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Type: Stone/Earth
Height: 1.0m
Weight: 105kg
Evolved form(s): Golem (Trade)
Location: Victory Road
Attacks: Tackle, Defense Curl, Rock Throw, Self Destruct, Harden(29), Earthquake(36), Explosion(43)
* Evolved form of Geodude (Level 25)

Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 1.4m
Weight: 39.2kg
Evolved form(s): Dodrio (Level 31)
Attacks: Peck, Growl(20), Fury Attack(24), Drill Peck(30), Rage(36), Tri Attack(40), Agility(44)


Type: Normal/Flying

Height: 1.8m

Weight: 85.2kg

Attacks: Peck, Growl, Fury Attack, Drill Peck, Rage(39), Tri Attack(45), Agility(51)

* Evolved form of Doduo (Level 31)


Type: Water

Height: 1.1m

Weight: 90kg

Evolved form(s): Dewgong (Level 34)

Attacks: Head Butt, Growl(30), Aurora Beam(35), Rest(40), Take Down(45), Ice Beam(50)


Type: Water/Ice

Height: 1.7m

Weight: 120kg

Attacks: Head Butt, Growl, Aurora Beam(35), Rest(44), Take Down(50), Ice Beam(56)

* Evolved form of Seel (Level 34) Grimer:

Type: Poison

Height: 0.9m

Weight: 30kg

Evolved form(s): Muk (Level 38)

Attacks: Pound, Disable, Poison Gas(30), Minimize(33), Sludge(37), Harden(42), Screech(48), Acid Armor(55)


Type: Poison

Height: 1.2m

Weight: 30kg

Attacks: Pound, Disable, Poison Gas, Minimize, Sludge, Harden(45), Screech(53), Acid Armor(60)

* Evolved form of Grimer (Level 38)


Type: Water

Height: 0.3m

Weight: 4kg

Evolved form(s): Cloyster (Water Stone)

Attacks: Tackle, Withdraw, Supersonic(18), Clamp(23), Aurora Beam(30), Leer(39), Ice Beam(50)


Type: Water/Ice

Height: 1.5m

Weight: 132kg

Location: None

Attacks: Tackle, Withdraw, Supersonic, Clamp, Aurora Beam, Spike Cannon(50)

* Evolved form of Shellder (Water Stone)


Type: Ghost/Poison

Height: 1.3m

Weight: 0.1kg

Evolved form(s): Haunter (Level 25), Gengar (Trade)

Attacks: Lick, Confuse Ray, Night Shade, Hypnosis(27), Dream Eater(35)


Type: Ghost/Poison

Height: 1.3m

Weight: 0.1kg

Evolved form(s): Genga (Trade)

Attacks: Lick, Confuse Ray, Night Shade, Hypnosis(29), Dream Eater(38)

* Evolved form of Gastly (Level 25)


Type: Ghost/Poison

Height: 1.5m

Weight: 40.5kg

Attacks: Lick, Confuse Ray, Night Shade, Hypnosis(29), Dream Eater(38)

* Evolved form of Haunter (Trade)


Type: Stone/Earth

Height: 8.8m

Weight: 210kg

Attacks: Tackle, Screech, Bind(15), Rock Throw(19), Rage(25), Slam(33), Harden(43)


Type: Psychic

Height: 1.0m

Weight: 32.4kg

Evolved form(s): Hypno (Level 26)

Location: Route 11

Attacks: Pound, Hypnosis, Disable(12), Confusion(17), Head Butt(24), Poison Gas(29), Psychic(32), Meditate(37)


Type: Psychic

Height: 1.6m

Weight: 75.6kg

Attacks: Pound, Hypnosis, Disable, Confusion, Head Butt, Poison Gas(33), Psychic(37), Meditate(43)

* Evolved form of Drowzee (Level 26)


Type: Water

Height: 0.4m

Weight: 6.5kg

Evolved form(s): Kingler (Level 28)

Attacks: Bubble, Leer, Vice Grip(20), Guillotine(25), Stomp(30), Crab Hammer(25), Harden(40)


