Names in Badfinger History:



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Names in Badfinger History:


Adcock, Bob

A friend of Joey Molland's who recommended Rob Strawinsky to replace Mike Gibbins on a US tour in 1972

Aharony, Danny

D.A. was Badfinger’s US your-manager in 1972-73. He often encouraged Badfinger to do more originals and reduce the long jammings. D.A. Is qouted in The Badfinger Biography; “ Joey was always with his wife - There was no real spark there. She seemed to be a really disruptive force to the guys. It was always; “Joey should have a more prominent role” or “Joey should get to do this””.

Allen, Adam

A.A. was Badfinger guitarist in 1982 ( Badfinger line-up # 8 ). Bootleg videos exist of the “Adam Allen line-up” from a TV programme called “Shock Theater”

Anderson, Derrick

Anderson played some overdubs for "7 Park Avenue" and "Golders Green"

Anderson, Roy

R.A. was a member of some of Pete Ham pre-Iveys bands in Swansea in 1962-63

Asher, Peter

P.A. was one half of the duo “Peter and Gordon” who were given original Lennon/McCartney songs to record. Most succesfull were “World Without Love” and “Nobody I Know”. In 1968 Asher was the Apple head of A. & R.
Asher took the photo for "Maybe Tomorrow"

Aspinall, Neil

Apple’s Neil Aspinall came up with “Badfinger” as a new name for The Iveys in September 1969. He got the idea from an old Lennon thing called “Bad Finger Boogoe” ( which later developed in “With a Little help From My Friends”. In 1973 N.A. was head of Apple Music Publishing.


Bell, Nicky

N.B. was Badfinger-roadie in 1970-73. Nicky has said about Badfinger’s live performances; “They were as capable of jamming as anyone . . . Their songwriting style wasn’t in vogue.” N.B. on Bill Collins; “Bill suffocated them ( Badfinger ). He would say”We are a family, you’re the boys. I’m the father.”” In 1973 Nicky Bell left Badfinger to pursue a musical career.

Beresford Cooke, Tony

A BBC filmmaker who made a promo film for Badfinger’s “Love Is Easy“ - single. He also shot the back-cover photo on “Ass”. He was a close friend of Tom Evans.

Berry, Mike

M.B. was a young publishing promo man who came across The Iveys around 1967. M.B. has said on Tom Evans; “Tom was one of the greatest I ever met in this business. He was funny. He was cheeky. He was ambitious. He was what rock’n roll was all about.” Later Berry came to work for Apple Music Ltd.

Boyle, Tim

T.B. was a booking agent who helped The Iveys a lot getting gigs in the early days. Later he became a very close friend of the band. He shot film footage that was used for a TV promotion film for “No Matter What”. On the second Badfinger US tour he worked as a roadie for them. It was Boyle who arranged Badfinger’s contact with the Clearwell Castle and he also came to live there himself for a period. He helped building a small studio in the basement there. Marianne Evans on Tim Boyle; “If there was one person that really understood Tom, it was Tim Boyle.” In 1972 T.B. helped Mike Gibbins getting som of his songs recorded by a collection of Welsh musicians.

Branwell, Tony

T.B. was an Apple promotion man.

Bronson, Harold

He was a Rolling Stone correspondent who did interview and features with Badfinger in 1971. Later Bronson became president of Rhino Records. Bronson was present at the ASCAP Pop Music Awards in 1994. H.B; “I’d been thinking about going over to say “Hello”, but when I saw the two surviving members and Bill went up to collect awards for writing “Without You”, I was taken aback. I was thinking. “Are they robbing the grave here?””

Brown, Bernard

He was head of Apple Music Publishing in 1973.

Bryans, Richard

Drummer and Badfinger member in 1980-81. He played on the “Say No More” album.


Calello, Charlie

A music arranger who worked with people like Frank Sinatra and Lou Christie. He worked for Stan Polley and grew suspicious of him along the way. In 1974 C.C. tried to pursue some money from Polley. Polley pulled a gun at him and said; ”Get out! You have no money here.”

