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runaway dragon..incomplete




































runaway dragon

Disclaimer 1: Draco, his parents and teachers all belong to JKR. (As if you didn't all know that.)

Disclaimer 2: Severus Snape owning a raven belongs to J.L. Matthews. (Go read her story everybody. It's great.) I found a new name for him this time though.

Disclaimer 3: The gang name Sharks is borrowed from the musical West Side Story of course. I don't remember where I found the name Rakers, but I know I read it somewhere.

Disclaimer 4: The idea for Snape having a family comes from Al's fic Time of Trial. (Thanks Al. I always seem to get the best ideas when reading your fics.)

Disclaimer 5: The Glizzard family and Gringolf Glizzard belong to my friend Pega Pony. Thanks for letting me borrow them!

A/N - I just managed to finish this one in time. Please understand if the next chapter is a little late. I'll try to get it done within a week, but I might not manage.

Chapter 14: A Trip to Wales

This time Jack did come to Draco's last Soccer game with the Rakers. Maybe they were really starting to get along.

Sammie was in great form and actually scored a goal for his team. After the game he was beaming with pride and didn't even mind that Cathy Cat had scored twice. It was their clearest victory yet and Jack's team looked almost depressed.

The sight of a group of Sharks carrying buckets of white paint cheered them all up though.

"Hey, looks like the Fishies are gonna whitewash their aquarium!" Mary cheered just loud enough for them to hear.

"Well, there's nothing healthier than honest work." confirmed Cathy. "And then there's always the satisfaction of a job well done at the end of a day of hard work."

The Sharks, Pretty Ricky, the two smallest boys and one of the girls Draco hadn't noticed much before, glared at them, but continued on their way. They were careful to stay off Raker territory which meant that they had to make an odd detour from the Black Ring's side of the border path onto their own grounds and then along the side of the house to the door all the time under sharp observation.

"Maybe we ought to warn Angel Anna that there are fish swimming on her turf." Jack suggested with an evil grin.

"Maybe we ought to help her, get rid of them since she isn't around." Larry countered as always spoiling for a fight.

Pretty Ricky paled and fell back behind his companions.

"Hiding behind little children, Ricky, my friend?" Draco asked him sweetly. "You still owe me a fight, you know. You were in such a hurry last time you didn't even have time to tell me where you had to get to so urgently all of a sudden. Maybe this is our chance to fight it out."

Ricky looked about ready to either drop his paint and bolt or faint on the spot.

"Nah, not our ground." Jack finally relented. "We wouldn't want to cross the Black Ring's border without asking. Such nice neighbours as Anna's gang deserve a little consideration. We're not that impolite."

The hidden reference to the Sharks' manners was of course totally lost on Ricky who breathed a sigh of relief and pulled out his mirror for a quick meant to be hidden glance to check his hair. Mike rolled his eyes at that behaviour.

"Well, I guess that was my last chance at a fight against the Sharks." stated Draco more softly once the little group of paint carriers was safely inside and out of sight.

"Maybe not." suggested Sammie. "Maybe that Cousin Jeremiah of yours doesn't want you either and you get to stay with us for another week."

"Maybe." conceded Draco. "But it's not really likely and then there's still Cousin Eugene on Diagon Alley."

"I still hope Jeremiah doesn't want you." Sammie insisted.

Despite his sadness at leaving the Rakers Draco had decided to spend his last afternoon in West Hogsmeade with Billy. If Cousin Jeremiah let him go back to Hogwarts, he'd get to see his friends on Hogsmeade weekends. Billy he might never see again.

The Baby who had no idea that that was 'Dako's' way of saying goodbye to him was delighted to have his attention and made him play with every last squishy toy he owned, twirl him through the air and cuddle until he dropped into bed totally exhausted.

That had the special advantage that this time Draco didn't wake up in the middle of the night unable to get back to sleep.

It was Munin who woke him as usual in the morning and Draco once again responded with an attempt at hugging the bird. As a creature of the open sky Munin did not appreciate the gesture. He needed freedom to move his wings to be comfortable. Any type of trying to flatten his wings against his body constituted an attack.

With an alarmed "Caw!" the raven fled from the room to the safety of Severus' shoulder where he remained until after breakfast.

