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Welcome to the Story center, I'm no world famous author, so I ask you to help me with this as well, if any of your Norns, have done something cool or they're life as just made yours a living hell, I want to hear about it. To send in your story just click here

But anyway here are the stories:

The Story of Exander
The Story of Timbits
The Story of Exaver and Butterfly II
Diary of an Average Norn
Learning the language and life of C.R.E.A.T.U.R.E.S.
My first Encouter with Creatures
The Albian Christmas (Lilith Style)
Norn Family Roots (so far the Nornia's)

NON-Creatures Related just some humor....

Lilith's Quotes and Slogans
Some Deep Thoughts... don't worry it's not serious.
Why did the Chicken cross the Road?

Please come back and visit soon...
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