Cameron, Bill

Manager of Natural Gas

Campanero, Lenny

Drummer with Badfinger in 1983. L.C. about his time with Badfinger; “That was the most fun I ever had with a touring band on the road. It was the only band where within an hour of arriving at the hotel, everyone would get together in a room for a game of poker, or we’ll all go out together. It was just great.”

Carmen, Eric

E.C. is known from his time with The Raspberries and a successful solocareer. E.C. said in 1973;“We played at the bottom of a local bill featuring (Badfinger) and I thought they were just about the best rock band I'd ever heard. ”Later Carmen said to Ken Sharp in an interview on power-pop;“My first memory if playing with them was they were coming to Cleveland to play this club called The Plato. We went over and begged the owner of the club to put us on the bill. This was before we got signed to a record deal and we were as excited as can be. We played our little set and I remember Badfinger came on and they had little Vox amps that they sat on chairs. They sounded phenominal. They were absolutely picture perfect. I was knocked out by them. We were in awe of them at the time because they had an association with The Beatles. We first played with them before their second album came out. ãCome and Get itä was out and maybe ãNo Matter Whatä. We played with them a number of times in other cities after we had some hit records. The Raspberries identified with their music and I was certainly a huge fan of their style. When I heard Tom Evans and Pete Ham singing together for the first time I thought, ãWow, this is great!ä It was pretty obvious as time went on that we were both doing sort of the same thing. We were both bands that wouldnât have existed without The Beatles. We both obviously admired their sound and their recording techniques and aspired to do something as good.”

Cass, John

Badfinger manager in 1982. He totally mistreated the band and later tried to sue them - without much luck.

Chapman, Phil

Chapman was an engineer on Badfinger's first Warner album.

Clarke, Mark

Bassist with Natural Gas. Before that he’d plyed with Collosseum and Uriah Heep.

Clarke, Pete

Badfinger drummer in 1979 for the “Airwaves-tour”. P.C. never made it to record with Badfinger.

Collins, Bill

Collins was The Iveys’ manager from 1967 - later for Badfinger. He got them into contact with Apple Record. He strongly encouraged the band to write their own material. He lived with Badfinger in the house on 7 Park Avenue. He continued to be Badfinger’s Britsh manager until Pete’s death in 1975. In 1970 he was very suspicious of Mal Evans whom he thought were planning to take over Badfinger from him, so he arranged that Evans never came to work with the band again. According to signed documents Collins was recognized as an equal partner with the 4 members of The Badfinger group.

Corriston, Peter

Corriston designed the cover for Badfinger’s “Ass” album. He has designed for several other ortists, too. Among them Kiss, B.J. Thomas and Rod Stewart.

Craiter, Steve

Steve Craiter came to know Badfinger during their 1972 US summer tour. He kept an occasional correspondance with both Pete and Tom. Craiter taped some of these conversations. Later around 1983 Craiter witnessed Joey Molland cancelling Badfinger gigs, because Molland did not want Evans to tour as Badfinger without him ( Molland ). For a period Craiter played drums with Joey Molland. One of Craiter’s taped phone conversations in 1983 clearly shows Tom Evans growing desperation and anger towards Molland. Craiter learned the sad news of Evans’ suicide ( Nov. 83 ) from Joey Molland. According to Craiter, Joey had claimed that Tom Evans had sounded in great spirits the night before his death; quite contrary to what Marianne Evans and her friend Kerstin Lorenzen experienced as they overheard Tom’s and Joey’s phone conversation.


Dacus, Donnie

D.C. was guitarist with Badfinger in 1982. Dacus had played with Steve Stills in the early 70’s and with Chicago in 1978-80. A very competent musician.

Daly, George

G.D. was an A&R man at Elektra aorund the time of the “Airwaves” sessions. He suggested David Malloy as producer for the final “Airwaves” recordings after several other names had been rejected or had proven unavailable. He said of Tom and Joey;” The two original Badfinger guys seemed world weary to me. They were incredibly talented naturals. When they came into my office to play acoustic guitars and sing; they were amazing. But they always seemed to want to do the right things instead of just being themselves.”

