May 2004.html

Random Act of Kindness of the Month

May 2004


P.S. 279
Rosalie Azzopardi
Teacher - Grade 3
        This month the Random Act of Kindness Award will be presented to two children from Astral 3-204. The children are Shaidey Arrington and Marlon Gordon. Shaidey helped keep her school clean by picking up garbage left in the hallway and throwing it out. Marlon found a part of a teacher's bulletin board lying on the floor and returned it to the teacher instead of ignoring it as some others already had. He knew the teacher had worked very hard putting the bulletin board together. Congratulations to both of Astral 3-204's good citizens!

St. Thomas Aquinas School
Celeste Davis
Teacher - grade 4
        The honoree for this month's Random Act of Kindness from St. Thomas Aquinas School in Fairfield, Connecticut is Peter DeCarlo.  Peter is the type of student that every teacher loves to have.  He is an excellent student, kind and considerate.  He listens to directions and follows through with any task that he is given.  If he has a question he patiently waits his turn, he is always polite.  He is a good friend to his classmates.  He always puts forth his best effort and offers encouragement to his classmates.  I am proud of him and I know that he will continue to do well in school.  He has very high expectations for himself and I know that he will follow through with his dreams.



 P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher - computer lab

         I would like to honor Ishante, from class 1-116, for the Random Act of Kindness of the Month award. When the class came in one day Ishante followed directions and turned on his computer and was ready to play, but he didn't. His classmate, Justin R. needed help and could not proceed on his own. Ishante would not play his own game until he helped his friend so he could play too. That was a very unselfish act for a little boy. Congratulations Ishante!

South Effingham Elementary School
Cynthia Exley

Teacher - grade 3

        Jeremy is our honoree for the random act of kindness award. Jeremy has been making excellent grades and trying hard to do his best. He is very concerned with learning what he needs to learn and doing his work correctly and neatly. Then, when he finishes his own work, he tries to help other children who are having difficulty ‚ whether it is class work or any other problems they are having. If he‚ not helping someone, he‚ working on a project or reading a book to meet an AR goal. He is a one of a kind student ‚one any teacher would love to have! Congratulations, Jeremy!
