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Bulbasaur through Geodude

#1 Bulbasaur This grass/poison type pokemon is avalible from Professor Oak and evolves to Ivysaur at level 16, then Venusaur at level 32.
It is compatible with HM01, Cut and no others.
It's considered on of the best for beginners, despite its clear disadvantage against fire type pokemon, choosing Bulbasaur means easy victories against both Brock and Misty.
When you recive Bulbasaur it will have 2 normal-type attacks, TACKLE and GROWL.
Height: 1.0m
Weight: 13kg
Evolved form(s): Venusaur (Level 32)
Attacks: Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip(13), Razor Leaf(30), Solar Beam(54)
* Evolved form of Bulbasaur
(Level 16)
Height: 2.0m
Weight: 100kg
Attacks: Tackle, Growl, Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Growth(43), Solar Beam(65)
* Evolved form of Ivysaur (Level 32)
Charmander This fire type pokemon is avalible from Professor Oak and evolves to Charmeleon, then Charizard. It is compatible with HM01, Cut and HM0_ STRENGTH. When you recive Charmander it will have 2 normal-type attacks, SCRATCH and GROWL.
Height: 0.6m
Weight: 8.5kg
Evolved form(s): Charmeleon (Level 16), Charizard (Level 36)
Attacks: Scratch, Growl, Ember(9), Leer(15), Rage(22), Slash(30), Flamethrower(38), Fire Spin(46)
Type: Fire
Height: 1.1m
Weight: 19kg
Evolved form(s): Charizard (Level 36)
Attacks: Scratch, Growl, Ember, Leer(15), Rage(24), Slash(33), Flamethrower(42), Fire Spin(56)
* Evolved form of Charmander (Level 16)
Type: Fire
Height: 1.7m
Weight: 90.5kg
Attacks: Scratch, Growl, Ember, Leer, Rage, Slash(36), Flamethrower(46), Fire Spin(55)
* Evolved form of Charmeleon (Level 36)
Type: Water
Height: 0.5m
Weight: 9kg
Evolved form(s): Wartortle (Level 16), Blastoise (Level 36)
Attacks: Tackle, Tail Whip, Bubble(8), Water Gun(15), Bite(22), Withdraw(28), Skull Bash(35), Hydro Pump(42)
Type: Water
Height: 1.0m
Weight: 22.5kg
Evolved form(s): Blastoise (Level 36)
Attacks: Tackle, Tail Whip, Bubble, Water Gun(15), Bite(24), Withdraw(31), Skull Bash(39), Hydro Pump(47)
* Evolved form of Squirtle
Type: Water
Height: 1.6m
Weight: 85.5kg
Attacks: Tackle, Tail Whip, Bubble, Water Gun, Bite(24), Withdraw(31), Skull Bash(42), Hydro Pump(52)
* Evolved form of Wartortle (Level 36)
Type: Bug
Height: 0.3m
Weight: 2.9kg
Evolved form(s): Metapod (Level 7), Butterfree (Level 10)
Attacks: Tackle, String Shot
Type: Bug
Height: 0.7m
Weight: 9.9kg
Evolved form(s): Butterfree (Level 10)
Attacks: Harden
* Evolved form of Caterpie (Level 7)
Type: Bug/Flying
Height: 1.1m
Weight: 32kg
Attacks: Confusion(12), Poison Powder(15), Stun Spore(16), Sleep Powder(17), Supersonic(21), Whirlwind(26), Psybeam(32)
* Evolved form of Metapod (Level 10)
Type: Bug/Poison
Height: 0.3m
Weight: 3.2kg
Evolved form(s): Kakuna (Level 7), Beedrill (Level 10)
Attacks: Poison Shot, String Shot
Type: Bug/Poison
Height: 0.6m
Weight: 10kg
Evolved form: Beedrill (Level 10)
Attacks: Harden
* Evolved form of Weedle (Level 7)
Type: Bug/Poison
Height: 1m
Weight: 29.6kg
Attacks: Fury Attack(12), Focus Energy(16), Twineedle(20), Rage(25), Pin Missile(30), Agility(35)
* Evolved form of Kakuna (Level 10)
Type: Flying
Height: 0.3m
Weight: 1.8kg
Evolved form(s): Pidgeotto (Level 18), Pidgeot (Level 36)
Attacks: Gust, Sand Attack(5), Quick Attack(12), Whirlwind(19), Wing Attack(28), Agility(36), Mirror Move(44)
Type: Flying
Height: 1.1m
Weight: 30kg
