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'Bay to Bay Adventures' Whale Cruises

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"Get a Taste of the Real Nova Scotia"

**Guaranteed Sightings!!**

See whales and seabirds from the deck of a working
lobster boat. Handline for fish in one of the most picturesque
parts of the province, on the coast of the Bay of Fundy!

Be the guests of Greg Tidd and family,
owners of Bay to Bay Adventures.

The Bay of Fundy and it's offshoot, St. Mary's Bay,
which lie on either side of Digby Neck, are renowned
for having the highest tides in the world. They abound
with flora and fauna, from the tiniest shrimp-like krill
to the humpback whales which feed upon them.

A trip into the Bay of Fundy begins on the dock at
East Ferry, where Greg, a certified Captain from the
Nova Scotia Nautical Institute, highlights the intended
day's destinations. Depending on the weather and the
tides, Greg commences the trip by steaming the
"Katabatic Winds" to the nearby whale feeding grounds.

Humpback, minke, fin and the endangered right whale, as
well as schools of porpoises, summer in the Bay of Fundy,
feasting on the abundant krill, sardines, and herring.
In early May, some humpbacks may calve, raising their young
in the Fundy waters until their southern migration in the fall.

All efforts are taken not to disturb the whales, which have
long been welcome visitors to the area. In fact, marine
biologists studying the whales have given each of the
approximately 100 humpbacks names, identifying them by
patterns on their tails.

Youngsters will be fascinated dip-netting krill and plankton
from the waters for a closer look with magnifying glasses.
Binoculars are avaiable to watch a variety of seabirds-from
assorted gulls to Arctic terns and cormorants. Traditional
handlines are provided to jig for groundfish and fishing
poles are available during the mackerel runs of late summer.
Reservations are suggested, but not necessary. All guests with
reservations should phone ahead, on the day of their cruise to
check the weather conditions. Fog and wind may cause cruises
to be cancelled. *The captain reserves the right to cancel at any time.
The "Katabatic Winds", a 36-foot lobster boat, has been re-equipped
especially for passengers, providing washroom facilities and
appropriate safety equipment. Every effort is made to accomodate
the guests!

How To Find Us
Picture Gallery *Coming Soon*

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For More Information!

Bay to Bay Adventures
Little River, Digby Co.
Nova Scotia, Canada
Tel: (902) 834-2618
Cell: (902) 247 0496

**Welcoming Visitors Since 1994**

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**Graphics made by and property of: Juanita Amero for Bay to Bay Adventures**
