June 2003

Random Act of Kindness of the Month

June 2003


P.S. 279
Rosalie Azzopardi
Teacher - Grade 3
        Christopher Patacsil receives this month's Random Act of Kindness award based on his classmates' votes, that he is always helpful with homework advice when they call him. He also always helps act as a peer tutor without complaining. Chris is an important part of this class and we appreciate him.


Claxton Elementary School
Stacey Caskey
Teacher - grade 2

        Our RAOK for this month is Britton. Britton goes out of her way to settle disagreements between her classmates because she wants everyone to be friends. She is a very giving and kind child and knows the true meaning of friendship!

Titahi Bay North School
Kathryn Pierre
Deputy Principal
Room 6
        Congratulations to our June Kindness Award winners! They are Jammee, Evelyn, Frazer and Jacob. We've nominated them because they have been working really hard on their social skills lately. We've noticed that they make special efforts to play nicely with others and share their special things. We are really proud of our winners and very excited that so many lovely people can be found in Room 6! Keep it up!


Steele School
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - Music

        Michael is graduating from the Steele School in a few weeks. Michael generously lent his time and made sure that everything was in place for our Memorial Day Parade. He put our school vests on hangers, shined up our parade hats, polished up the instruments and attached parade sheet music to them. Unfortunately, it rained all Memorial Day and our parade was canceled. Michael returned to school on Tuesday and was ready to pack away our costumes and music for next years students! What a guy!


 P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher - computer lab

        My honorees this month for the Random Act of Kindness award goes to two students in Alert 4-305. The class just learned how to do a new procedure in HyperStudio and some were having difficulty with it. Quamari and Ashley succeeded at the task at hand and completed their projects. They were free to use the remaining time in the period as they desired. Instead of playing games they chose to help their classmates who were having problems. They proved to be very helpful and made my job much easier. They set an example for all students to follow!
