Random Act of Kindness of the Month

March 2000


St. Joseph School
Debra Murray
Teacher grade 5

This is Erin Chapman. She is a 12 year old grade 6 student at St. Joseph Elementary School in Sydney Mines, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Our class sent out a Y2K challenge to all of the classes in our school to raise 2000 pennies for a local children's hospital. Many classes, like ours, are raising much more. Erin ( and Natasha who was too shy to be pictured here) volunteered to roll and box pennies in their free time. Thanks to Erin's random act of kindness, we'll be able to keep track of money raised more easily and practice math too!!!!!


P.S. 279
Terry Engelbert
Teacher grade 3

Danielle Wilkins is in my third grade class and she gave someone an incredible Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day, while filing away some papers, Danielle found a beautiful gold bracelet and immediately showed it to me. She remembered an announcement being made asking if anyone found a gold bracelet and she asked if she could go to the office to turn it in. I am sure the owner is grateful to Danielle.
Danielle, you did a very special act of kindness and I am so very proud of you. Keep it up and I am sure you are an inspiration to your classmates and friends.





North Shore Hebrew Academy
Mrs. Krimko
Teacher grade 1

J ñ Joins in cooperatively in class activities.
O ñ Open to learning new things.
S ñ Shares his school supplies and snacks.
H ñ Helps other children.
U ñ Understands what it means to be a good friend.
A ñ Always is considerate of his classmates feelings.

R ñ Really tries her best.
E ñ Enjoys sharing with her classmates.
B ñ Brings sweetness to our day.
E ñ Everyone likes Rebecca.
C ñ Cares about other people.
C ñ Cooperative in our class.
A ñ Always willing to share.


P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher grade 3

Quite accidentally I found out that we had a "Desk Fairy" in our class. Jessica Rose took it upon herself to straighten out her neighbor's desk. She did such a wonderful job that I asked her if she would help out another classmate in need. Without hesitation she dashed over and went to work. Her actions have inspired others to help out their neighbors too. Through Jessica's random act of kindness she has made our class a nicer and neater place for all of us. Good going Jessica!  







Thurgood Marshall School
Mrs. McEnroe
Teacher grade 1

 Yante Williams is six years old and a student in Mrs. McEnroe's first grade class. Yante's favorite subject is Math and she's always willing and ready to help her classmates with their math work. She especially enjoys helping others in class with problem solving. She's always ready to drop everything and give help to anyone who needs it at anytime. We're very lucky to have her in our class and are proud to name her as March honoree.


Milburn School
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - Music
Lauren Fischetti is in 6th grade of the Milburn School. Lauren is a very talented and valuable member of the Milburn Drama Club. She voluntarily organizes materials, helps fellow students with their lines and songs, and she leads the ensemble brilliantly. For all these reasons I am choosing her as our honoree this month.
