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November 2003.html

Random Act of Kindness of the Month

November 2003


P.S. 279
Rosalie Azzopardi
Teacher - Grade 3
        This month‚our Random Act of Kindness award goes to Leslie Thornhill of class 3-204. Since September Leslie has shown good citizenship by cleaning up the lunchroom table after his class is done eating. Leslie has never been asked to do this; he has just taken on the responsibility so that the next class will have a clean table.


St. Thomas Aquinas School
Celeste Davis
Teacher - grade 4

         The fourth grade student at St. Thomas Aquinas School chosen this month is Brooke Baumgartel.  Brooke exhibits a positive attitude at school every day.  She is contantly helping out around the classroom.  She always puts her best effort in everything that she does.  Recently Brooke spent a Saturday morning picking up garbage and debris at one of our local beaches.  I think her family has influenced and supported her belief in the benefits of random acts of kindness because her mother recently offered to show parents and children how to knit healing shawls for cancer patients.  The group meets once a week.  Not only is it important for all of us to support one another but it is fantastic when a family works together to make the world better.

Palmerston Public School  
Marcia Williamson
Teacher - Grade 2.

        Our class voted for Anastasia this month. She's been nice and helpful to other children in the class. She is always ready for the next activity. She helped Michaela clean her desk. She helped Angelika find her spelling letters. She plays nicely. She tries to play with children who feel left out. She remembers to say thank you.



Steele School
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - Music

         All the coughing and sneezing around school finally got to me and I had trouble singing all week long! So this month we salute fourth grader Jacqueline for taking it upon herself to sing for me. Not only did she lead all the songs with her class but she stayed into the next period to sing with kindergarteners who are first learning how to sing. Jaqui's talent, enthusiasm and willingness to lend a voice makes her my monthly celebrity!


 P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher - computer lab

         This month I would like to nominate two students for the Random Act of Kindness award. Christopher Patacsil and Kevin Peng are in Mrs. Mondone's 4th grade class. They have volunteered to be the monitors for the computer lab. They arrive at school early each day so they can clean the computers and make sure all the machines are ready for the first class. They have given up their free time to make the lab a nicer place for all the classes in the school. They also brighten up my day with their winning smiles and cheerful demeanor. Way to go guys!


Alton R-IV Elementary School
Julie R. Thompson
3rd Grade eMINTS Teacher

        Our Random Acts of Kindness Student for October is Dexter.   During collaborative and online activities, Dexter is always cooperative and shares with others.  He is kind and shows great respect to all of his classmates.  We are honored by the  wonderful artistic contributions he lends to each of our class projects.  Dexter created this beautiful drawing of the Mayflower.  Congratulations Dexter!


South Effingham Elementary School
Cynthia Exley
Teacher - grade 3

        Dakota is no doubt our most helpful student this month. Dakota is very concerned with doing his work at school correctly and then he reaches out to the other students to help them with their work and tries to help them with their behavior. He doesn't like to see other children get into trouble, so he reminds them when they're doing the wrong thing. He stands up for what he thinks is right. Dakota is an A+ student when it comes to others!!



E.O.Green Junior High
Blanca Garibay
Teacher - grade 6

        The student I would like to honor this month is Manuel, a 6th grade student at E.O.Green Junior High School in Oxnard, California. Our classroom gets a student visitor everyday for about 2 hours a day. That visitor is a special needs child who needs some assistance through out the time he is in our classroom. Well, Manuel totally caught me off guard when he just got upclear across the room and started helping him finish a classroom project. But, what surprised me the most was his kind, patient heart. He carefully told him each step of the way in a very warm way. Because of Manuel's mannerism, our visitor finished his project with enough time to start on the classroom activity. I just want to thank him for his kind gesture and the best part is I didn't even have to ask him to help he just got up and assisted him. He witnessed he was having difficulty and did not think twice to help out a fellow student.



Guyton Elementary School
Debbie Johnson
Teacher - grade 2

         This month we honor Zachary Rodrigues. Zachary is very helpful in our classsroom. He always follows the rules and is very polite to other students and teachers alike. However, the reason we honor him this month is because of his work with a special student in our class. Zack is a peer partner to a special needs student and works very diligently with him. Zack is patient and kind. He really helps the class by taking the time to assist others. THANK YOU, Zack!
