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The Upper Room

Church Motto, Vision, and Prayer

Church Motto
"A church of Integrity"

God said that the Upper Room was to be a church of integrity that will not compromise the gospel or the standard that was set by our Lord Jesus Christ. We constantly strive to grow and become what he has declared over us.

Church Vision
"To be pleasing to the Father before all and to reach and minister to the individual, their family, the body of Christ, and our communities here and around the world."

Our first priority as believers is to be pleasing to our Heavenly Father. For it was this very purpose that we were created. And it is that purpose that governs everything we do (Rev. 4:11). We strive in ministry to touch the life of the individual. And in so doing we seek to be of service and support to the entire family. We commit to serve in a way that will develop and cultivate their relationship with God and each other as well as bring them to a place of peace within themselves. We desire to see the entire family blessed of God together (Act. 16:31). We are not so focused on those outside the church that we forget to serve our sisters and brothers in the Lord. We aspire to experience all that God has provided for us as we become closely knit together in the Faith. It is our goal to see all barriers and walls broken down for the Glory of God. Through our freedom in worship, sound doctrine, the love of the brethren, and the training of the saints we will become all that God ordained for us to be as a church (Eph. 4:13). As we serve one another we grow and become a more effective tool in the hands of God to reach the communities in which we are a part of. We will have an impact on our community that goes far beyond all races or social barriers as we seek to serve the gospel. In our service we will be the "light of the world" and the "salt of the earth" that Jesus said we were to be. Through the Love, mercy, and grace of God we will turn the world upside down. We understand that as we are faithful to our communities, God will continue to enlarge our borders (Mat. 5:14, Act. 1:8).

Church Prayer
"Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me!" 1Chr. 4:10

Our church prayer is the prayer of Jabez. Jabez was a man who had little or no inheritance and was acquainted with sorrow. But he called upon the Name of the God of Israel and God heard and answered his prayer. Nothing else is mentioned of Jabez in the bible. This shows us how God can take the simplest of people praying the simplest of prayers and do something extraordinary!

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