Billy responded much better to Draco's hug goodbye and immediately cuddled up against his chest in response. He spent breakfast in Draco's lap thereby successfully stalling their departure since it turned out to be very difficult to eat with one arm around a curious baby.

The cat graciously accepted a hug as well. Apparently he was in the mood to bee cuddly.

Sarah hugged him on her own and righted his Rakers cap before they left. They had to wear muggle clothes under their robes, because they'd have to take a muggle train from London.

'That Dog' barked and jumped excitedly when he realised that he was going out with his master and the boy again. Last time had been such an exciting walk in the forest and then there had been that interesting smelling inn. Only the odd place where the floor had moved and he'd fallen in his attempt to greet that old witch had been scary. He hoped that this time they'd not go there again.

'That Dog's' hopes were disappointed though. They went right to the train station and boarded the southbound morning train.

They could have used the public floo station to floo to the Leaky Cauldron, which would have gotten them to London much faster, but they'd have had to walk through the busy morning traffic to get to Kings Cross Station from where they'd take the muggle train since the station didn't have its own floo connection and Severus who had totally forgotten that most muggles didn't go to work on Sundays didn't want to brave the horrors of the London rush hour.

Instead they took the magical express train which goes between Hogsmeade and London twice a day, once there, once back and takes the same route as the Howarts Express, but at more than twice the speed.

Draco watched the world streak past the window with the incredible speed of the train for a while. That was one really fast train!

"How come it goes so much faster than the Hogwarts Express?" he finally asked Severus.

"It has a special spell on it, that the Hogwarts Express doesn't."

"Well, why doesn't it?"

"Tradition, I guess and the fact that it's a very complicated spell. As far as I know this is the only train in Britain that has it."

"But Dumbledore has to be able to do it. Why doesn't he?"

"As I said, because of tradition and because it would be a lot less fun if the journey were so short."

Draco had to think about that. The headmaster's interest in his students having fun was a new concept to him. Why would Dumbledore care? But it seemed that he did. If even Snape actually considered it a good reason not to enspell the train ...

The train despite being so special was almost empty and they had the compartment to themselves for the whole trip. Munin remained cautious and stayed out of Draco's reach most of the time. Draco had hugged him once. He might do it again. Better stay safe and away.

'That Dog' had crawled under Severus' seat again as soon as the train had begun to move and all Draco could see of him was one quivering ear peeking out from behind Snape's shoe. Maybe they should have left the dog at home. He did seem terribly afraid of trains.

Consequently he was ecstatic when they got off at Kings Cross, robes stored away in their backpacks. Draco felt very adventurous going among muggles dressed up like one of them for the first time. His father, or more often one of the servants, had simply cast an illusion charm on them to make it appear like they were wearing muggle clothes when they'd taken him to and from the train.

Snape led him through the barrier and into a big hall filled with people hastening in every direction. Draco felt slightly lost, but Snape just grabbed a hold of his arm when he started drifting off and pulled him through the masses of travellers to the big board that announced the departure times of the trains.

Draco stared at the board in fascination as one train suddenly disappeared from the top and all the others slid upwards to fill the gap. How? What? But wasn't this supposed to be the muggle part of the station? Was that ...?

"Yes, it's electric." Snape confirmed with a slight smile.

"Electric? Can ...?"

"No, we don't have time for a closer look. We arrived just on time. Come on, that's our train over there." and Snape steered him away from the fascinating departure board again.

Draco followed him obediently, but with a slight sigh. He wondered if the board was a bigger version of Sammie's gameboy. Or was that voice that announced the arrivals and departures of the trains independent of the big board?

"Can't we just wait and take the next train?" he asked as Snape dragged him onto the platform. "I'm hungry."

"We'll eat on the train." Snape decided. "There isn't enough time to wait for the next one."

"But don't we need muggle money for that?"

"What? Did you think I came unprepared?" Snape grinned back at him. "We don't have much though, so we'll have to eat cheap."

