Wild Wild West

Night of the Casual Killer, #6505

James and Artemus are entrusted to do what the Army couldn't: penetrate the stronghold of a corrupt political boss John Avery (John Dehner) and return him to Washington for trial, after a man from the Attorny General's office is killed trying to bring him in. The duo poses as Shakespearean actors to gain entrance to Avery's fortress, but things turn sour soon after.

Ironicly, John Dehner turned down the role of Marshall Dillon in "Gunsmoke" because he didn't want to be typecast in westerns, but later starred as the San Francisco gunman for hire in radio's "Have Gun, Will Travel" series written by Gene Roddenberry.

Laurie Morgan: Ruta Lee
Marhal Kirby: Bill Williams
Mason: Len Lesser
Harper: Mort Mills
Hendrix: Ed Gilbert
Captain Davis: Curtis Taylor
Directed by Don Taylor
Written by Bob Barash
* The above information was compiled from The Wild Wild West: The Series by Susan E. Kesler (Arnett Press), "Michael Garrison's Wild Wild West," an article by Robert Alan Crick in Epi-Log Journal #11 and other sources.
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Animated graphics (c) 2001 by The Animation Factory.