January 2006.html

Random Act of Kindness of the Month

January 2006


P.S. 279
Rosalie Azzopardi
Teacher - Grade 3
        This month's Random Act of Kindness of the Month award goes to Kristin Wiggins of class 3-204. Kristin showed compassion and friendship when another student was crying because her feelings were hurt. Kristin searched her bookbag for tissues and told the other student everything would be alright. Kristin set a good example for the rest of the class to follow.


Claxton Elementary School
Stacey Caskey
Teacher - Grade 4

         Our RAOK honoree for this month is Savannah. Savannah has lost an important member of her family and has been incredibly strong and supportive to the rest of her friends and family.

Steele School
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - Music

        Since this is the season for working together and bringing holiday cheer, I am celebrating all of the Steele School families who contributed and donated coats, jackets, scarves and mittens to the "Coats for Kids" program. Each day in December, students brought in both new and old winter coverups for those who do not have or can't afford their own. Giving coats to our fellow needy families keeps them warm outside and at the same time, gives our Steele School families that warm loving feeling inside.


 P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher - computer lab

         This month's Random Act of Kindness honor is awarded to my lab monitors, Justine and Carlton. These two 4th graders come to school early almost everyday to prepare the computers for the classes that use them. They help me make sure they are in working order and dustfree. In addition to these duties, Justine spends one of her lunch periods in the lab to help with a kindergarten classes. Having and extra pair of hands helps the children master the new skills they learn each week.
         Thanks to Justine and Carlton's hard work so many children are able to enjoy our school's computer lab. Thank you!

Redland Elementary School
Jennifer Diaz
Teacher - Grade 2

        This month Mrs. Diaz's class honors Austin Johnson for the Random Act of Kindness award. Austin Johnson has been an excellent example of outstanding classroom behavior. He has been on task, follows directions, cleans up his area, and is ready to learn each morning. Congratulations and keep up the good work!