The train restaurant turned out to be expensive though and they had to settle for sandwiches. Draco pouted for a bit, but soon got distracted by all the many muggles on the train. Some had little black boxes they talked into during the whole trip and it appeared that the little boxes were talking back. Draco longed to ask Professor Snape about the things, but didn't dare, because the muggles didn't seem to wonder about them at all and he feared to attract their attention. Would they be able to tell that he was a wizard if they noticed he didn't know the little black boxes?

Halfway through the trip one girl's bag suddenly started emitting sounds similar to Sammie's gameboy's and she opened it and produced just such a little black box. That thing was making the sound!

The girl looked at it for a moment, then frowned, pushed a button on it's front and then held it against her ear.

"Yes, Mum." she said to the little box.

Draco tried not to stare. (Luckily the muggles probably thought he just found the girl attractive and not her cell phone.) How could that little box be her Mum? For a moment he wondered if her mother was dead and her ghost was in the little box, but that couldn't be it. No ghost he knew fit into such a small object. Helplessly he turned to Snape a very pleading look in his eyes.

"I'll explain later." he promised to Draco's relief. "Did you see all the sheep outside?"

Draco shook his head. No he hadn't seen any sheep. He'd been too busy watching muggles to notice. He turned his attention to the window. Looked like they were indeed in Wales already. There were green pastures filled with sheep everywhere.

"Lets play a game to pass the time." Severus suggested. "Whoever sees more black sheep wins."

Okay, look for black sheep. Draco didn't even ask why Snape would suggest such a ridiculous game. Anything to distract him from staring at that muggle girl.

"Of, course I'm on the right train, Mum!" she was telling the little black box. "I checked the departure board and I asked at the ticket stand. I'll be home in half an hour." ... "No, I didn't get sunburn. I bought some suntan lotion at the little shop next to our hotel. They have it all over the world, Mum. It's not a catastrophe to forget it." ... "Of course not! What do you take my friends for! He wouldn't dream of molesting me! Honest, Mum! You have such a dirty mind!" ... "No we didn't." ... "I'm telling you we didn't!" ... "I'm sixteen, Mum! I don't need a babysitter." ... "Look, I'll be there in half an hour! We can talk then." ... "Will you just leave me alone for a bit!"

She pushed another button, sighed loudly and threw the little black box back into her bag with force.

Draco turned his attention back to the window to look for black sheep again.

He could still see her reflection in the glass though. She looked exasperated for a bit, then turned to her bag once again, dug the black box back out again and started pushing a whole series of buttons then held it to her ear again. She waited for a bit and then:

"Patty!" she squealed at the top of her lungs. "I'm baaaack!"

Draco considered covering his ears against the sound, but it was probably impolite to do so. He decided to suffer through it. She'd get too hoarse to scream on soon enough.

"OOOOHHH! Isn't that exciting!" the girle squealed on. "Did he ask you out!" ... "Really? Oh, I just can' believe it! I'm gone for only three weeks and ... wow!" ... "OOOOHHH! He did? He really did?" ... "Frank and I had so much fun in Malta." ... "Yes, it was great." ... "Of course we did!" ... "Yes, yes, but listen! You mustn't tell my Mum, okay. She thinks I'm still a little girl." ... "Yes, she's impossible!" ... "Sorry Patty, but I have to hang up now. I've got to get off the train and Mum will be waiting at the station. I don't want her to overhear. I'll call you back once it's safe." Still talking to her little box she squeezed towards the door and disappeared.

Draco sent another pleading look Snape's way, but he only mouthed 'later' and pointed towards the window again. With a sigh he continued his search for black sheep.

As soon as they got off the train Draco turned to his teacher to ask about the black boxes, but again Snape just said: "Later. First we need to get some directions."

They saw nobody at the small station however and thus had to start down the main road of the village until they finally met an old man and his Collie.

"Excuse me Sir." Snape asked the muggle while Draco dragged 'That Dog' away from the Collie before he started a fight. "Could you tell us the way to the Malfoys' house."

"Ah!" said the old muggle slowly. "The mansion in town. You need t'go back to t'train."

"Oh, but we weren't looking for the mansion. We were told that there's a Malfoy family living in a cottage around here."

"Ah!" the old muggle said again. "T'young Lord live that way." he indicated a general direction with a sweeping motion of his arm.