Type: Water

Height: 1.3m

Weight: 60kg Attacks: Bubble, Leer, Vice Grip, Guillotine, Stomp(34), Crab Hammer(42), Harden(49)

* Evolved form of Krabby (Level 28)


Type: Electric

Height: 0.5m

Weight: 10.4kg

Evolved form(s): Electrode (Level 30)

Attacks: Tackle, Screech, Sonic Boom(17), Self Destruct(22), Light Screen(29), Swift(36), Explosion(43)


Type: Electric

Height: 1.2m

Weight: 66.6kg

Attacks: Tackle, Screech, Sonic Boom, Self Destruct, Light Screen, Swift(40), Explosion(50)

* Evolved form of Voltorb (Level 30)


Type: Plant/Psychic

Height: 0.4m

Weight: 2.5kg

Evolved form(s): Exeggutor (Leaf Stone)

Attacks: Barrage, Hypnosis, Reflect(25), Leech Seed(28), Stun Spore(32), Poison Powder(37), Solar Powder(42), Sleep Powder(48)


Type: Plant/Poison

Height: 2.0m

Weight: 120kg

Attacks: Barrage, Hypnosis, Stomp(28)

* Evolved form of Exeggcute (Leaf Stone)


Type: Earth

Height: 0.4m

Weight: 6.5kg

Evolved form(s): Marowak (Level 28)

Attacks: Bone Club, Growl, Leer(25), Focus Energy(31), Thrash(38), Bonemrang(43), Rage(46)


Type: Earth

Height: 1.0m

Weight: 45kg

Attacks: Bone Club, Growl, Leer, Focus Energy(33), Thrash(41), Bonemrang(48), Rage(55) * Evolved form of Cubone (Level 28)


Type: Fight

Height: 1.5m

Weight: 49.8kg

Attacks: Double Kick, Meditate, Rolling Kick(33), Jump Kick(38), Focus Energy(43), High Jump Kick(48), Mega Kick(53)


Type: Fight

Height: 1.4m

Weight: 50.2kg

Attacks: Comet Punch, Agility, Fire Punch(33), Ice Punch(38), Thunder Punch(43), Mega Punch(48), Counter(53)


Type: Normal

Height: 1.2m

Weight: 65.5kg

Attacks: Wrap, Supersonic, Stomp(7), Disable(15), Defense Curl(23), Slam(31), Screech(39)


Type: Poison

Height: 0.6m

Weight: 1kg

Evolved form(s): Weezing (Level 35)

Attacks: Tackle, Smog, Sludge(32), Smoke Screen(37), Self Destruct(40), Haze(45), Explosion(48)


Type: Poison

Height: 1.2m

Weight: 9.2kg

Attacks: Tackle, Smog, Sludge, Smoke Screen(39), Self Destruct(43), Poison Gas(TV show), Haze(49), Explosion(53)

* Evolved form of Koffing (Level 35)


Type: Earth/Stone

Height: 1.0m

Weight: 115kg

Evolved form(s): Rhydon (Level 42)

Attacks: Horn Attack, Stomp(30), Tail Whip(35), Fury Attack(40), Horn Drill(45), Leer(50), Take Down(55)


Type: Earth/Stone

Height: 1.9m

Weight: 120kg

Attacks: Horn Attack, Stomp, Tail Whip, Fury Attack, Horn Drill(48), Leer(55), Take Down(64)

* Evolved form of Ryhorn (Level 42)


Type: Normal

Height: 1.1m

Weight: 34.6kg

Attacks: Pound, Doubleslap, Sing(24), Growl(30), Minimize(38), Defense Curl(44), Light Screen(48), Double-Edge(54)


Type: Plant

Height: 1.0m

Weight: 35kg

Attacks: Constrict, Bind, Absorb(29), Poison Powder(32), Stun Spore(36), Sleep Powder(39), Slam(45), Growth(49)


Type: Normal

Height: 2.2m

Weight: 80kg

Attacks: Comet Punch, Rage, Bite(26), Tail Whip(31), Mega Punch(36), Leer(41), Dizzy Punch(46)


