Rosalie Azzopardi
Teacher - Grade 3
month's award goes to Brittany Joseph because she is
generous and kind to everyone. Recently, she helped a
classmate with a problem. Brittany is a great role
S. 279
Barbara Borsare
Teacher - Grade 2
Thorpe is nominated for the Random Act of Kindness. She
does nice things for her classmates. She shares her
snacks and she lets them borrow things from her. She is
always polite.
Steele School
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - Music
had an amazing helper this year named Danielle who is a
fifth grader at Steele School. She is responsible for
organizing and collecting both food and small presents
for our needy families in our community. Her dedication
and devotion to this school project made the holidays
even more special for her family and friends. If for some
reason Santa can't make it next year, just call
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher - computer lab
I would like to honor all my students for creating
original postcards for the soldiers in Iraq. It was very
heartening to read their messages to the soldiers. I'm
sure whoever received the cards will have a little piece
of home to tide them over until they are back in the
U.S.A. I'm proud to say we sent close to 300 cards in
time for the holidays. Way to go P.S. 279!
Claxton Elementary
Stacey Caskey
Teacher - grade 4
RAOK honoree for this month is Teresa. Teresa had to stay
back from our trip and was unbelievably helpful to the
substitute all week. We are all very proud of you,
Eagle's Aerie School
Mike Hart
Teacher - Grade 6
School wanted to recognize Bryce S. a 6th grader at
Eagle's Aerie School in Gilbert. Bryce decided after the
Thanksgiving holiday that she wanted to help the homeless.
She was not asked or required in any way to do this, but she
organized a spare change drive to be given to the poor or
needy during Christmas time. Our class (& School)
regularly discusses ways for us to become better citizens,
but Bryce applied the discussions into a very good cause.
Thank you Bryce for being a good citizen and having a kind