"Thank you." Severus said fighting down the urge to lecture the muggle on how to give directions. Draco would have to live with these people practically next doors, if he was going to stay with Jeremiah and it wouldn't do the boy any good to make enemies from the start.

"We'll get lost that way." Draco prophesised once they were a few metres away and probably out of earshot.

"Maybe not. We know about what direction to go and we'll ask the next person we meet for further directions."

As it turned out that wasn't necessary however. There appeared to be only one path leading out of town that led that way and it looked well travelled enough though Draco complained that it appeared to lead right into the wilderness with no building bigger than a shed or just a roof to protect the sheep from the weather.

"It used to be a hunting lodge, Draco. It would be a little lonely." Severus explained.

"A little? It's in the middle of nowhere!"

"Well, if you still don't like it after you've met them, we can still go and try Eugene."

That seemed to console Draco a little. For a while he walked beside Severus quietly.

"What about those little black boxes then?" he asked finally. "You promised to explain."

"They're called cell phones." Severus obliged. "Miniature versions of the telephone that don't require cables and can be carried around."

"Oh," Draco commented sounding very puzzled. "And what is a telephone?"

"They're muggle devices used to talk to other muggles not present at the time. The way we use our fireplaces to talk to people. The only downside of the telephone is that you can't travel through it."

"But you can't carry a fireplace around in your pocket."

"Indeed, cell phones can be useful, but then they can also be a lot of trouble. Especially if you're looking for some privacy. I'm quite sure that muggle girl in our compartment wasn't too happy about that call from her mother and I doubt anybody was happy to hear her squealing to her friend. It seems to me that with all those inventions the muggles no longer get a moment of peace and quiet. If it isn't their own cell phone ringing, it's somebody else having some annoying conversation on theirs."

"They could be useful in an emergency, though." Draco suggested.

"But their use would have to be restricted to emergencies only and it appears most muggles just use them for their amusement. I can do without that, thank you. Not everything muggles invent is always a good idea, Draco. Not even, if it's electrical."

"Well, maybe not." Draco conceded. "All that squealing really was beginning to hurt my ears. That girl was worse than a whole bunch of Hufflepuffs in front of Lockhart's office."

Severus just rolled his eyes at the mention of his former colleague. Dumbledore really had hired a bunch of impossible people to teach DADA over the last few years, but compared to Gilderoy Lockhart even stuttering Quirrel had been a model teacher. Severus still didn't understand the headmaster's decision to hire him. Albus had explained it to him several times, but as far as Severus was concerned, it still didn't make sense. He just hoped he'd never have to see the walking fashion add again.

They finally came to the cottage, which looked rather nice, but small especially for the Malfoys. Considering how well Draco was coping with life in a small flat however Severus began to think the boy might really grow to like this place. Yes, maybe Jeremiah had really been a good choice.

There was no doorbell anywhere, which didn't really surprise Snape since it was a wizard's house, nor did any eager house elves pop up as they reached the garden gate. After waiting for some kind of reaction for a few moments, he decided to let himself in and try the front door. Draco followed him looking around curiously. They walked through the well kept garden up to the door and still nothing happened.

Still not finding a doorbell, Severus decided to knock. Nothing.

He waited for a few moments then knocked again. Still nothing.

Finally after the third try the ghost of a little boy poked his head through the closed door.

"They not home." he declared putting his ghostly thumb in his mouth and looking up at them through big round ghost eyes.

"Ah, well, do you know when they'll be back then?" Severus asked trying hard to remain patient. Such young ghosts could react with very sudden flight if startled.

"No, Jerry didn't say. Jerry never says. I'm just his big brother. Nobody ever cares about me." complained the little ghost.

"I see. Might they have mentioned where they were going to, then."

"I think Spain. Or maybe it was France? Well, somewhere around there anyway."

Severus exchanged a look with Draco. It appeared that Jeremiah had taken his wife and possible kids on a longer holiday then. Draco shrugged back at him.

"Maybe if we come back next week or so?" he suggested.

Snape sighed. "Well, maybe Eugene knows when they'll be back." He turned back to the little ghost. "Thank you for your help then, young Mister Malfoy. We shall return to talk to your brother when he's returned from France or Spain."