Davies, Ray

Davis, Andy

Davis is a writer of the Record Collector magazine. He wrote the sleeve notes for the CD-versions of "Straight Up", "Best Of Badfinger" and "Ass"

R.D. is known from his long and great career with The Kinks. R.D. produced three tracks for The Iveys around 1967; “Sausage and Eggs”, “I Believe In You Girl” and “Yaxi”.
Davis also wrote the liner-notes for the 2010 remastered reissues of the 4 Apple albums, Magic Christian Music, No Dice, Straight Up and Ass.

DiLello, Richard

R.D. was the writer of the book on “Apple” - “The Longest Cocktail Party”. In the late sixties till the early seventies he was a promotion man for Apple. R.D. has said of The Iveys; They used to get up, shake the cobwebs out, and be in the studio practicing all day and night. They had a great work ithic.” DiLello took the photos for the “No Dice” and “Straight Up” albums and worked out the coverdesigns with Gene Mahon for both covers. He was strongly upset about Pete’s suicide and at a Beatles convention in 1976 he strongly accused the music-business of being cynical and of exploiting young musicians.

Index - dDixie ( Butz )

Pete’s American girlfriend in 1971/72. Pete wrote “Baby Blue” about her

Duryea, Richard

In 1973 Duryea was hired by Stan Polley to be his assistant to help managing Badfinger; getting them bookings in studios etc. He was close to the band during the Caribou recordings for “Wish You Were Here” and later also during the “Head First” recordings. D. claims the Pete Ham called him the night before his suicide telling him that he needed money and that he could not reach Stan Polley.

Index - e

Ellis, Beverley ( Tucker )

Beverley was Pete’s girlfriend from the early Iveys days till 1971.They stayed friends throughout Pete’s lifetime. He wrote several songs to and about her; among them “Without You”, “Sille Veb” and “Day After Day”. B. admired Pete for his determination to make it in the music business. “Pete spent more time in the studio than anyone”. She was very close to Pete and his songwriting from, and he often played his new songs to her before anyone else. She lived with the band at 7 Park Avenue and later she moved in with Joey and Kathie Molland. Beverley has said on Kathie, “She seemed to take Joey’s glory as her own.”

Emerick, Geoff

Emerick worked at the Abbey Road studios from about 1962; for as a tape operator and later on as engineer. He worked with George Martin and The Beatles on all their albums, except possibly "Help"
Emerick always wanted to produce music himself and his first opportunity came with Badfinger in 1970. He was chosen to produce their first album with Joey Molland. These session had already begun with Mal Evans, but most of the "No Dice" album was produced by Emerick. In 1971 E. also produced the follow-up album with Badfinger which to this date has not been released in full. The album which usually is referred to as "The Original Straight Up" contained still unreleased gems such as "Sing For The Song" and "Baby Please". Most of the songs from the album have been released as bonus-tracks on the CD-reissues of "No Dice" and "Straight Up".
After his work with Badfinger Emerick has produced albums for artists as Tommy Keene and Elvis Costello ( Imperial Bedroom ).

Evans, Bob

Around 1981/82 guitarist and songwriter Bob Evans worked with Tom Evans, Mike Gibbins and a couple of unknown musicians. They rehearsed for a short while at his house and they actually performed a few times as Badfinger; not very succesfully. Evans had taped some of these performances and recently he has released a double CD called "The Badfinger Anthology Vol. 1 and 2." This release has caused some controversy because of the songwriting credits given on this CD - Bob has given himself co-writer credit to some of Tom Evans' songs. It is also doubtful that Evans has the legal rights to sell and release stuff as "Badfinger". On a cassette tape that is part of this "Anthology" Bob Evans explains his version of Badfinger-history - some of his statements there are obviously not true; this may be due to bad memory or wild imagination from Evans' side.

Evans has been in bands called "Straight Up" and "Export E" and there is no doubt that he has some songwritings skills. He is also a great fan of Badfinger who really wishes he had been part of the band - and to some very small degree he actually has been so. I think most fans consider him a bit of a farce.

