Random Act of Kindness of the Month - April
Random Act of Kindness of the Month
April 1999


PS 279 - Annex
Stacey Fauci
Teacher Computer Lab
Our choice for the Random Acts of Kindness honor this month is our pen pals from Kilington, Australia. Even though we are all the way across the world, we have begun a friendship between kindergartners that we hope will last a very long time.

Bush Accelerated School
Heidi Ebersole
Teacher grade 3
I would like to nominate Ashton Clark as my April honoree. We had an incident in my classroom where Ashton didn't tell the complete truth. That night I received a call from Ashton's mother. Ashton couldn't sleep because she hadn't been truthful with me. She explained to her mother what happened and wanted her mother to call me because she felt so bad. I would never have known that Ashton didn't tell me the truth if she hadn't been so honest with me, her family, and herself. I think it's great for a third grader to have such a conscience. I'm very proud of Ashton!

Central Middle School
Felicia Nelson
6-8 Social Studies

Our school would like to nominate Marlen Guillen as the student of the month. Marlen is a sixth grader who came to the United States in 1995. She did not speak any English when she entered in the USD#500 English as a second language (ESL) program. Since then she has become fluent and works as a peer-helper to non-English speaking students new to the district. She assists them in adapting to our school. She is patient, kind, and understanding towards the needs of our "newcomers". She is always willing to assist any student, no matter their language, age, or culture. She always has a smile on her face and is an excellent role model for everyone.

Good luck to Marlen in all that she attempts to do and with her perseverance. We at Central Middle School know that her dreams will come true!

Royal Palm Elementary
Michele Miletsky
Teacher grade 1

I would like to recognize little boy in my class named Daniel. One day last week I was having a very bad day, and Daniel was one of the few people who noticed. He came up to me and out his hand on my shoulder and said, " Don't worry everything will be okay, just calm down." Hearing these words from a first grader definitely made me realize everything would be okay. Thanks to Daniel for being my pal.

Colfax School
Loretta R. Sullivan
Teacher kindergarten

Michelle Barren-White is our Random Act of Kindness Student of the Month. Michelle is nice to all of the children in our class. She is respectful to teachers and other adults in the building. Michelle does extra projects and shares them at Discovery Circle time. Recently she created her own telescope to show the class. We are proud of Michelle for her kindness,respect for others, and her inventiveness.

P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher Grade 3

Sophie Isacowitz is a wonderful person! She goes about her business in her quiet way, making the world a better place. I have caught her many times cleaning the lunchroom table because she knows it's the right thing to do. She doesn't question who left a mess, but she knows it's not supposed to be there. She's always eager to help out anyone, in any way.
When she flashes her beautiful smile it just makes you feel good inside. The world would benefit with more people like Sophie!

P.S. 279
Estelle Leviton
Teacher Grade 4

Aysha Valery, a student in Astral 4-309, is the recipient of the April Random Act of Kindness award. She is actively attempting to reach out to her fellow classmates in their time of need.
The other day Aysha rushed over to someone who was crying and offered them a tissue, assuring them that everything would be fine.
After doing research and work on the Holocaust, Aysha brought in a video she rented herself for the class. It was entitled " A Friendship in Vienna" and took place during the Holocaust. The class appreciated her action.
Aysha is on her way to making very dear friends in A4-309 and beyond for that matter.

P.S. 279
Ronnie Falkowitz
Teacher Grade 5
Nancyanne Schmidt is the person in class A5-305 who deserves the Random Act of Kindness Award. She is diligent, responsible, cooperative, and always has a smile on her face. Nancyanne is always kind to her peers and is ready to help, even before anyone asks!
Thanks Nancyanne for being so special!
P.S. 279
Winnie Bracco
Teacher Grade 4
Kaliq is an honest student who always treats others with respect. We recently returned from a field trip and due to time constraints, the children were not able to purchase any souvenirs. Melissa lost her money in the classroom. Kaliq found the money and returned it to Melissa. Thank you Kaliq for being a good role model.