The little ghost beamed proudly at the formal address and withdrew his head back into the house.

"Well, so much for leaving me with Cousin Jeremiah today. I guess you're stuck with me for another week." Draco commented with a sly little grin that made Severus wonder for a moment. The boy couldn't have manipulated the situation to cause Jeremiah to go on holiday, could he?

"But we can try to see if Eugene is home. We'll be going through London on or way back anyway." he decided.

"It'll be evening by then. We still have to take the train back to Hogsmeade." argued Draco.

Didn't he want to find out where his future home would be?

"No we don't. We'll just take the public floo network from the Leaky Cauldron."

"Do you think he'll like that?" asked Draco looking down at 'That Dog' who smiled up at him widely as if to confirm that he liked to do anything in the world if he could only be with his master and his boy.

"He certainly looks happy enough about the idea." Severus promptly said.

"He can't even understand what you're saying." Drco protested. "He probably thinks you suggested a long walk through the woods and scaring up a few rabbits on the way."

"Maybe so, but you can't deny that he does like travelling by floo powder better than by train. Just look at the way he's always hiding under the seat."

"That at least keeps him quiet." Draco grumbled, but couldn't argue the fact.

They walked back to the village slowly trying to fill up the time until the next train back to London. The village was so small that only very few trains stopped there and for some reason Draco couldn't discern Severus knew exactly when they were scheduled to arrive.

Draco tried to concentrate really hard hoping that the information would just magically, or maybe since it was a muggle train station electrically, appear in his brain. He hadn't seen any big electric departure boards anywhere near the station when they'd arrived so maybe the information was passed around telepathically or something like that. All his concentration didn't help any though. He still didn't know when the train would arrive. Or at east he wouldn't have known, if Snape hadn't already told him.

"Sir?" he finally asked.

"Yes, Draco."

"How do you know?"

"Know? Know what?"

"When to expect the train."

"Why I checked when we arrived of course."

"I don't remember you checking anything."

"That's because you were so preoccupied with wondering about cell phones." Severus explained. "You weren't paying attention to where we were going."

"But I'm sure I didn't see a departure board. I wouldn't have overlooked something that big."

Suddenly Snape laughed. Draco looked up at him in wonder. What was so funny now?

"Oh Draco, small stations like this one don't have those huge departure boards like Kings Cross. They've just got a message board where they hang a piece of paper and call that their departure board. It works, because there aren't very many trains stopping here at all. It's no problem to list them all on just one piece of paper."

"Paper? What's paper? Something electric?"

"No, sorry. Paper is mMuggle parchment. It's hardly any different from our parchment. Not very interesting at all."

"Oh." said Draco disappointed. "Can I at least take a closer look at the departure board at Kings Cross once we arrive in London?"

"Sorry Draco, but there won't be enough time. We don't want to disturb Eugene in the middle of the night." Snape decided.

By the time they reached London however Draco had managed to convince Severus to grant him ten minutes to observe the departure board. Except for the discovery of the arrival board that didn't help him much though. The board remained a mystery. It didn't even seem to be controlled by any muggles, but Professor Snape insisted that it had to be and probably was remote controlled from some office they couldn't see.

"Maybe even somewhere in the ticket boxes, but I doubt that. The station must have some main information center somewhere and the most logical thing would be to control it directly from there." he explained.

Still Draco found it hard to believe that someone sitting in a different room might be controlling the constant changes on both the huge boards. Maybe they had a little square cartridge like Sammie's gameboy? But how would that cartridge know if a train was late? And how would the information center know it even before the arrival of the train? He decided to ask Snape that question, just to prove that the information center was unlikely.

"By telephone, maybe even by cell phone. Somebody on the train's staff or maybe at one of the earlier stations would call ahead to inform them that the train was behind schedule."

Draco frowned. He hadn't thought of that possibility. Did Snape have an answer to everything? He glowered at his teacher.

"What?" Severus asked calmly.

"You can't be all knowing." complained Draco.

"I never claimed to be. I'm a complete failure at Transfigurations for example and there are some decisions I've made in my life that ... Well, lets just say that I'm leaving being all knowing to the expert."

"And who would that be?"