Type: Water

Height: 0.4m

Weight: 8kg

Evolved form(s): Seadra (Level 32)

Attacks: Bubble, Smoke Screen(19), Leer(24), Water Gun(30), Agility(37), Hydro Pump(45)


Type: Water

Height: 1.2m

Weight: 25kg

Attacks: Bubble, Smoke Screen, Leer, Water Gun, Agility(41), Hydro Pump(52)

* Evolved form of Horsea (Level 32)


Type: Water

Height: 0.6m

Weight: 15kg

Evolved form(s): Seaking (Level 33)

Attacks: Peck, Tail Whip, Super Whip(19), Horn Attack(24), Fury Attack(30), Waterfall(37), Horn Drill(45), Agility(54)


Type: Water

Height: 1.3m

Weight: 39kg

Attacks: Peck, Tail Whip, Super Whip, Horn Attack, Fury Attack, Waterfall(39), Horn Drill(48), Agility(54)

* Evolved form of Goldeen (Level 33)


Type: Water

Height: 0.8m

Weight: 34.5kg

Evolved form(s): Starmie (Water Stone)

Attacks: Tackle, Water Gun(17), Harden(22), Recover(27), Swift(32), Minimize(37), Light Screen(42), Hydro Pump(47),Double-Edge(54)


Type: Water/Psychic

Height: 1.1m

Weight: 80kg

Attacks: Tackle, Water Gun, Harden

* Evolved form of Staryu (Water Stone)

Mr. Mime:

Type: Psychic

Height: 1.3m

Weight: 54.5kg

Attacks: Confusion, Barrier, Light Screen(23), Double Slap(31), Meditate(39), Substitute(47)


Type: Bug/Flying

Height: 1.5m

Weight: 56kg

Attacks: Quick Attack, Leer(17), Focus Energy(20), Double Team(24), Slash(29), Swords Dance(35), Agility(42)


Type: Ice/Psychic

Height: 1.4m

Weight: 40.6kg

Attacks: Pound, Lovely Kiss, Sing(15), Double Slap(23), Ice Punch(31), Meditate(39), Blizzard(47)


Type: Electric

Height: 1.1m

Weight: 30kg

Attacks: Quick Attack, Leer, Thundershock(34), Screech(37), Thunderpunch(42), Light Screen(49), Thunder(54)


Type: Fire

Height: 1.3m

Weight: 44.5kg

Attacks: Ember, Leer(36), Confuse Ray(39), Fire Punch(43), Smoke Screen(48), Smog(52), Flame Thrower(55)


Type: Bug

Height: 1.5m

Weight: 55kg

Attacks: Vicegrip, Seismic Toss(25), Guillotine(30), Focus Energy(36), Harden(43), Slash(49), Swords Dance(54)


Type: Normal

Height: 1.4m

Weight: 88.4kg

Attacks: Tackle, Stomp(21), Tail Whip(28), Leer(35), Rage(44), Take Down(51)


Type: Water

Height: 0.9m

Weight: 10kg

Evolved form(s): Gyrados (Level 20)

Attacks: Splash, Tackle(15)


Type: Water/Air

Height: 6.5m

Weight: 235kg

Attacks: Bite(20), Dragon Rage(25), Leer(32), Hydro Pump(42), Hyper Beam(52)

* Evolved form of Magikarp (Level 20)


Type: Water/Ice

Height: 2.5m

Weight: 220kg

Attacks: Water Gun, Growl, Sing(16), Mist(20), Body Slam(25), Confuse Ray(31), Ice Beam(38), Hydro Pump(46)

Type: Normal
Height: 0.3m
Weight: 4kg
Attacks: Transform

Eevee, Flareon, Jolteon and Vaporeon Eevee:

Type: Normal

Height: 0.3m

Weight: 6.5m

Evolved form(s): Eon (Level 36), Flareon (Fire Stone), Jolteon (Thunder Stone), Vaporeon (Water Stone)

Attacks: Tackle, Sand Attack, Quick Attack(27), Tail Whip(31), Bite(37), Take Down(45)


