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Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing

What constitutes shamanic healing? When we choose to work with shamanic healing we are truly listening to the voices of the ancient ones. Our ancestors lives were intimately connected with the environment surrounding them - the land, the plant and animal life, the stars above them - each was honored and brought into balance to create a life lived in peace and harmony.

We are still connected with All Of Our Relations ... with all that surrounds us. We still have that connection to the Spirit world - the world of all knowing. When we agree to access that world, we connect with the greatest source of healing available to us. Shamanic healing works on all levels ... quite often with issues from the past, including childhood issues. When we integrate all of our selves, when we heal we also experience a healing of the spirit.

Part of Shamanic Healing is journeying into other worlds - accessing our power animals and our spirit teachers. The information that we receive from them enables us to experience growth on many levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. We are given tools of empowerment, one of which is the power of Animal Medicine ... our personal spirit helpers.

When we journey, we may be entering one of three spirit worlds, each with their own function. The Lower World is where our Power Animals reside, and is a place of practical advice. The Middle World is a spiritual reflection of our conscious, everyday physical world. Here we can experience nature spirits, and communicate with other spirit entities. The Upper World is where we meet our Spirit teachers, and attend to our spiritual lessons. No journey should be attempted without a knowledgible human guide ... the spirit world needs to be honored and respected for the forces that it represents. It is also best to embark on our journeys without holding thoughts of what we "need", or what we will encounter or accomplish. Know that you will be lead to the world that has the most empowering message for you at any given time.

Once we become aware of our power animals, we need to honor and respect them, and learn how to place their energies in our lives. Meditating with them is one way of getting to know them, as is taking them into dreamtime with you. You may choose to wear your power animal in the form or jewlery, or as objects of art placed in your home or work environment. Our power animals are wise teachers adn good friends.

Soul retrieval is also a vital part of shamanic healing. When we experience trauma in our lives, one way in which we protect ourselves is to break off part of our souls - the part connected with the trauma. These are the pieces that need to be reintegrated before we can become whole people, living balanced and empowered lives. Soul Retrieval journey's are difficult, even with the help of a practicing shaman. They are not ever to be attempted without trained help.

What does all of this add up to? It empowers us, it aligns us as wholey integrated individuals, and ti helps us to live in balance and accord with ALl Of Our Relations.

Thank you for visiting my Shamanism pages. May your day be Blessed.

Mitakuye Oyasin - For All Of My Relations

(c) October 2002
Bonnie Cehovet

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