Evans, Mal

In the early and mid-sixties M.E. was a roadie for the Beatles. Mal invited Bill Collins to a Beatles recording session in 1967; this led to that Paul McCartney got interested in hearing The Iveys. In 1968 Mal Evans brought a tape of Iveys recordings to the Apple offices and both Derek Taylor and Paul McCartney were impressed them. This eventually led to The Iveys signing to Apple Records in in 1968. Evans came to produce some tracks on ãMaybe Tomorrowä, a great deal of ãMagic Christian Musicä and 2 track for ãNo Diceä ( ãNo Matter Whatä and ãBelieve Meä ) Some Badfinger recordings produced by Mal Evans remain unreleased; among them an early version of ãWithout Youä . Mal had been a close friend of The Beatles and he also became very close to Badfinger. During 1970 Bill Collins grew more and more jealous of Evans and began to fear that he would take Badfinger away from him ( Collins ). So Collins arranged that Evans should no longer work with the band.

In 1975 Evans was killed by the police under influece of drugs and holding a Winchester replica rifle in his hands. This was a tragic unneccesary misunderstanding.

Evans, Marianne

M.E. was the wife of Tom Evans and the mother of their son Stephen. Marianne had known Tom since around 1968; and she came to live with the “Badfinger-family” on 7 Park Avenue. In 1972 she and Tom moved together in a house in Surrey. In May 1973 she married Tom Evans.

Evans, Tom

Tom Evans was a founder member of Badfinger. He was born on June 5, 1947 in Liverpool. He had been in various bands before he joined The Iveys in 1967 to replace guitarist Dai Jenkins. He had a marvelous voice and sang a lot of The Iveys’ material. During his time with The Iveys, and later with Badfinger, T.E. developed a great abilty to write melodic pop/rock songs. He wrote or co-wrote many Badfinger favourites like “Without You”, “When I Say” and “Blind Owl”. He also wrote The Iveys’ first single “Maybe Tomorrow” and he continued to write songs throughout his lifetime. Hopefully more of his unknown recordings will be released in the future. In 1993 a collection of some of his last recordings was released (“Over You”) on Marianne Evans and Tom’s old friend Rod Roach’s initiatives. Roach had co-written some of the songs with Tom and he also did some overdubs on some of the recordings before their release. This is a terrific album really showing Tom’s ability to both write and sing catchy pop ballads and great power pop/rock tunes. During his last years ( 1981-83 ) Tom had been in various strong versions of Badfinger, but none of them made it to record an album after “Say No More” in 1981. In November 1983 Tom Evans took his own life and with him the hope of seeing a succesful Badfinger again died. With both Pete Ham and Tom Evans gone there could be no real Badfinger. Fortunately Mike Gibbins, Ron Grifftihs, Joey Molland, Bob Jackson and other previous Badfinger members have continued to make good music; but it’s not been “Badfinger-music”.

Index - f

Ferguson, Anne

Anne was the wife of Badfinger roadie Ian Ferguson ( Fergie ) with whom she had a son, Blair. Pete Ham wrote the song "Dennis" about Blair. After Anne left Fergie in 1974 she became Pete Ham's girlfriend and they moved in together in a house in the Surrey area, not far from where Tom and Marianne Evans lived. Shortly after Pete's death in April 1975 she bore Pete's and her daughter, Petera. Pete and Anne started their affair while she was still married to Ian, and this caused some problems in their relation to some of the other Badfinger-members and people around them. Pete way of dealing with such things was usually to write songs about them. In this case "Just A Chance", "It Doesn't Really Matter" and "Meanwhile Back At The Ranch" are good examples. Anne has said about Pete after his death; " I could never feel any sort of anger towards him, despite what he did. It could have been easier to accept his death if he was a bastard, but he was such a lovely man and that's the thing that hurts more than anything else. He was such a genuine and beautiful soul."

Ferguson, Ian ( Fergie )

Fergie was Iveys/Badfinger roadie from 1969 to 1974. He married Anne in 1971. He had a very hard time accepting that Anne had left him in favor of Pete Ham in 1974; so he stopped working with Badfinger after this. Fergie has said about Pete Ham; "Pete was the thoughtful one in the band, the intelligent one, the sensible one. Pete was the one you could always go to for advice. I have tremendous regrets we hadn't made up before he died. He was like a brother to me."

