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Street Rag Home Page

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It should be understood that upon my death,any and all ideas wether in 'the street rag' or/and all previous ones not exploited by me during my lifetime and regardless of whoever tries to claim them for whatever reason, they all become public domain and available then for all to use freely any time after.

Note:What's shown here is only a fraction of further material to be entered.

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this is page seven

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the street rag

ideas suggestions solutions

The next step,and its coming with a vengeance. These future electric vehicles above(issue no.138 add also to it these pats.5760569+5612606)and its infrastructure(in the trillion$),also see buses and trucks battery swap stations (see image No.7 below)are coming in with a vengeance. The sudden reduction at the pump,the hoarding of precious metals, the secret meetings by "biggies",raising cash including are the result. Thats only part of a greater picture which is the global magnetic guideway network(see issue no. 135 below) propelling us at fantastic speeds throughout the planet. This issue at left(no.133) (IMAGE NO.3)is a collage of several articles presented in previous ones.Its reduction in size may make it difficult to read including others on this page.To acquire a copy ,or any other,write to distributors listed at the bottom of this page.This image shows how the world could evolved into an orderly transition, where there are then no alternatives but to one unified and single state of mind,a real democracy free of gangsters,for all mankind.Although many for their own selfish objectives would as they always did oppose it. Like the thirteen original U.S. States,like Europe is now planning,why not others throughout the world follow.The map inset at left illustrates the unification of one of the eight suggested blocs with Canada,Greenland and Northern Europe,all united, thus enhancing their future. The same holds true for the other blocs (as shown in 133 p.2 below left)then the final unification can occur a couple of decades later after we helped each other attain a somewhat equal level of comfort and security.
At right(IMAGE NO.4)We're growing up, and out."Its a changing world".This page(left)illustrate 5 other blocs. A) Merging the arab and muslim countries from Morocco to Bangladesh, B) South Europe with Central and South America, C)All African countries including Madagascar, D)China with Japan and other Asian countries, E) Australia and N.Zealand with all the other(Oceania)islands in the Pacific Ocean, Of course F) Russia and G) the United States,as they are, make the 2 other blocs. H) is the Northern Bloc first mentioned see above(133 p1)also shows a north atlantic ground connection thru tunnels between the north atlantic islands Europe and Canada with access to all at fantas- tic speeds in magnetic guideway tubes above ground and tunnels beneath long stretches of waters. the same holds true for the global network around the world. As the global corporations, priorly mentioned, all owned in proportional shares depending on each countries requirements and purchased by them with cash, resources, labor or other means and as all being part owner there is no exploitation (no profit) its use at minimal costs is the gain for all.Here again,like the charging of the E.V.batteries(See IMAGE 2)the magnetic guideways will propel the vehicles with the energy from a global solar system someday soon,as shown the public in early eighties and to be in this web page soon also.
(IMAGE NO.5)Almost four decades ago a high speed magnetic guideway network concept was presented to the D.O.T. Director of Research in Washington,D.C. It illustrated and depicted how we could displace privately owned vehicles in a controlled manner permitting them entrance and exit without stopping the system at any time.With no contact(mag.lev.)and propelled and controlled externally the vehicles cannot cause a stoppage.After a system analysis study was made by TRW Corp. for the U.S. D.O.T. ,who was at that time seeking new modes,from individuals, universities and even corporations, the concept above (in tubes) was their first choice. From it evolved "mag-lev", a new name given to an old idea (1912 Patent No.1020942) by a Mr.Bachelet of N.Y.C. It is also like the recent ones in various countries. The're all suspended and propelled magnetically but its not in the mode suggested in tubes and individual vehicles. one can see where the 40 passenger plus or so vehicles could lend themselves to be used for moving cargo containers also someday in the future. But again they'd better be propelled in tubes if very high speeds (Mach 1 to??) are to be attained while protecting them against all elements. The seperable auto bi-modal capsules (left) are pressurized for passenger comfort and ride the evacuated tubes also. The EV dolly carrier stays behind at point of departure.
(IMAGE NO.6)"Mag-Lev",the word, was coined from magnetic levitation which means "magnetic suspension and propulsion" as defined by Marco Systems Inc. to the U.S. D.O.T.way back in the early 60's and before "Mag-Lev". Many since have developed a single vehicle (train)to transport a high volume of passengers. At present, a Germany company, also Japan, Russia, Romania, England have built various concepts. Even Brookhaven Nat. Labs. in New York have done some research and patented their concept(as shown)see article "loco-motion" at left.Should copies of these issues be of interest write to distributor(s) listed at end of this web page.this particular one is almost illegible. Top left one refers to one maglev train and an air cushioned(lift)and mgnetically propelled auto, a GMC patent. The lower portion depicts An intersecting station to permit entrance to and exit from the magnetic guideway by individual autos. Also pictorial views in cities and out in the countryside of enclosed guideways lending themselves to extremely high speeds for the future to travel via the Bering Strait to all 5 continents. The sketches to the lower right were presented to Washington in early 60's and will be "the way we go". Top right is "F.B.I." who's been on my ass and won't tell me for who and why ...yet! Intimidation using "Foreign Counterintelligence--Russia" as their ploy. A set-up.! It will be lawsuits in the billion$ for all those lawyers will get20% and so will all the witnesses(shared among them.) Just wait..! Type In Here!!
