Random Act of Kindness of the Month - June


Random Act of Kindness of the Month
June 1999


PS 279 - Annex
Stacey Fauci
Teacher Computer Lab
Eric is the June honoree for the Random Acts of Kindness Award. Eric saw two of his friends arguing in the computer room and he went over and helped settle the argument by reminding the other kindergarten children that they were good friends and they shouldn't fight. Good work, Eric!!!!

Bush Accelerated School
Heidi Ebersole
Teacher grade 3
I would like to nominate Victoria Parsons as my June honoree. Victoria is new to our school this year, yet she has made many new friends. She is always willing to be a friend to someone in need. She is very unselfish, responsible, kind, and thoughtful. For these reasons, Victoria deserves special recognition this month!

Lawrence Woodmere Academy
Scott Stolzenberg
Music Teacher

Sung Won is an exchange student from Korea. He a graduating senior at Lawrence Woodmere Academy. He has a beautiful tenor voice and is a fine musician. He is admired by his peers and he is a friend to everyone. In chorus Sung Won serves as a musical leader. He is always helpful and supportive to all, any time of the day. No matter where Sung Won goes to college, he will be missed and remembered for his dedication to his school and colleagues!

P.S. 279
Terry Engelbert
Teacher grade 3

This month's honoree for the Random Act of Kindness of the Month is Evan Greenberg. We were in the computer lab and Evan discovered money under his seat. He immediately returned it to Mrs. Forkowitz who told him she knew exactly who the money belonged to. The child needed it and was very grateful that Evan returned it. Way to go Evan!!!


P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher Grade 3
Our honoree this month is Jena Hershkowitz. Jena is an avid reader and loves to share her discoveries. Whenever she learns something new or finds information that is related to what we're learning in class, she always brings it in to share with the class. What a wonderful way to share with your classmates, giving the gift of knowledge. It's the gift that keeps giving. Thank you Jena!
