Michelle is a first grade student in Mrs. Dennettís class. Michelle is kind and friendly to all of her classmates and teachers. She is always asking to be a helper around the classroom. She helps her classmates when they are having difficulty. She helps pass out papers and clean the room. Michelle has nothing but kind and encouraging words to share. She shares her snacks as well. Michelle is easy to get along with and fun to be around. She is wonderful, caring, sweet girl!
Sarah is a kindergarten child in Mrs. Klineís morning class. When Caitlin, a new student, moved into our class, Sarah realized that Caitlin didn't have a Valentine cardholder like everyone else. Sarah went home and made her a special Valentine cardholder to welcome Caitlin so that she would not feel left out. Sarah also made our new student a beaded bracelet with her name on it which was an added surprise inside of the cardholder.
Sarah, a student in the first grade, gave Mrs. Condon a big pink flamingo for Christmas. Aniqua, another first grader, loved that flamingo. Aniqua is moving to a new school and a new town. Mrs. Condon tried to find another pink flamingo for Aniqua. Sarah told Mrs. Condon it was OK to give Aniqua the flamingo and Aniqua was so happy! It was so kind of Sarah.

Steele School
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - music
Deanna is a talented third grader at Steele School. She enjoys singing and dancing. Deanna is currently preparing for her spring concert. On her own time, she practices the song lyrics with students who speak little or no English. Deanna is always a team player and serves as a positive role model.


P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher grade 3

 My honoree this month is Tershone Phillips. Tershone is a very special child! She can always be counted on to do the right thing and help out whenever there is the need. Tershone's reputation is known by many. When teachers need a reliable helper they come and ask if she can help them. Not only does Tershone help; she doesn't miss a beat with her schoolwork. She always manages to do it all. She is an excellent student and a wonderful person. In my eyes Tershone is an award winner every month!


Poplar Rd. Elementary
Menlia Trammell
Teacher grades K-5
Poplar Road Elementary's Student Council has been collecting pop can tabs for recycling by the Ronald McDonald House for families of critically ill children. In January the students personally took 120 pounds of tabs to the house and toured the home.


St. Kevin School
Maureen Swanson
Teacher - grade 4

This month's special student is Christian. He was having some trouble with Math on Thursday, but by Friday he understood it well. Friday was Domenic's day to have trouble with fractions so Christian started to work with him on his mistakes. Before you knew it, there was a little group of kids helping Domenic. Caring is contagious!


Benton Elementary
Ashley Jones
Teacher- Kindergarten

My honorees for March are Wesley Neal, Cole Riley, Kelcie Blackwell, and Erica McWilliams. They all do their best work, are courteous, and help others in need. They are a delight to have in the classroom.


Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart
Annie Sanchez
Teacher-Grade 8, U.S. History

My honoree for the month of March is Gaby McBride. Gaby is an 8th grader at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart in Miami, Florida. I would like to honor Gaby because she exhibits all of the qualities that teachers look for in a child. She is disciplined, mature, well mannered and very responsible. Her quiet demeanor and sweet smile reflect a deep faith and love for her family and friends. I would especially like to commend Gaby for showing such incredible strength and courage during a difficult time for her family.
Congratulations Gaby! Your family, especially your mom, should be very proud! I know I am! Love, Mrs. Sanchez



Wilson Middle/High School
Maureen Mahar
Library Media Specialist

The student that I would like to nominate is Carly. Carly is a junior, and in the fall of 2000, one of her best friends was in a terrible car accident. In order to show her support for her friend, she organized a community quilt project. She was able to collect 88 squares from people in the school and the community, and the result was a beautiful quilt that her friend used as she recovered.