Evolved form: Pidgeot (Level 36)
Attacks: Gust, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Whirlwind(21), Wing Attack(31), Agility(40), Mirror Move(49)
* Evolved form of Pidgeotto
Type: Flying
Height: 1.5m
Weight: 39.5kg
Attacks: Gust, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Wing Attack, Agility(44), Mirror Move(54)
* Evolved form of Pidgeotto (Level 36)
Type: Normal
Height: 0.3m
Weight: 3.5kg
Evolved form(s): Raticate (Level 20)
Attacks: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack(7), Hyper Fang(14), Focus Energy(23), Super Fang(34)
Type: Normal
Height: 0.7m
Weight: 18.5kg
Attacks: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Hyper Fang(14), Focus Energy(27), Super Fang(41)
* Evolved form of Rattata (Level 20)
Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 0.3m Weight: 2kg
Evolved form(s): Fearow (Level 20)
Attacks: Peck, Growl, Leer(9), Fury Attack(15), Mirror Move(22), Drill Peck(29), Agility(36)
Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 1.2m Weight: 38kg Attacks: Peck, Growl, Leer, Fury Attack, Mirror Move(25), Drill Peck(34), Agility(43) * Evolved form of Spearow (Level 20)
Type: Poison
Height: 2.0m Weight: 6.9kg
Evolved form(s): Arbok (Level 22)
Attacks: Wrap, Leer, Poison Sting(10), Bite(17), Glare(24), Screech(31), Acid(38)
Type: Poison
Height: 3.5m Weight: 65kg
Attacks: Wrap, Leer, Poison Sting, Bite(17), Glare(27), Screech(36), Acid(47)
* Evolved form of Ekans (Level 22)
Type: Electric
Height: 0.4m Weight: 6kg
Evolved form(s): Raichu (Thunder Stone)
Attacks: Thundershock, Growl, Thunder Wave(9), Quick Attack(16), Swift(26), Agility(33), Thunder(43)
Type: Electric
Height: 0.8m Weight: 30kg
Attacks: Thundershock, Growl, Thunder Wave
* Evolved form of Pikachu (Thunder Stone)
Type: Ground
Height: 0.6m Weight: 12kg
Evolved form(s): Sandslash (Level 22)
Attacks: Scratch, Sand Attack(10), Slash(17), Poison Sting(24), Swift(31), Fury Swipes(38)
Type: Ground
Height: 1.0m Weight: 29.5kg
Attacks: Scratch, Sand Attack, Slash, Poison Sting(27), Swift(36), Fury Swipes(47)
Type: Poison
* Female
Height: 0.4m Weight: 7kg
Evolved form(s): Nidorina (Level 16), Nidoqueen (Moon Stone)
Attacks: Growl, Tackle, Scratch(8), Poison Sting(14), Tail Whip(21), Bite(29), Fury Swipes(36), Double Kick(43)
Type: Poison
Height: 0.8m Weight: 20kg
Evolved form(s): Nidoqueen (Moon Stone)
Attacks: Growl, Tackle, Scratch, Poison Sting(14), Tail Whip(23), Bite(32), Fury Swipes(41), Double Kick(50)
* Evolved form of Nidoran (Level 16)
Type: Poison/Earth
Height: 1.3m Weight: 60kg
Attacks: Growl, Tackle, Tail Whip, Poison Sting(14), Body Slam(23)
* Evolved form of Nidorina (Moon Stone)
Type: Poison
Height: 0.9m Weight: 19.5kg
Evolved form(s): Nidorino (Level 16), Nidoking (Moon Stone)
Attacks: Leer, Tackle, Horn Attack(8), Poison Attack(14), Focus Energy(21), Fury Attack(29), Horn Drill(36), Double Kick(43)
Type: Poison
Height: 0.9m Weight: 19.5kg
Evolved form(s): Nidoking (Moon Stone)
Attacks: Leer, Tackle, Horn Attack, Poison Sting, Focus Energy(23), Fury Attack(32), Horn Drill(41), Double Kick(50) * Evolved form of Nidoran (Level 16)
Type: Poison/Earth
Height: 1.4m Weight: 60kg
Attacks: Tackle, Horn Attack, Poison Sting, Thrash(23)
* Evolved form of Nidorino (Moon Stone)
Type: Normal
Height: 0.6m
Weight: 7.5kg
Evolved form(s): Clefable (Moon Stone)
Attacks: Pound, Growl, Sing(13), Doubleslap(18), Minimize(24), Metronome(31), Defense Curl(39), Light Screen(48)
