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Oblivion Doom

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I added a few new pictures to the screenshots section. I also must have got 20 e-mails of people who want to compete in our clan which conists of 4 people right now, even thoe were doing pretty good in the charts for 4 v 4. In other hands, all of them sucked... this isnt a whimpy pos team, I mean not one person could beat me in TFC. Really, I'm not the best so there are alot of people who can beat me so only e-mail me if you know you can wup my ass. Our clan is official now, the (GoW) Gods of War... has a nice sense to it doesn't it? As for Oblivion Doom III, I have received numerous e-mails to do music and code so all of you who e-mailed me remain calm and don't forget to send your best work cause I can't have 22 coders and 14 music, shit. Anyhow, were still preparing for the count down to Doom III and when it hits shelves is when we hit the code. Best regards.

If you have what it takes we are still looking for 3D artist, level designers, sound affects, music makers/ developers, modelers and texture artist. Anybody with QERadiant, Lithtech, UnrealEd, Visual C++, Visual Basic, DromEd, Genesis 3D SDK, SDK tools , Photoshop or DEdit experience might be very useful. Check out the Crew page to see a open slot for you, I will be glad to hear from you! So visit The Crew page to see a open slot for you!



Well, it's been roughly two months since I last updated. There are some new progress, first I have finally been hooked up with a new website director so he will be starting on the 3rd new site soon. I still need a alot of help and alot of preporation. My Visual C++ class is very hard but im passing with an A+ so I know my shit now. Anyhow,things on the Doom side are well... we have new art and new program. We just completed a menu or atleast what it will look since there are no particular functions to process data to start a game... duh. Well thats it... Oh and one other thing you can find the Gods of War Quake III map pack at LVL. I can't link it right now cause this site is fucked... in another hand The Gods of War is official " see below for details".

If you have what it takes we are still looking for 3D artist, level designers, sound affects, music makers/ developers, modelers and texture artist. Anybody with QERadiant, Lithtech, UnrealEd, Visual C++, Visual Basic, DromEd, Genesis 3D SDK, SDK tools , Photoshop or DEdit experience might be very useful. Check out the Crew page to see a open slot for you, I will be glad to hear from you! So visit The Crew page to see a open slot for you!



It's been exactly 2 months since I've updated, the reason I am updating now is to inform everyone that we have decided to re-do our new homepage since the last website we were with was fucked up. Although the site was beatiful and very... very doomish we still have plans for it to be the same way, only with another webpage authority. The script is done for the actual game we are doing for Doom III and I'll post the 9 page story when I feel like taking forever. Anyhow, The clan is doing well and we are still looking for some peeps that are in the championship ranks who can come wup ass with us in mainly TFC but other games as well. Including some are strategy, RPG, Action, and all other sorts of games that are fun for multyplayer... we will however be heavily regarding to Tribes 2 =). If you want to join but your not in any sort of rankings system you will have to pass tests in actual gameplay including, strategy, camping, sniping, full out action, ability, difficulty levels and other various tests we feel necessary.Thats all for today expect another update within 2 weeks and a sneak preview of our soon to come website for Oblivion HQ!

If you have what it takes we are still looking for 3D artist, level designers, sound affects, music makers/ developers, modelers and texture artist. Anybody with QERadiant, Lithtech, UnrealEd, Visual C++, Visual Basic, DromEd, Genesis 3D SDK, SDK tools , Photoshop or DEdit experience might be very useful. Check out the Crew page to see a open slot for you, I will be glad to hear from you! So visit The Crew page to see a open slot for you!



It has been almost a month since we've updated but the story is now done and you can check it out here. As for that, all other progress such as the website and the Quake III map pack are almost done. The Quake III map pack entitled (Oblivion Quake III) has two of 4 maps done but anyone who is interested in doing a beautiful map may e-mail me at will... we still need a FFA map done and a CTF map done, but there is no release date on mind either. 7 new highly talented people have joined our fast growing team. We still need alot more "talented" people out there so check the list at the bottom of this post to see who we need and what you do best. As for Oblivion Doom III... we still dont know that much on it except very few engine details. I will attempt to speak to Carmack sometime soon to get more details if hes not busy. The website is still planned to open september 24th, the clan site is being built in the webpage itself so it will be hella cool.

If you have what it takes we are still looking for 3D artist, level designers, sound affects, music makers/ developers, modelers and texture artist. Anybody with QERadiant, Lithtech, UnrealEd, Visual C++, Visual Basic, DromEd, Genesis 3D SDK, SDK tools , Photoshop or DEdit experience might be very useful. Check out the Crew page to see a open slot for you, I will be glad to hear from you! So visit The Crew page to see a open slot for you!



I have a good announcement, since we have nothing to do but get organized and bullshit around, I figured... Lets do a Quake III map pack. It will have 4 maps... it will also consist of 2 CTF's, 1 dm and 1 ffa. The map pack is imminent and will be out in a few weeks so keep an eye out on this page for the next few weeks.

If you have what it takes we are still looking for 3D artist, level designers, sound affects, music makers/ developers, modelers and texture artist. Anybody with QERadiant, Lithtech, UnrealEd, Visual C++, DromEd, Genesis 3D SDK, SDK tools , Photoshop or DEdit experience might be very useful. Check out the Crew page to see a open slot for you, I will be glad to hear from you! So visit The Crew page to see a open slot for you!



