Random Act of Kindness of the Month

April 2000

Judy Engel
Teacher grade 6-8

In the month of March, a 6th grade student, Christine, was nominated and chosen to win the Random Act of Kindness student of the month contest. Christine was chosen out of 50 nominees. She was nominated by another student, Kacey, who said the following about Christine: "I had surgery and she (Christine) carried my backpack along with hers plus my French Horn. F.C.C.L.A (Family, Careers, Community Leaders of America) encourage students to help each other in Random Acts of Kindness.


P.S. 279
Terry Engelbert
Teacher grade 3

This month Austin McKenzie deserves the honor of receiving the Random Act of Kindness Award. I took my class to the computer lab (something I rarely do) and I wanted to introduce them to a new program...Hyperstudio. While we were working, Austin Croteau's computer decided not to work. Austin McKenzie told Austin to use his. He gave up learning something new so that his friend could do it. I think that is so unselfish, and I was so proud of him. I promised Austin that he will learn this new program. Two thumbs up Austin!!!






North Shore Hebrew Academy
Mrs. Krimko
Teacher grade 1


J- Joins cooperatively in class activities.
O- Outstanding student.
S- Shows kindness to his friends and teachers.
H- Happy in first grade.
U- Understands what it means to share what he has with others.
A-Always does his best!



S- Sensitive to the feelings of others.
Y &endash; Young lady who loves to participate in class.
D- Does everything with great joy and laughter.
N- Never with out a smile.
E- Enjoys what she is doing.
Y- Yes, she is a special girl!


P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher grade 3

Chanel Jonas was new to our school this year, yet she is the one who sets an example for all other students to follow. She is an exemplary student! I know I can always count on her to do the right thing and she's always there to lend a helping hand.
Many times she has found things other children have lost . She comes right over to me to make sure it gets returned to its rightful owner.
I'm proud to have such a super student in my class!







Thurgood Marshall School
Mrs. Brown
Teacher grade 2

Dominique never says no or makes a disgruntled face when her teacher asks her, very often, to hang the girls' coats.
We have observed in the classroom, that Dominique is an excellent coat monitor because she has a sweet and loving spirit. She moves about collecting coats and backpacks so quietly that she doesn't disturb anyone. We would like to name her April honoree.


Valley H.S.
Kathy Dennis
Teacher - Health
Kathy Ponce is consistently a kind person to her friends and even people she doesn't know well. She is "famous" for making cards for people when she notices that they are down or having problems. I personally have received 6 notes so far this year, ranging from get well cards to more humorous ones in reference to "senior" moments I seem to be having. She decorates each card by hand and writes a positive comment to people with encouraging remarks. They are really cute and certainly lift the spirit. Kathy, a senior, reaches out to freshmen, classmates in trouble, friends that need a boost, and strangers that need an encouraging word.


P.S. 279
Ronnie Falkowitz
Teacher - grade 5

Kevin Josephs is the young man in my 5th grade gifted class at P.S. 279 in Brooklyn, New York, that deserves the Random Act of Kindness award this month. He is very unassuming and can get overlooked by the students that are go-getters and always make themselves seen and heard. Kevin is quiet, bright and always there to lend a helping hand. He is always prepared and is an absolute delight to have in the class.
I hope Kevin realizes what a special person he is and that his kindness is always appreciated.


P.S. 279
Celeste Rivers
Teacher - grade 5

One day Keith Davis wasn't sure if his brother was in school. He went to his younger brother's classroom to check. When he found out his brother, Jamaal, was absent, he asked the teacher if he could get his brother's homework. He sat down and copied Jamaal's homework for him.
Keith proved to be a concerned and caring older brother. It's nice to see siblings getting along. Everyone should be lucky as Jamaal to have a super big brother like Keith!