Type: Normal
Height: 1.3m
Weight: 40kg
Attacks: Sing, Doubleslap, Minimize, Metronome
* Evolved form of Clefairy (Moon Stone)
Type: Fire
Height: 0.6m
Weight: 9.9kg
Evolved form(s): Ninetales (Fire Stone)
Attacks: Ember, Tail Whip, Quick Attack(16), Roar(21), Confuse Ray(28), Flamethrower(35), Fire Spin(42)
Type: Fire
Height: 1.1m
Weight: 19.9kg
Attacks: Ember, Tail Whip, Quick Attack, Roar
* Evolved form of Vulpix (Fire Stone)
Type: Normal
Height: 0.5m
Weight: 5.5kg
Evolved form(s): Wigglytuff (Moon Stone)
Attacks: Sing, Pound(9), Disable(14), Defense Curl(19), Doubleslap(24), Rest(29), Body Slam(34)
Type: Normal
Height: 1.0m
Weight: 12kg
Attacks: Sing, Disable, Defense Curl, Doubleslap
* Evolved form of Jigglypuff (Moon Stone)
Type: Poison/Air
Height: 0.8m
Weight: 7.5kg
Evolved form(s): Golbat (Level 22)
Attacks: Leech Life, Supersonic(10), Bite(15), Confuse Ray(21), Wing Attack(38), Haze(36)
Type: Poison/Air
Height: 1.6m
Weight: 55kg
Attacks: Leech Life, Screech, Bite, Confuse Ray, Wing Attack(32), Haze(43)
* Evolved form of Zubat (Level 22)
Type: Plant/Poison
Height: 0.5m
Weight: 5.4kg
Evolved form(s): Gloom (Level 21), Vileplume (Leaf Stone)
Attacks: Absorb, Poison Powder(15), Stun Spore(17), Sleep Powder(19), Acid(24), Petal Dance(33), Solar Beam(46)
Type: Plant/Poison
Height: 0.8m
Weight: 8.6kg
Evolved form(s): Vileplume (Leaf Stone)
Attacks: Absorb, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Acid(28), Petal Dance(38), Solar Beam(52)
* Evolved form of Oddish (Level 21)
Type: Plant/Poison
Height: 1.2m
Weight: 18.6kg
Attacks: Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder
* Evolved form of Gloom (Leaf Stone)
Type: Bug/Plant
Height: 0.3m
Weight: 5.4kg
Evolved form(s): Parasect (Level 24)
Attacks: Scratch, Stun Spore(13), Leech Life(20), Spore(27), Slash(34), Growth(41)
Type: Bug/Plant
Height: 1.0m
Weight: 29.5kg
Attacks: Scratch, Stun Spore, Leech Life, Spore(30), Slash(38), Growth(48)
* Evolved form of Paras (Level 24)
Type: Bug/Poison
Height: 1.0m
Weight: 30.8kg
Evolved form(s): Venomoth (Level 31)
Attacks: Tackle, Disable, Poison Powder(24), Leech Life(27), Stun Spore(30), Psybeam(35), Sleep Powder(38), Psychic(43)
Type: Bug/Poison
Height: 1.5m
Weight: 12.5kg
Attacks: Tackle, Disable, Poison Powder, Leech Life, Stun Spore, Psybeam(38), Sleep Powder(43), Psychic(50)
* Evolved form of Venonat (Level 31)
Type: Earth
Height: 0.2m
Weight: 0.8kg
Evolved form(s): Dugtrio (Level 26)
Attacks: Scratch, Growl(15), Sand Attack(24), Slash(31), Earthquake(40)
Type: Earth
Height: 0.7m
Weight: 33.3kg
Attacks: Scratch, Growl, Dig, Sand Attack, Slash(35), Earthquake(47)
* Evolved form of Diglett (Level 26)
Type: Normal
Height: 0.4m
Weight: 4.2kg
Evolved form(s): Persian (Level 28)
Attacks: Scratch, Growl, Bite(12), Pay Day(17), Screech(24), Fury Swipes(33), Slash(44)
Type: Normal
Height: 1.0m
Weight: 32kg
Attacks: Scratch, Growl, Bite, Pay Day, Screech, Fury Swipes(37), Slash(51)
* Evolved form of Meowth (Level 28)
Type: Water
Height: 0.8m
Weight: 19.6kg
Evolved form(s): Golduck (Level 33)
Attacks: Scratch, Tail Whip(28), Disable(31), Confusion(36), Fury Swipes(43), Hydro Pump(52)
Type: Water
Height: 1.7m
Weight: 76.6kg
Attacks: Scratch, Tail Whip, Disable, Confusion(39), Fury Swipes(48), Hydro Pump(59)
* Evolved form of Psyduck (Level 33)
Type: Fight
Height: 1.0m
Weight: 32kg
Evolved form(s): Primeape (Level 28)
