March 2003

Random Act of Kindness of the Month

March 2003


Buena Vista Elementary School
Mrs. Boff
Teacher - kindergarten

         I nominate Ryan F. for the March winner of the Random Acts of Kindness. Ryan exhibits the 3 R's in our school code of conduct--he is Responsible, Respectable and Ready to learn. Ryan is so respectful to his teachers.


Claxton Elementary School
Stacey Caskey
Teacher - grade 2

         Our Random Acts of Kindness Honoree for this month is Alix Theodossiou. Alix is always doing nice things for her classmates. She is a wonderful helper in our classroom.


Poplar Road School
Menlia Trammell
Teacher - grades K-5

         Poplar Road Elementary School wishes to recognize two fifth grade girls, Taneisha S. and Alexis G. Taneisha and a student were having a disagreement. Both students felt strongly that they were right; however Taneisha decided to write a written apology and said she did not need to let a disagreement mess up a friendship. She has shown how to be a bigger, better person. Alexis gave up her free lunch time to help a fellow struggling math student learn a skill that was difficult for that student. Hats off to caring about others and yourself.  


Southwest Accelerated Elementary
Ruth Kem
Teacher - Grade 4

        These students from Mrs. Kem's class were selected because students in our classroom said that they follow the Six Pillars of Character. They are helpful and nice to others. They are always doing what they are supposed to do even when the teacher isn't looking!



P.S. 279
Harriet Stolzenberg
Teacher - computer lab

        My honoree this month is a child who is fairly new to our school. Stephen, of class 1-116, was nice enough to help out his classmates twice in one day! He was willing to leave his work on the computer to accompany children who needed to leave the room. Not only did he help out his fellow classmates, but his computer teacher too! He is a very sweet, kind child and a definite asset to our school!




Southwest Elementary
Kristin Clark
Teacher - Grade 4

        Christina was chosen as the Random Acts of Kindness winner because her classmates say she is a good sport and also follows the Six Pillars of Character.
Way to Go!!


P.S. 279
Rosalie Azzopardi
Teacher - Grade 3

        Nia Pittman is one of our winners this month for helping her classmates pack up at the end of the day. She is always helping with coat zippers and mittens.
Nicholas Rose from class 3-204 would like to give the Random Act of Kindness award to Derian Mayers for always saving him a seat in the auditorium while waiting for their bus.


Narragansett Elementary School
Carol Batchelder
Teacher - Technology

        This month I have 2 honorees for the Random Act of Kindness Mary Kate, from Mrs. Blumenbaum's class is nominated for her many acts of kindness t her classmates. She has a generous spirit toward her fellow students. Her acceptance of others is beyond her age. That acceptance creates a positive climate so that classmates may try new ideas without fear of judgment. She is amazing!
Emily has been nominated by her teacher, Mrs. Ward. She is a polite, respectful, and cooperative young lady. She always helps out those in need in our room. She is also a very talented musician. She plays the violin and whenever she learns a new song, she brings her violin to school to give us a concert. Emily is very considerate of others working around her, willing to teach others in her group, who may not get a concept as quickly as her. She is also very kind to her younger brother.


Steele School
Scott Stolzenberg
Teacher - Music

        Stephanie is a multitalented fifth grader at the Steele School. She recently participated vocally in the All Nassau County Music Festival and will compete in the New York State Music Association Festival. Stephanie recently volunteered her time at the Student Council Bagel Breakfast. Not only did she accommodate the fifty hungry students but she also made sure that each student had a bagel! Butter too! Whether it is student council, drama club, special chorus or preparing for a concert, you can always count on Stephanie to lend a helping hand . . . and bagels!!!!!!!


Poplar Road School
Menlia Trammell
Teacher - grades K-5
         Poplar Road Elementary School wishes to recognize two fifth grade girls, Taneisha S. and Alexis G. Taneisha and a student were having a disagreement. Both students felt strongly that they were right; however Taneisha decided to write a written apology and said she did not need to let a disagreement mess up a friendship. She has shown how to be a bigger, better person. Alexis gave up her free lunch time to help a fellow struggling math student learn a skill that was difficult for that student. Hats off to caring about others and yourself.  
