Random Act of Kindness of the Month

May 2002


Feltonville Elementary
Cathleen Conner
Teacher - Grade 1

       Our nominee for this month's random act of kindness is Jennifer Kim. Jennifer always has a smile on her face when she comes to school. She is always willing to help her teacher or classmates with any projects that we are completing. Jennifer comes into school early to help out also. She puts the chairs down for me and helps prepare for our day. Jennifer is an asset to any classroom. Everyone loves her. Way to go Jennifer!  


Claxton Elementary School
Stacey Fauci
Teacher-grade 2

       Our Random Acts of Kindness honorees for this month are Eva, Kara and Macon. They helped a classmate reach his Accelerated Reader goal by going over the list of books he read and encouraging him to take the tests so he could go to our Pizza and Movie Party. Good going, girls!


J.O.Schulze Elementary School
Megan Fall

       Justin is such a sweet young man. He always goes out of his way to help his friends. If one of his friends is having trouble, then he always politely asks if he can help them. If one of his friends does not have a certain color crayon, he always lets them borrow his. Justin always brightens my day with his hugs and numerous compliments. I am so proud of Justin for always trying his best in everything that he does. Justin Walker is a role model for my Kindergarten class.


P.S. 279
Rosalie Pallante
Teacher - Grade 3

       Daniel Reid of Astral 3-204 would like to nominate Ariell for the Random Act of Kindness of the Month award. Daniel says whenever he is crying Ariell is always there to cheer him up. That's why he chose to give her the award. Don't we all wish we had an Ariell in our lives too!


 School 6
Ellen Steiner
Teacher - ESL K-5

       LV is my honoree for May. She is in the first grade and hails from Slovakia. LV has a wonderful heart because she likes to draw me pretty pictures and the message, "I love you." She is always there to help pick up pencils, collect papers and other classroom duties. LV always comes to class well-behaved and anxious to participate. I can't tell you what a pleasure it is to have her in class!  

Steele School
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - music
       Sean is a multitalented fifth grader graduating this year from the Steele School. Sean portrayed Circus McGirkus in our school production of "Seussical the Musical." If a student couldn't make rehearsal one day, Sean made it his business to find those students when they returned to school and fill them in on what they missed as well teach it to them. He took his performance as seriously as the rehearsals. His fine qualities and dedication to our drama club ensured a successful production! Bravo Sean and join the circus!  


P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher - computer lab

       My nominee for the Random Act of Kindness of the Month is a special little girl in class 1-109. When the class was leaving the computer lab Brittany remained. She took it upon herself to check each desk to see if everyone remembered to take his or her headphones. She is a very thoughtful and mature first grader. I'm sure her classmates agree!  


Black's Mill Elementary School
Mrs. Keasler
Teacher - Grade 4

       Students in our class have decided Pink Panther (code name) should be choosen for May's Random Act of Kindness. The students say they have observed Pink Panther being nice all year. She tries to help everyone in any way she can. She hasn't broken any rules and tries hard to do a good job with her school work. Students also say she is always nice, kind, smart, fair, and generous! She helps people all the time! The students agreed Pink Panther is always committing Random Acts of Kindness.