"Dumbledore of course." Snape said with a smile and a wink that caused Draco to laugh despite his frustration at not being able to figure out the mysteries of the departure board.

Riding the Tube, as Snape told him the London subway train system was called, was a totally new adventure. It was Draco's first encounter with automatically closing doors.

"How do those work?" he whispered to Snape excitedly.

"They're probably remote controlled by the driver. I mean, who else would know when to close them?"

"But how do they pull them back together so tightly?"

"I don't know. There must be some mechanism hidden inside the train's roof I suppose."

"But what does than mechanism look like? How does it work?"

"I don't know Draco and I can't just pull out my wand and make the wall disappear so you can have a look. I bet most muggles don't know either."

"But you could make it disappear and they can't. Please!"

"No Draco, I can't. What would all the muggles think, if I did? The ministry of magic definitely wouldn't be happy with us for it."

"So who cares about the ministry?"

"I depend on their goodwill, Draco. They've got reason enough to give me trouble."

"Trouble? What can they do?"

"Cut my wages. Send me to Azkaban. They already had me as good as sentenced to the Dementor's kiss once."


"Albus had to pull a lot of strings to get me out of that back then. It's almost a miracle he even managed to fend off a life sentence in Azkaban."

"And that's why he can't pay you fully? He convinced them of cutting your wages instead of the Dementors kiss or Azkaban?"

"Cutting my wages and five years in Azkaban and I really got away easy. They weren't fond of Albus' meddling with the Voldemort war at all at the ministry back then and they couldn't get their hands on many of Albus' agents."

"You went to Azkaban for spying for Dumbledore?"

"Not quite. I got out of Azkaban for spying for Dumbledore. I got in for having been a death eater. Albus thought he could convince them to let me go free though. That's why he's so angry about it all. He thinks I would have deserved to go free."

"But if you only joined the death eaters to spy, they can't just punish you for helping to fight them."

"They couldn't, but they would have liked to and I was an easy target, because I didn't originally join to be a spy. Nobody likes a traitor, Draco. You'll do better to decide what side you're really on before you join up with anybody. That's probably the most important lesson I've learned in my life."

Draco stared at the floor for a while. That was a lot to accept there. And was Snape trying to warn him of something there? He'd never really asked him not to join the death eaters, but Draco had thought that his admission of having been a spy had been meant like that. Now he just said to be sure about his choice?

Lucius had always told him that Voldemort was the only possible choice there was. Why wouldn't Snape say the same of Dumbledore and the ministry? Was it because of what the ministry had done and was still doing to him? And if the ministry had tried to punish Dumbledore's spies, were Dumbledore and the ministry even the same side? Could there be three sides in a war? If a battle was between good and evil then who was the third side? What exactly was good and evil? Was his father really evil? He'd done a few very bad things, yes, but he could also remember him doing kind things every once in a while. Lucius had fully believed in the rightness of Vodemort's cause. Voldemort believed that what he was doing was for the good of all the wizarding world. How could the ministry be good after what they'd done to Snape? And how could Dmbledore be good, if he worked against the ministry?

"What is wrong and right then? How do I tell who's good or evil?"

"In the end you can only define those things for yourself. It's all up to your judgement, so I advise you not to judge easily. Everything has many sides. Some people will tell you that something is entirely good or entirely bad, entirely black or entirely white, but they are wrong. It's a child's simple view of the world as a fairy tale. Others will tell you that everything has two sides and all is gray and such can be more good than evil, or more evil than good. That's an easy way out too. I've never seen anything that was that simple in my life. Everything has many sides and what you see of it depends to a large part not on what it really is, but on who you are and where you're standing. Of course that makes it impossible for any one person to ever see all of any thing or to judge objectively. And it also makes it impossible to rely entirely on the words of others about anything. We can not judge anything objectively, no matter how hard we try, because we are subjective beings."

"What about colour then? We can see and say if an object is black or white."

"And still it might be purple to a bee's ultraviolet vision. Even among humans you cannot be sure that the way another's brain shows him purple is the same that yours shows it to you."

"We still both call it purple."

"Unless it's such dark purple one of you decides to call it blue."