Attacks: Scratch, Leer, Karate Chop(15), Fury Attack(21), Focus Energy(27), Seismic Toss(33), Thrash(39)
Type: Fight
Height: 1.0m
Weight: 32kg
Attacks: Scratch, Leer, Karate Chop, Focus Energy, Seismic Toss(37), Thrash(46)
* Evolved form of Mankey (Level 28)
Type: Fire
Height: 0.7m
Weight: 19kg
Evolved form(s): Arcanine (Fire Stone)
Attacks: Bite, Roar, Ember(18), Leer(23), Take Down(30), Agility(39), Flamethrower(50)
Type: Fire
Height: 1.9m
Weight: 155kg
Attacks: Roar, Ember, Leer, Take Down
* Evolved form of Growlithe (Fire Stone)
Type: Water
Height: 0.6m
Weight: 12.4kg
Evolved form(s): Poliwhirl (Level 25), Poliwrath (Water Stone)
Attacks: Bubble, Hypnosis(16), Water Gun(19), Double Slap(25), Body Slam(31), Amnesia(38), Hydro Pump(45)
Type: Water
Height: 1.0m
Weight: 20kg
Evolved form(s): Poliwrath (Water Stone)
Attacks: Bubble, Hypnosis, Water Gun, Double Slap(26), Body Slam(33), Amnesia(41), Hydro Pump(40)
* Evolved form of Poliwag (Level 25)
Type: Water/Fight
Height: 1.3m
Weight: 54kg
Attacks: Doubleslap, Body Slam, Hypnosis, Water Gun
* Evolved form of Poliwhirl (Water Stone)
Type: Psychic
Height: 0.9m
Weight: 19.5kg
Evolved form(s): Kadabra (Level 16), Alakazam (Trade)
Location: Route 24, 25, Celadon City
Attacks: Teleport
Type: Psychic
Height: 1.3m
Weight: 56.5kg
Evolved form(s): Alakazam (Trade)
Attacks: Teleport, Confusion, Disable(20), Psybeam(27), Recover(31), Psychic(38), Reflect(42)
* Evolved form of Abra (Level 16)
Type: Psychic
Height: 1.5m
Weight: 48kg
Attacks: Teleport, Confusion, Disable(20), Psybeam(27), Recover(31), Psychic(38), Reflect(42)
* Evolved form of Kadabra (Trade)
Type: Fight
Height: 0.8m
Weight: 19.5kg
Evolved form(s): Machoke (Level 28), Machamp (Trade)
Attacks: Karate Chop, Low Kick(20), Leer(25), Focus Energy(32), Seismic Toss(39), Submission(46)
Type: Fight
Height: 1.5m
Weight: 70.5kg
Evolved form(s): Machamp (Trade)
Attacks: Karate Chop, Low Kick, Leer, Focus Energy(36), Seismic Toss(44), Submission(52)
* Evolved form of Machop (Level 28)
Type: Fight
Height: 1.6m
Weight: 130kg
Attacks: Karate Chop, Low Kick, Leer, Focus Energy(36), Seismic Toss(44), Submission(52)
* Evolved form of Machoke (Trade)
Type: Plant/Poison
Height: 0.7m
Weight: 4kg
Evolved form(s): Weepinbell (Level 21), Victreebel (Leaf Stone)
Attacks: Vine Whip, Growth, Wrap(13), Poison Powder(15), Sleep Powder(18), Stun Spore(21), Acid(26), Razor Leaf(33), Slam(42)
Type: Plant/Poison
Height: 1.0m
Weight: 6.4kg
Evolved form(s): Victreebel (Leaf Stone)
Attacks: Vine Whip, Growth, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore(23), Acid(29), Razor Leaf(38), Slam(49)
* Evolved form of Bellsprout (Level 21)
Type: Plant/Poison
Height: 1.7m
Weight: 15.5kg
Attacks: Wrap, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder
* Evolved form of Weepinbell (Leaf Stone)
Type: Water/Poison
Height: 0.9m
Weight: 45.5kg
Evolved form(s): Tentacruel (Level 30)
Attacks: Acid, Supersonic(7), Wrap(13), Poison Sting(18), Water Gun(22), Constrict(27), Barrier(33), Screech(40), Hydro Pump(48)
Type: Water/Poison
Height: 1.6m
Weight: 55kg
Attacks: Acid, Supersonic, Wrap, Poison Sting, Water Gun, Constrict, Barrier(35), Screech(43), Hydro Pump(50)
* Evolved form of Tentacool (Level 30)
Type: Stone/Earth
Height: 0.4m
Weight: 20kg
Evolved form(s): Graveler (Level 25), Golem (Trade)
Attacks: Tackle, Defense Curl(11), Rock Throw(16), Self Destruct(21), Harden(26), Earthquake(31), Explosion(36)