(IMAGE NO.7)Again in this illustration, like the first ones above ("Street rag 138")depicts applications for exchanging batteries,the same (size, voltage(55v), and interfacing characteristics) as in cars,for trucks, vans, semi-trailers, buses, where they are replaced on each side rather than at the front and rear like the low profiled autos. Upon entrance between the battery charging and flow towers the driver is merely a "passenger" his controls are cutoff and the system takes over(for a minute or two) and then he's on his way. A credit card or cash was all it took.(no checks...please!) the range is determined by the content choice of the battery and the number of swapped batteries. For instance the "semi s" could accommodate up to 30 batteries with an extensive range of 800 miles. Far fetched?...we'll see! All the towers are designed in a way that they could be enlarged to accommodate a higher volume of batteries corresponding to the traffic demand.At a later date we'll get into the "nuts and bolts" of it all. I'll design them, if need be.Like the design shown in "Street rag 138" the trucks, buses etc also have the same type electric motors mounted in each wheel with exceptional torque and speed capacity exceeding the vehicles of today. As we can see,there is the possibility contrary to self-interest groups to provide for immediate transition to electric vehicles now to protect our future generations. Don't permit them (Auto, Oil, U.S. Advanced battery consortium, or whoever , tell us we must wait. That's B.S. and they know it....and the're ready to grab these concepts for themselves. No way, I dare them!
These five previous images above were reduced. Should any be required,contact me or any distributor listed at the end of this page. (IMAGE NO.8)At left, the orbiting satellites are in a near orbit, shown here is a twelve hour orbit with eight satellites in it and all part of one system. With two million stckholders each owning a share ($100.00 each maybe),we could have access to all on this planet should they all do the same, owning theirs,and it can all be free communications forever. Installation and upkeep with that money may last us twenty years. We then repeat the same indefinitely.Since all human beings on this planet have the right to the band spectrum we must request it back.The U.N. who permitted coporations to bid on them to exploit us in the past should make them do so, and as we need it for our own systems. Although , as usual, those affected would object, they like us must move on to new possibilities.For instance the launching means by many countries , the orbiting satellites, the cellular stations, toroid antennas(shown at right), existing and new broadcasting stations,fax, and many other communications then could create new areas of development and growth.One can just imagine having ,(as shown four images down) a neck mounted "cellular-stereo-beeper" unit with the new shirts, blouses,sweaters, dresses,etc, all having provisions for the unit so when they, when preparing for the day, mount that unit around their neck and out of sight(continued five lines down.)
(Note: The first three lines in this image are a rescan of the image above,ignore them.It's content is the continuation of it.)(At left, IMAGE NO.9) Because every one can own, across the planet ,their own cellular and have free access to communicate to all it will be obvious for the clothing industries to include the central pouch on all garments like shirt pockets at present. A few days ago(5/21/98) a stationary satellite went awry making all beepers useless for several days, in this near orbit system having 8 satellites, should one fail the other seven can within a few hours slightly reposition themselves to 51.4 degrees and still be receptive on 60 degree toroid antennas on earth wether at the cellular or broadcasting stations,and even the toroid antennas at home. As mentioned in images No.8+9 ,of course the giant corporations will object..but...,if every two million users own their local facilities, as stockholders, all use of them wil l be free. Not long ago excerpts of this idea was presented to the public in early 98, since then..., it scared the phone companies into lowering their rates. the same with the E.V.system above see image 1+2, it made the gas prices go down substantially.(Also see three images down for your new neck mounted cellular-stereo set).Type In Here !
(IMAGE NO.10 "SOFT STRUCTURES")The sketches and text in the image at left provide us with a new possibility to participate, during our leisure hours,in many types of activities using the non-busy streets of big cities such as N.Y.C. off working hours and weekends for all types of recreations.Thousands of city dwellers who usually seek shelter in their apartments in nonclement weather now can participate with others in many more activities as non spectators and be physically active instead of becoming or called a "couch potato". By installing roof structures be they "soft" and retractible or rigid ones these light weight structures could permit its attachment to existing buildings.Then using appropriate drainage for precipitation and also providing cooling or heating in extreme conditions supplied by those buildings with means, only then to close off the ends, we've got it made. Just imagine, sidewalk cafe's, roller blade hockey, volleyball, parties,etc,etc,just to mention a few.Repeat this over and over throughout the city and it'll be a whole new outlet with minimum costs to the users and taxpayers .(cont.) Type In Here!!
(IMAGE NO.10a)Here's a photo of the location (Fifth Ave. At 41st. Street)in front of the New York Library. After six P.M. very little traffic is (cont.) Type In Here(cont)