Type: Water

Height: 1.0m

Weight: 29kg

Attacks: Tackle, Sand Attack, Quick Attack(27), Tail Whip(37), Bite(40), Acid Armor(42), Haze(44), Mist(48), Hydro Pump(54),

* Evolved form of Eevee (Water Stone)


Type: Electric

Height: 0.8m

Weight: 24.5kg

Attacks: Tackle, Sand Attack, Quick Attack(27), Thundershock(31), Tail Whip(37), Thunder Wave(40), Double Kick(42), Agility(44), Pin Missile(48), Thunder(54)

* Evolved form of Eevee (Thunder Stone)


Type: Fire

Height: 0.9m

Weight: 25kg

Attacks: Tackle, Sand Attack, Quick Attack(27), Ember(31), Tail Whip(37), Bite(40), Leer(42), Fire Spin(44), Rage(48), Flame Thrower(54)

* Evolved form of Eevee (Fire Stone)


Type: Normal

Height: 0.8m

Weight: 36.5kg

Attacks: Tackle, Sharpen, Conversion, Psybeam(23), Harden(28), Agility(35), Tri Attack(42)


Type: Stone/Water

Height: 0.4m

Weight: 7.5kg

Evolved form(s): Omastar (Level 40)

Attacks: Water Gun, Withdraw, Horn Attack(34), Leer(39), Spike Cannon(46), Hydro Pump(53)


Type: Stone/Water

Height: 1.0m

Weight: 35kg

Attacks: Water Gun, Withdraw, Horn Attack, Leer, Spike Cannon(44), Hydro Pump(49)

* Evolved form of Omanyte (Level 40)


Type: Stone/Water

Height: 0.5m

Weight: 11.5kg

Evolved form(s): Kabutops (Level 40)

Attacks: Scratch, Harden, Absorb(34), Slash(34), Leer(44), Hydro Pump(49)


Type: Stone/Water

Height: 1.3m

Weight: 40.5kg

Attacks: Scratch, Harden, Absorb, Slash, Leer(44), Hydro Pump(53)

* Evolved form of Kabuto (Level 40)


Type: Stone/Air

Height: 1.8m

Weight: 59kg

Attacks: Wing Attack, Agility, Supersonic(33), Bite(38), Take Down(45), Hyper Beam(54)


Type: Normal

Height: 2.1m

Weight: 460kg Attacks: Head Butt, Amnesia, Rest, Body Slam(35), Harden(41), Double-Edge(48), Hyper Beam(56)


Type: Ice/Air

Height: 1.7m

Weight: 55.4kg

Attacks: Peck, Ice Beam, Blizzard(51), Agility(55), Mist(60)


Type: Electric/Air

Height: 1.6m

Weight: 52.6kg

Attacks: Thundershock, Drill Peck, Thunder(51), Agility(53),

Light Screen(60)


Type: Fire/Air

Height: 2.0m

Weight: 60kg

Attacks: Peck, Fire Spin, Leer(51), Agility(53), Sky Attack(60)


Type: Dragon

Height: 1.8m

Weight: 3.3kg

Evolved form(s): Dragonair (Level 30), Dragonite (Level 55)

Attacks: Wrap, Leer, Thunder Wave(10), Agility(20), Slam(30), Dragon Rage(40), Hyper Beam(50)


Type: Dragon

Height: 4.0m

Weight: 16.5kg

Evolved form(s): Dragonite (Level 55)

Attacks: Wrap, Leer, Thunder Wave, Agility, Slam(35), Dragon Rage(45), Hyper Beam (55)

* Evolved form of Dratini (Level 30)


Type: Dragon/Air

Height: 2.2m

Weight: 210kg

Attacks: Wrap, Leer, Thunder Wave, Agility, Slam, Dragon Rage, Hyper Beam(60)

* Evolved form of Dragonair (Level 55)

Mewtwo: Type: Psychic Height: 2.0m

Weight: 122kg

Attacks: Confusion, Disable, Swift, Barrier(63), Recover(70), Mist(75), Amnesia(81)