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Wild Cats

Featuring :The Endangered Tiger of the jungles, the cougar of the mountains and the lynx of the forests.

Wild Cat Facts
Cougars are also known as mountain lions, pumas or panthers.Wild cats live in busy areas so they can hide from enemies and sneak up on animals they are hunting. Wild cats don't chew their meat. They slice off pieces with their sharp teeth and swallow them whole. Except for mothers with babies, wild cats usually live alone. Wild kittens purr like pet kittens. Wild kittens have spotted fur so they can hide among rocks and trees.

Tigers are the largest of the big cats.Males may grow up to 3 m ( 10 ft ) long.
They are one of the few animals that will kill and eat people.
Tigers prey mainly on medium to large mammals, which they hunt
during the night. Tigers are now threatened because their jungle
homes have been cut down and they have been hunted for their
beautiful coats.

Cougars are the biggest and fastest cats in North
America. Adult males weigh about 68 to 3 kg
( 150 to 160 pounds ). The females are smaller
and weigh 41 to 45 kg ( 90 to 100 pounds.
Cougars live in the mountains and forests.
Cougars hunt deer. They wait until deer
are feeding, early in the morning or just before
dark. A cougar hides a deer's body under leaves
and dirt and eats it over a few days.
A cougar can run very fast, but only for a short distance.
Wild cats must catch their prey in three or four long jumps.
Mother cougars make dens in rock piles and caves. Or they
find shelter in deep brush, under fallen logs or tree roots.

Lynx are sometimes called "ghosts of the forest".
Lynx live in thick forests in the cold North.
Their gray bodies flit through the trees. Adult
lynx weigh from 8 to 9 kg ( 18 to 25 pound ).
A lynx eats 150 to 200 snowshoe
hares a year. When there are few hares,
lynx may go hungry and die. Lynx mothers
may have fewer babies.

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