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Spell Incantations used in "Slayers"

Look, I'm Lina Inverse. The beauiful sorceress who has saved the world countless times. Here are a few incantations for spells!

Darkness beyond twilight / Crimson beyond blood that flows / Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows / I pledge myself to conquer all the foes that stand against the mighty gift bestowed in my unworty hand / Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by the power that you and I possess!

Dragon Slave!

"tasogare yori mo kuraki mono / chi no nagare yori akaki mono / toki no
nagare ni uzumore shi / idai na nanji no na ni oite / ware, koko ni yami
ni chikawan / warera ga mae ni tachi fusagari shi / subete no oroka naru
mono ni / ware to nanji ga chikara mote / hitoshiku horobi o ataen koto o!"

"Darkness beyond blackest pitch, deeper than the deepest night! / Lord of Darkness, shining like gold upon the Sea of Chaos / I call upon thee, / swear myself to thee! / Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by the power you and I possess!

"Darkness beyond blackest pitch, deeper than the deepest night! Lord of

Darkness, shining like gold upon the Sea of Chaos, I call upon thee,

swear myself to thee! Let the fools who stand before us be destroyed by

the power you and I possess! GIGA SLAVE!!"

"shikai no yami o suberu ou / nanji no kakera no enishi ni shitagai /

nanjira subete no chikara mote / ware ni sarenaru chikara o atae yo /

sora no imashime toki hanaterashi kohreru / kuroki utsuro no yaiba yo /

waga chikara / waga mi to narite / tomo ni horobi no michi o ayaman... /



"Wind, crimson flame. Grant the power of thunder to my hand! DIGU VOLT!"

"Earth below me, submit to my will! Stone Spiker!"

"You, who are not of this world... by the Light of Purity I possess, I bid thee, begone to the nexus of our two worlds! MEGIDO FLARE!"

"Source of all souls which dwell in eternal and infinite. Everlasting Flame of Blue, let the power hidden in my soul be called forth from the Infinite...RA-TILT!"

"Infinite earth, mother who nurtures all life, let thy power gather in my hand! VLAVE HOWL!"

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