Random Act of Kindness of the Month

February 2002


P.S. 279
Terry Engelbert
Staff Developers - Project READ

        Lindsay Petiote, a third grader in Mrs. Hyams' third grade class, is my nominee for the Random Act of Kindness Award. I was on my way to a grade conference carrying a crate of materials and I couldn't open the door. Lindsay asked if I needed help and before I could say anything ... the door was opened. Chivalry isn't dead! Thank you Lindsay.



Benton Elementary
Melinda Hendley
Teacher - Kindergarten

        Megan is a very loving and giving child. She loves to play with all her friends in Kindergarten.








William Davison Elementary School
Mrs. Lorol Brackx
Teacher - grade 4 & 5

        The newly elected Executive Officers of MicroSociety at Davison are this month's nominees for the Act of Kindness recognition. Theses students are true leaders who are showing other students what it means to be a Pillar of Character and show kindness and respect. They have found students in the halls who were unsure of where they worked, taken them by the hand, and walked them to there room. They have worked on a Clean Up Program to make our school a better place, and are passing out "Caught Being Good" sheets to students who do the right thing. They also have helped younger students fill out new job applications when they were unsure of what to do. The officers this month have demonstrated many different acts of kindness. They are: Lillan Tripp, Kya Spurlock, Jamisha Norris, Ahmodul Hoque, Jac'queal Cook, and Lamar Walk. Congratulations all and keep up the good work!


P.S. 279
Mary Pasquariello

        I would like to honor Felicia Dixon for the Random Act of Kindness of the Month. She found $1.00 by the auditorium and brought it to the office so we could locate the owner.



P.S. 279
Estelle Leviton
Teacher - grades 5

        Three students from A5-309 have great big hearts which won't go unnoticed! Lorenzo Brown, Jamaal Davis, and Daniel Edwards were helping our staff get donations after the loss of Michele Keller's husband. They were assigned different floors of P.S. 279 to reach the staff. It was brought to my attention that each student placed their own money in the envelope as "they felt badly for the loss of a loved one and wanted to do something!" They truly exemplified an act of kindness!


Steele School
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - music
        Adam is a third grader at the Steele School! His class just began playing the recorder in music! Adam is a multitalented musician who is the best recorder player in the entire third grade! During recess and class activity time, Adam offers musical assitance to third graders having difficulty playing their new instrument! He makes sure they're not overblowing and that they are covering the recorder holes with the correct fingers! Adam is truly a dedicated friend to all!


P.S. 279
Rosalie Pallante
Teacher - grade 3

        Christopher Foster and Todd Edwards from Astral 3-204 deserve the Random Act of Kindness. Everyday at lunch, these two boys stay behind and make sure their lunch table is left clean. They make sure any books left behind are returned to their classmates as well.  



P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher - computer lab

        I saw a wonderful act of kindness performed by Andre James of class 3-202. When the class was leaving the lab he noticed someone left their lunch on the floor. He took the time to pick it up and give it to the person who forgot it. Thanks to Andre someone didn't have to go hungry that day! Andre then decided to see if anything else was left and sure enough he found some folders. What a responsible and caring young man!