Draco sighed. "That's confusing. You're telling me that nothing is what it is."

"No, I'm telling you that you can't see it for what it truly is nor can anybody else."

"It's still confusing."

"Yes, life is."

Draco sighed again. Was Snape right? Or was all of this just the result of five years in Azkaban? He'd heard that less than one year there could brake a person and nobody ever came back unchanged. Who had Snape been before Azkaban then? Would he be shocked if he could see the difference. How deep were those scars that the unknowing couldn't even see?

Confused thoughts kept Draco busy until they stood in front of his Cousin Eugene's door. He suddenly got very nervous when Snape knocked though and shifted slightly closer to his teacher. What if Eugene was just like his father?

They heard a loud bang from behind the door as if something large had been pushed over, some rattling and banging as somebody was probably righting the object again, then footsteps and finally the door opened and a silver blond man with very tousled hair and bloodshot eyes blinked at them sleepily.

Had he been asleep? No, couldn't be. He hadn't had enough time to get dressed, but then his clothes were wrinkled enough to lead you to suspect that he might have slept in them.

"Sorry, my butler just walked out on me last week. It's hard to get good servants these days." Eugene offered instead of a greeting.

"Good evening, Mr. Malfoy. Please forgive our intrusion. I am Severus Snape and this is your cousin Draco."

"Ah yes, Lucius' son, isn't it? My father mentioned that you're looking for a new home for him. But do come in. It's no use talking about these things through the door."

Curiously Draco followed Eugene into his luxuriously furnished, but untidy apartment. There was something about the place that he didn't like. Somehow it reminded him of Lucius. Snape too was watching Eugene closely. What was it he didn't like about him? Draco had no idea, but his teacher's behaviour made him feel even more uneasy. Something was wrong here.

Eugene led them into his expensive looking living room and went straight towards a huge house bar. Snape glared angrily at several empty glass bottles that were standing around the room.

"Why don't you sit down for a moment so we can talk more comfortably." Eugene offered. "Please forgive the appearance of the room. My momentary lack of a butler I'm afraid. Something to drink Mr. Snape?"

"No thanks." Snape nearly growled. He obviously didn't like Eugene much.

Eugene however seemed entirely unimpressed by Snape's gruffness. He just continued to smile stupidly and turned to Draco.

"How about you, cousin? Some Sherry? Or do you prefer Vodka? I think I must still have some beer left in the kitchen as well."

Draco shot Snape an alarmed glance. Eugene was inviting him to drink?

"Draco is only fifteen, Mr. Malfoy. I don't think any of these beverages would be appropriate." Snape said in his most dangerous soft voice.

"Oh nonsense. One is never too young for a good beer, right Draco?"

"I ... um ... I really don't think, I should, Sir." Draco stuttered. This was getting more and more scary.

"I think we'd better go now." stated Snape getting up.

Draco practically jumped up and towards the door.

"You wouldn't happen to know when Mr. Jeremiah Malfoy will be back from his holiday?" Snape asked over his shoulder once Draco was safely out of the room.

"Oh, on Wednesday I believe. Are you sure you don't want to stay for a nice little drink? It isn't that late, you know."

Snape just slammed the door shut behind him.

"That Draco," he explained to the confused boy. "is a man who's absolutely unfit to care for a child. He probably needs a babysitter himself."

"He seems to get by without one though." commented Draco.

"I guess that's why the butler left him." suspected Snape. "He was probably tired of doing both jobs."

"So what do we do now?"

"Take another trip to Wales next week and hope that Eugene's right about Jeremiah. ... I should have remembered to ask him about the Colemans as well. Now we'll have to wait and ask Jeremiah for their address."

"I'd rather move into the cottage than to America anyway. Even if it is a little lonely there."

"It's a nice place for kids, but lets not make any decisions until we've met them. They might still be as disappointing as Eugene. And America isn't a bad place either. I hear most Americans really like kids."

"It's so far away. They will make me go to some American school and I'll never see you, or Hogwarts or the Rakers again."

"You'll also make a lot of new friends and you can still visit and nobody said you can't move back here once you're old enough. If you still want to by then, that is. America is a very interesting place. You might come to love it so much, you'll forget all about us."

