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The Storm Gem

Take Rain, Windy, and Thunder . . .put them all together, and what do you get? The Storm Gem! This was Ceaira's first attack gem which was non elemental that she had to face. At this point, she still had not revealed her identity to Sakura, Li, Madison, Keroberos, and Yue. Storm appeared at the Fall Festival in Episode 2, the day after the Amazon battle. It's form is a dark griffin who can use the powers of weather.

Sakura, Yue and Li fought Storm for a while in the best way they could, but Ceaira eventually appeared and used her gems to take it out. Using Firey to hurt it, she then used Amazon to rtestrain it and keep it from escaping. When summoned, the powers of the weather are unleashed, or the griffin can appear to do the same or provide transportation. One more power it has is to make it's wings metallic to create a sharp weapon.

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