December 2003.html

December 2003.html

Random Act of Kindness of the Month

December 2003


P.S. 279
Jodi Kalb
Teacher - Grade 1
         The child I would most like to choose for his random acts of kindness is Justin Francis of 1-116. He is always willing to help another classmate out by sharing his pencils and crayons. He is wonderful while working in small groups as well as contributing great ideas to large classroom discussions. He has succeeded in learning how to read yet is not overly boastful about it. He loves to help someone sound out their words without making them feel less of a reader. Congratulations Justin F! I am very proud of you. Keep up the good work.



St. Thomas Aquinas School
Celeste Davis
Teacher - grade 4

        The honoree from St. Thomas Aquinas school in Fairfield, Connecticut for the month of December is Luke McCrory. Luke is constantly on the look out for things that would interest our class. He often brings in newspaper articles about current events or things that we are studying in class. His contributions to our classroom discussions enable us to learn more about the world around us. His parents also support and take an active interest in his education. We are fortunate to have a student like Luke in our fourth grade class.

Palmerston Public School  
Marcia Williamson
Teacher - Grade 2.

         Our December nominee is Hayley. She helps kids spell hard words. She helped Malik a lot this month. She's very patient when she helps people with their work. She helps people when they get hurt. She makes people smile when she runs up and gives them a big hug. When someone is sad, she puts her arm around them and tries to cheer them up. And when people don't have anyone to play with, she plays with them.



Steele School
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - Music

         Asia is a fifth grader at the Steele School.  Besides being an outstanding student, dancer, artist and musician, she is also the student council president.  Asia was in charge of our school's Thanksgiving food drive.  As the students brought in their canned goods to school, Asia sorted, packed and packaged all the food to be donated to needy families for Thanksgiving.  She made sure each family had enough food and a proper balance of each food group.  Thanks for giving Asia! 


 P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher - computer lab

         My nominee for the Random Act of Kindness of the Month is Dillon, of class 5-302B. During our last class Dillon was making a Thanksgiving card for the holiday. My intention was the children would bring it home for their family. Since Dillon is a physically challenged youngster he was working with his paraprofessional. They worked most of the period perfecting their creation. After Dillon's card was completed and printed, I handed it to him. He then proceeded to turn to his para and present it to her. I'm sure he made her feel like a million dollars. With children like Dillon in this world we all have a lot to be thankful for!


Alton R-IV Elementary School
Julie R. Thompson
3rd Grade eMINTS Teacher

         For the month of December, I would like to nominate Van and Preston for the Random Acts Kindness Award. They volunteer to sweep our classroom and to pick up any trash from the floor at the end of each day. I appreciate all to help others and to keep our classroom clean.


South Effingham Elementary School
Cynthia Exley
Teacher - grade 3

         Miranda is the kindest student. She looks out for me. When we go outside, people are mean to me. She says, "Come on, Brittany. Let's go somewhere else." When we go outside and I am alone, she comes outside and plays with me. She understands my problems. She helps me with my gymnastics. She is kind.
By Brittany