"Never!" How could he ever forget the Snapes or the Rakers? He'd never find such great friends again in his life.

Snape led him back to the Leaky Cauldron and handed him a handful of floo powder.

"Do you want Munin, or the dog?" he asked offhandedly.


"I can't carry both of them through the floo, so you'll have to take one. Which will it be?"

Draco looked from 'That Dog' who was busy sniffing around under an empty chair and threatening to tangle his lead around its legs as usual, to the raven who was sitting on Snape's shoulder like a statue only blinking every once in a while to remind them that he was still alive.

"Munin." he decided. That was clearly less trouble.

Snape snipped his fingers and called to the bird and Munin hopped onto his hand from where Snape transferred him to Draco's shoulder with a simple "Stay!".

The raven cawed softly into Draco's ear, but stayed in place obediently while his master picked up 'That Dog' and untangled his lead.

"Hogsmeade!" Draco told the floo as he threw in the floo powder and stepped inside after it. A few moments later he steped out of one of the official floos of the Hogsmeade floo station brushing the soot off his jeans. Munin was still sitting calmly on his shoulder and only reacted with one little "Caw!" when Snape arrived a few seconds after them 'That Dog' whining and struggling in his arms.

"I knew the bird was the better choice." commented Draco. "What's his problem, this time?"

"He's afraid of fire. Just every animal's normal survival instinct keeping him safe from burns."

"Munin doesn't see anything wrong with floo travel."

"Ravens are clever. That Dog isn't."

"Do you mean dogs in general or That Dog in particular?" grinned Draco.

"That depends. Generally dogs aren't as clever as ravens, but this one does seem particularly stupid to me. But then I've never had a dog before. Maybe I overestimate the species' intelligence."

Draco regarded 'That Dog' closely for a while an decided that Snape's estimation of dog intelligence was probably more correct than his own. That one was a particularly useless specimen. But he was damn cute.

It was already dark outside and Draco was reminded of his very first arrival at West Hogsmeade on their way back. How different everything looked now, even though nothing had really changed. He remembered how frightened and disgusted he'd been at the sight of the apartment houses. Now they looked warm and welcoming and he couldn't wait to get inside. The park that had once scared him now felt like coming home and he knew every single dark shape in it and could have told exactly what it looked like at daytime. Had he really been afraid of the group of trees and bushes that hid the garden shed from view once?

He smiled happily as they walked past the Soccer lawn. Tuesday morning he'd be back here to play again.

Sarah just smiled when Severus arrived bringing Draco back home once again.

"No luck with Jeremiah then?" she asked.

"He's on holiday, but is expected back next week. Eugene is out of the question though. He offered Draco alcohol."

"He what!" Sarah shrieked. "You didn't let him drink any, did you? Oh, my poor child. I'm seriously beginning to doubt it was a good idea to take him to the relatives of his horrible father. Of course there can be a black sheep in every family, but those Malfoys seem bad down to the very last."

"Draco isn't bad and I'm sure he has other relatives that aren't either and no, he didn't drink anything. Eugene just offered the drinks." Snape attempted to calm her down.

"But what if you hadn't been there to stop him? Oh no, we can't just hand the poor boy over to some stranger, Severus. We can't!"

"I'm not planning to just hand him over. I'll have a good look at them first, I assure you, but Draco does belong with his family."

"But offering a poor innocent little boy alcohol!"

"I'm not little anymore and I know well enough not to drink. You could at least trust that my father's example has thought me that. How stupid do you think I am?"

Sarah sighed. "Well, I guess you probably do know not to drink, but what if it'd been cigarettes, or illegal potions. Severus, that boy would just take any potion you give him without the slightest distrust."

"Exactly. Any potion I give him. That doesn't mean he would take them from strangers."

Sarah however kept complaining about Eugene's irresponsibility and the dangers of trusting a child to members of the Malfoy family for the rest of the evening. Draco learned to tune her out after a while and just enjoyed sitting there with Billy half asleep in his lap. It was good to be back.

In the next chapter: Mike joins the Snapes on a shopping trip, the aurors visit and Draco thinks about the ministry some more. (At least that's what I think will happen. I haven't written any of it yet.)

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