April 2004.html

Random Act of Kindness of the Month

April 2004


P.S. 279
Rosalie Azzopardi
Teacher - Grade 3
        This month's act of kindness goes to Rhanae Thomas, of Astral 3-204, for making a great effort ot improve her math skills. She has been practicing at home with extra materials almost every night. She should feel very proud of herself.



St. Thomas Aquinas School
Celeste Davis
Teacher - grade 4

        The student exhibiting Random Acts of Kindness for this month from St. Thomas Aquinas fourth grade is Shannon Miller.  Shannon has gone out of her way this month to make sure our classroom bookshelves are neat and tidy.  She helps classmates that are having difficulty understanding a concept.  She does all of this out of the kindness of her own heart.  She is a good friend.  She tries very hard to do her best at everything she does.  We are happy to have her in our community.


Steele School
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - Music

         Asia is graduating Steele School in just a few months!  This fifth grade Student Council President  enjoys both music and dance!  Asia graciously lent us her time and talents for our spring concert.  Besides singing, dancing and playing the oboe throughout the performnace, she helped to set up the chairs, music stands and risers for all the Steele School musicians.  Since our first "spring" concert was "snowed out" Asia repeated all her hard work again when we rescheduled and performed. Oh, well!  There's no business like "snow" business!


Claxton Elementary School
Stacey Caskey
Teacher - grade 2

        Our RAOK honoree for this month is D'Chane. She has been our art center expert all month and helped all of her classmates with some difficult projects!


 P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher - computer lab

         I would like to nominate Amoy, from class K-A125, for this month's Random Act of Kindness of the month honoree. Recently the school was using the computer lab for testing so I went into the rooms. When the class was viewing a movie Attallah needed help with her sweater. Before I could get up Amoy just stopped watching the movie and helped her classmate close her sweater. A few minutes later someone sneezed and Amoy popped up to get a tissue for the child. With Amoy around K-A125 will always be well taken care. What a wonderful student!
