January 2006.html

Random Act of Kindness of the Month

February 2006


P.S. 279
Rosalie Azzopardi
Teacher - Grade 3
        This month's Random Act of Kindness award goes to Robert Allen of class 3-204. Robert is a very good role model for his classmates. He avoids arguing with others by always trying to resolve things peacefully. He is a good example of a peace builder.


Claxton Elementary School
Stacey Caskey
Teacher - Grade 4

         Our RAOK honoree is Breanna. She was very honest about an incident that happened on the playground. It took a lot of character and courage for her to tell the truth.

Steele School
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - Music

        This month I'd like to recognize the students of Milburn School for collecting "Pennies For Ponies" in order to restore a historical carousel and return it back to Baldwin where it revolved at Nunley's, a now closed small Baldwin amusement park. The students were determined to collect funds especially since their parents, grandparents and teachers were frequent Nunley's guests. The carousel is currently being stored in Melville, Long Island. Our students hope that our funds aid the town carousel rehabilitation and that one of the carousel horses will be named "Milburn!"


 P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher - computer lab

         I would like to honor an entire class for the Random Act of Kindness of the Month award. I introduced Mrs. Zacharia's kindergarten class to a new website today, full of learning games. After I demonstrated some, the children were allowed to work on their own. As I walked around the room I couldn't help but notice how many children were actively helping their classmates with the applications. It was so wonderful to see how the children took the time to work cooperatively. K-A125 certainly sets a example for the entire school!

P.S. 175 - The City Island School
Terry Maryl
AIS Interventionist/Staff Developer K-3

        I would like to nominate Peter Rock from Class 2M as the RAOK recipient for this month. He truly helped out his friend Christopher in two separate instances. Christopher's shoes fell off and he was having a hard time getting them right. Peter took over and solved the Chris' dilemma. Then Christopher lost his place on the lunch line and this aggravated Christopher. Peter saw this and empathized with Christopher and told Christopher to take his place on the lunch line. Christopher thanked his new friend and Peter was thrilled to be able to make someone feel good. The two boys are there for each other.