The Crew page has been redesigned with a bunch of opened and taken slots. I have 2 people working on the new webpage and it is looking good. I will also be in the IRC channel over at Doomworld 3 o'clock p.m. pacific time, so if you have any questions or etc... meet me there. There will be another project (2nd) that will consist of a completely different crew, e-mail me on additional info. There will also be a very big 3rd project that will blow everyones minds, e-mail me on additional info. Oh, yeah I still need people to do many things so hop over to The Crew page to see open slots.

If you have what it takes we are still looking for 3D artist, level designers, sound affects, music makers/ developers, modelers and texture artist. Anybody with QERadiant, Lithtech, UnrealEd, Visual C++, DromEd, Genesis 3D SDK, SDK tools , Photoshop or DEdit experience might be very useful. Check out the Crew page to see a open slot for you, I will be glad to hear from you! So visit The Crew page to see a open slot for you!


Well, I have great news... Our website will still be up by 9/24/00, while I have people doing logos, sketches, artwork and javawork to the main website. When the website opens we will announce one of the other 2 projects we will be working on. As you know of course, were already making plans for Oblivion Doom III. Anyhow, We will have 3 teams basically working on three different projects.

The other "great" news is that I will be reopening my old clan that scored the rank of #49 in Half Life and # 23 in Tribes about a year to two awhile back. The name of it will be {GoW} "Gods of War" and will basically feature 20 of the best fraggers and skilled players out there. Heh, you have to be good if you want to join!

If you have what it takes we are still looking for 3D artist, level designers, modelers and texture artist. Anybody with Q3Radiant, Lithtech, UnrealEd, Visual C++, Photoshop or DEdit experience might be very useful. Check out the Crew page to see a open slot for you, I will be glad to hear from you!



Well our website is coming along very nicely and will be up for sure within this month. Our Crew have developed a faction called "Oblivion HQ", thats the name of our new website by the way. Anyhow, I am still gathering people from around the USA and I will be making our group a national mod design "team" as of 9/24/00. The hoster of our website left us and we lost a triple server with 2 T3 lines. But we are making it, only it will be elsewhere.

If you have what it takes we are still looking for 3D artist, level designers, modelers and texture artist. Anybody with Q3Radiant, Lithtech, UnrealEd, Visual C++, Photoshop or DEdit experience might be very useful. Check out the Crew page to see a open slot for you, I will be glad to hear from you!



Just so that everyone knows, we are just getting a large crew and getting prepared so when the tools are released we dont waste time looking for a crew... Thats all. Then all we'll have to do is start on the TC. The only thing we are doing at this point is making sketches and a Story line that we will hopefully be able to implement into a TC. I also have a new sketch in the Screenshot section so be sure to check it out!

If you have what it takes we are still looking for 3D artist, level designers, modelers and texture artist. Anybody with Quake 1-3, Lithtech or Unreal experience might be very useful. Check out the Crew page to see a open slot for you, I will be glad to hear from you!



Just so that you know we can't do much til the demo or the game is released and there are tools for it, but we are getting prepared and have to be patient until we can start on it.

The Story is being worked out thorougly and sketches and concept drawings are being developed at this very moment of some very interesting enemies. And the good part is that the sketches of some single player levels are enormous and beautiful. We are expecting the game will have curved surfaces so we have implemented them in our sketches. The enemies are going to be very cool, Example: the first sketch we have is a huge Demons torso eltronically floating over a tank like moving vehicle. Boy oh boy I cant wait till thats designed.

I have contacted all the major Doom sites but I will not contact any major games news site until "official" production has begun. And if any of you have what it takes to compete with other mods and or TC's out there and have what it takes to be very well into what you do with, graphics, level design and modeling. Contact me or visit The Crew page to see what you do best.



Since today I am sick with the flu, "err". I am working on my wad and this webpage. I havn't done much level designing but I have been in fact writing the story. The story is not complicated but it gets you involved and is just really kind of... cool. So as soon as I get some of the story done I will be working on the rest of map01 - The Escape. I still need some level designers and people to fool around with graphics. So just scroll down and click on my mail thingy to send me mail if you want to help!!


I am out of school and it looks like -TheRequiem- Did some modifications to the website. I am sitting down at my comp getting ready to set up my midi instruments to start on some music, if any of you want to send in some of your own midi send it to -TheRequiem-.

I think we should use the Boom engine but -TheRequiem- wants that to be the graphics editor's job, which is fine with me. Anyway, I'm going over to his house this weekend to do some work on the first level and etc. I have seen -TheRequiems- work before and he does a great job. He just doesn't like to release it. I mean, he made 9 huge beautiful Unreal maps and only lets his friends play them. This is probably the first major work he is posting besides all his Starcraft stuff. heh, well I'm going to get to work so I'll post any updates on further construction of this wad.



The Megawad has officially started, so expect to see more news and updates for this upcoming project!

I need Level Designers, Graphics Designers and a html expert to do the artwork and web page design for this site. So I would be glad if you can e-mail me and I will sincerely appreciate any help.



Well my Doom page is up and more news on my project are coming. I have a Doom Megawad under production. More news on our two person team project coming.

