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Infopath BBS(TM) Official Homepage

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Infopath BBS was originally designed for DOS environment and for standard modems and local ( LAN or Console ) Connections.

Starting from version 2.00 it has moved to windows ( 95/NT ) environments . It has TCP/IP connectivity options now. It accepts Telnet and Web connections . I am testing v 2.00 and optimize it so I think it must be ready in two months time .

There is a free limited version of Infopath 1.00 that has a single local node available for testing . It will be ready for free download soon . ( 2 lines version , one local and one modem will be $25 with full documentation. )

Version 1.00 :
  • Private Email
  • ANSI menus , prompts , pages and bulletins.
  • Message boards
  • Bulletin boards
  • File libraries.
  • Sysop options and menus.
  • Settings Editor ( User & Sysop )
  • Charging credits for about everything ( adjustable ) .
  • User control profiles  . Each profile specifies access to commands , message boards , file libraries & bulletin boards.
  • Logging and accounting capabilities.
  • Full configuration Program.
  • Prompt Editor
  • Two ready prompt sets
Version 2.00 :
  • all of the capabilities of version 2.00.
  • Telnet access to BBS.
  • Web Server with ready pages for web access to BBS .
  • Internet Mail .
  • Windows based configuration tools.
Message Boards : Mailing Lists :
  • Infopath Update Announc.
  • Infopath Discussion
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