Furmanek, Ron

Furmanek remasted the CD versions of "Maybe Tomorrow", "Magic Christian Music", "No Dice", "Straight Up", "Best of Badfinger" and remixed "Do You Mind" for the CD-version of "Ass"

Index - g

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Gaffrey, Joe

G. was a photographer who took the photograph for "Wish You Were Here".

Garrick, David

Britsih pop-singer who had a few minor hits in the 60’s. The Iveys backed him on live-performances for a short period in 1966.

Gibbins, Gaynor

G.G. is the ex-wife of Mike Gibbins. She was a friend of Sue Wing’s who knew The Iveys through working at a booking office in Swansea. In 1970 she married Mike Gibbins. She lived with the band at 7 Park Avenue, where Pete often would play his new songs for her to hear her opinion about them. For a period in 1971 she moved with Badfinger to Clearwell Castle. Gaynor; “It was such a nice place. There was the outdoor life, the band could unwind, they had their studio they were building in the basement. I had my child there; it was a great place for kids. We had a great time.” Gaynor became a very close friend of Pete Ham’s. Gaynor on Pete; “ He was like a big brother. He really cared. He loved to joke around. He’d hide my clothes, or I’d be cooking and ingredients would come up missing; he’d swap salt for sugar. Pete and I didn’t really party or do drugs as often as the others did. Pete was as good as it gets, an absolute wonderful man. He loved his family, his friends, he was great with kids, a true gentleman. I’ve never stopped thinking about him. When I think of Pete, I think of the guitar being an extension.”

Mike Gibbins

M.G. was drummer in The Iveys and founder member of Badfinger. He was born in Swansea on March 12, 1949.
In 1965 he replaced Terry Gleason in The Iveys. Guitarist of The Iveys Dai Jenkins has said about Mike; " Mike was a heavier drummer than Terry and he had more presentation." Like the other Iveys members Mike developed a skill for writing songs, though he was not as productive as Pete and Tom. Later he wrote great songs for Badfinger like "My Heart Goes Out", "You're So Fine" and "Back Again". In 1970 he married his girlfriend Gaynor. In 1972 he left Badfinger for a period of months. He was replaced for a US tour by Rob Stawinsky. Mike felt his drumming was not appreciated enough by the others, especially Tom Evans and he also wanted to create more music of his own. Mike rejoined Badfinger shortly after their return from the US tour, but with a new more selfconfident attitude. It was, "Nobody fuck with me, or I'm out." Mike's last album with Badfinger was Head First in 1975. He has been in later Badfinger reunions after this; among them a very strong version featuring Tom Evans, Bob Jackson and Reed Kailing.

Mike has released a fine solo album in 1997 called "A Place in Time" which includes a very moving song about and dedicated to Pete Ham, called "Layaway". A completely new album can be expected from Mike in near future.

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Gleason, Terry

Drummer with Pete Ham’s early band “The Wild Ones”. Later he was in the first version of The Iveys till he was replaced by Mike Gibbins

Griffiths, Ron

R.G. was bassist in The Iveys and on the first Badfinger album “Magic Christian Music”.
Ron was born on October 2, 1946 in Swansea. He replaced bassist John Horrel in Pete Ham’s band “The Wild Ones” in 1965. They shortly thereafter change the name to “The Iveys”. Like the rest of the Iveys members Ron wrote songs, but not nearly as many as Pete and Tom. His most well-known and popular song is “Dear Angie” from “Maybe Tomorrow” and “Magic Christian Music”; but there are several of his songs recorded that remain unreleased. In June 1969 he married June Griffiths. During the recordings of “Magic Christian Music” Ron was ill for a period and he missed the opportunity to sing on Pete’s “Midnight Sun”; a song Ron had sung on earlier occasions. Shortly after Ron left Badfinger as both he and some of the others felt that he could not combine being a married man and father of a newborn child with being part of a popular pop/rock act like Badfinger. Ron has said about Pete Ham;” I think if Pete had lived, he would’ve become known as one of our all-time great songwriters.”

