February 2003
Claxton Elementary
School William
T. is our honoree this month. He is such a great role
model for the other children and is always there to help
out anyone who needs it. We are proud of you,
William! Kalee and Laura are good friends - to
each other and to others. When a student needs help or a
"boost," they are there to help out. Last month they left a
bag of treats for a student at his desk as a way to show
their support for him and to encourage him to do his best.
Their class mates appreciate their kindness. Southwest Accelerated
Elementary Shannon is always nice and helpful.She
follows the 6 pillars of character. She always listens and
is respectful when other people are talking. She is quiet in
the classroom and tries to do her best. P.S. 279
Elementary Congratulations Jonathan! Random Acts of Kindness Winner! P.S. 279 Steele
School St. Anne Catholic
Mrs. Boff
Teacher - grade -5 I nominate Myranda F. for the
February winner of the Random Acts of Kindness. Myranda
exhibits the 3 R's in our school code of conduct--she is
Responsible Respectable and Ready to learn. Myranda is
such a peacemaker with children and accepts all students
in her class as her friend.
Stacey Caskey
Teacher - grade 2
Camilla Ingram
Teacher - grade 5
Ruth Kem
Teacher - Grade 4
Sam is always kind and never gives up. He follows the 6
pillars of character. He helps other students and is nice to
everyone. He always gets his work done on time and is
respectful to his classmates.
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher - computer lab I
am proud to honor a very honest young lady this month.
Shelby, of 3-A326, performed a very noble random act of
kindness. We were in a special assembly when Shelby
raised her hand to tell me she found a wallet. Inside
there was a lot of money, yet she did not hesitate to
turn it in. She made the owner of the wallet very thankful. I'm proud to know such a fine student!
Kristin Clark
Teacher - Grade 4
Jonathan was chosen as the Random Acts of Kindness winner
because he has become more responsible with his work and
notes. Jonathan also shows respect for the teachers, class,
and substitutes. He follows the Six Pillars of Character.
Way to Go!!
Rosalie Azzopardi
Teacher - Grade 3 Class 3-204 and Mrs.
Azzopardi would like to give this month's Random Act of
Kindness award to two students: Sherelle Thomas and
Nestor Carter. Sherelle always shares her snacks at lunch
with her classmates, and doesn't ask for anything in
return. Nestor always picks up after his classmates when
they drop things on the floor. He doesn't want them to be
upset because they lost something.
Angie Bell
Teacher of the Gifted - Grade 2-5 I'd like to nominate Chase
Heier, a fourth grader at Jewett School of the Arts. What
impresses me about Chase is his consistent politeness and
respectfulness. I have noticed this week how he tries to
include others. We have a small group and he gets them to
all sit together. He is a good classmate to have and good
role model.
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - Music Roydel is an
outstanding 4th grader at the Steel School. He is a
multitalented athlete, artist and musician. Roydel helped
his fellow students prepare a presentation for the Dr.
Martin Luther King Day assembly. He encouraged other
classmates to make the world a better place through
music. His generosity and desire for learning make our
school a beautiful environment for all!
Menlia Trammell
Teacher - grades K-5 Poplar Road Elementary
students Anna and Emily L, sisters, gave their Christmas
gift certificate they had received totaling $75 to a
Poplar Road family whose house burned in January. They
exemplify the spirit and character of caring and
generosity of which we're proud.
Terro La Masa
Teacher - Grade 2 My honoree is Renzo Marchini
for helping the teacher every day after school straighten
up the classroom without being asked.