Index - h

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Hall, David “Tag”

D.H. was Badfinger roadie from early 1973. During Pete Ham’s last years he and David played some tennis together. David recalls that Pete “was taking his frustrations out on the court.” After Pete’s death he D.H. has said about him; “ Pete Ham was a fantastic person. He was a very gentle person, very even tempered. He’d get frustrated when things didn’t go right, but he’d never snap at you - He liked to joke and laugh - when the time was right - but then he would go deep inside . . . He cared about everybody. As far as I’m concerned he was like a saint.” About Joey Molland “Tag” has said; Joey was a stereotypical Liverpool person. A very dry sense of humour.”

Ham, Pete

P.H. was guitarist, pianoplayer, singer, composer and founding member of both The Iveys and Badfinger. He was born on April 27, 1947 in Swansea. From an early age music was Pete’s passion. He played in various amateur bands from around 1961; this eventually developed into The Iveys. Pete had an extraordinary talent for writing songs and he wrote numerous from 1965 and throughout his short lifetime. His talent was unquestionable on the same level as recognized writers as John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Paul Simon, Carole King etc. Pete Ham was also an extremely gifted guitarist and he had an unforgettable voice. Pete wrote 3 of Badfinger’s hitsingles and co-wrote the classic “Without You” with Tom Evans.
Obviously The Iveys and later Badfinger could not nearly record all Pete’s songs, even though many of them were much superior to some of the material they did record. The group’s democratic ideals demanded that all bandmembers should be allowed to contribute to their albums - and all member did have a talent for songwriting. This meant that a lot of Pete’s song were left unrecorded or unfinished. Fortunately many songs have been rediscovered and released by producer Dan Matovina who compiled the first Pete Ham album “7 Park Avenue” in 1997 and the second “Golders Green” in 1999. Matovina has stated that there is enough quality material for more albums in the future.
By 1974/75 when things had begun to go wrong both commercially and financially Pete Ham grew more and more depressed and he lost his faith in the future. In April 1975 he committed suicide by hanging himself in his garage. Everybody who knew him remembers him as an unusually great person. Words like caring, thoughtful, good, extremely talented, a genuine and beautiful soul, a true gentleman, “great with kids” are often chosen to describe Pete Ham’s personality.

Harck, Ken

K.H. was drummer with Badfinger during the Airwaves-sessions 1977-78. In spring 1977 Harck contacted Joey Molland to hear what his plans were after leaving Natural Gas. Together they got hold of guitarist Joe Tansin and Tom Evans and soon a Badfinger reunion was a reality. Their first recordings were produced by John Ryan; the legendary recordings, among them terrific versions of "Sail Away" and "Hold On", have never been released. Harck; "In rehearsals we'd often sound like Rockpile; it was very rockin'." About Kathie Molland Harck has said; "She wanted to sing and play tambourine in the band. Then she started talking about what we should do, and how we should do it. Eventually it got that whenever there was some meeting, and she happened to be around, she would do all of Joey's talking." Before the final recordings for the Airwaves-album were done, Harck was fired from Badfinger; Tom and Joey found him too inexperienced to work with in the long run. Harck never made it to tour with Badfinger.

Harrison, George

Beatle Harrison knew Badfinger from Apple Records, when he hired them to do session work for his "All Things Must Pass" album. Pete, Tom and Joey played acoustic guitars and Mike did various percussion. Later Harrison used Pete Ham for a Ronnie Spector single "Try Some, Buy Some" ,which George wrote and produced, and later on his own album "Living In The Material World". Al Steckler was not satisfied with the first version on Badfinger's "Straight Up" album ( never released ) , so he got the idea to have George Harrison produce new recordings for the album. George produced 4 songs before the preparations for the Bangla Desh concert called him to America. Among these productions were "Day After Day" on which he plays duet slide-guitar with Pete Ham. He also played duet with Pete on the Bangla Desh concert when they performed "Here Comes The Sun" together.

Healy, Mark

M.H. helped Joey Molland produce the "Day After Day" live-album. In recent years he has plyed bass with Molland.