(IMAGE NO.11)The image at right is an excerpt of "The street rag" issue No.130 page 1. Instead of a dish antenna, this one shown (not to be confused with a segmented dish unit) is a toroidal one.It has a radial curve(arcuate)on the 'horizontal' plane and a hyperbolic one on the vertical one with a series of horns at near proximity to the reflector, central on the horizontal plane or a single horn if placed far enough to have all echo signals refract at one point. Thus all satellites in view ,fixed or moving relative to earth, can be sending their signals without any lost contact. Since all multiple satellite systems in near orbits (8 or more) would be scanning all the ground toroid antennas, described earlier,every system would continually have access to all on the planet aswell as to each ohter's system owned by each and every one of us as stockholders with all communications free for all of us. I.E. All user owned systems wiht minimal costs for repair and upkeep with afew bucks needed two decades later to keep those systems in operations. (Type In Here!!)
IMAGE NO.12)The cellular phone shown could be altered to accomodate the user while having it hanging high at the neck and stored in garments providing protection while out of site. For a decade now, using a regular stereo such as a "walkman" with a neck band fastened to it,I was able to make use of it every day from morning till night removing it only to sleep, during which time I'd plug it to my charger mounted to the wall inlet. AT no time were the batteries ever removed until they were unable to be recharged again.As mentioned in no.8, soon all our clothing,even children's will provide for it. Like wearing glasses or a watch ,we'll provide a pouch for a neck suspended 'cellular-stereo-beeper'within it and it will be part of our morning dressing up also. As soon as mentioned in no.8 all communications become user owned and free this whole picture will evolve...finally. Then to use the cellular, you put your 'ears' on, lower the phone dial flap as shown make the call,pull the telescopic mike out, zip up and chat (with your hands in your pockets). After the call,push the microphone back down and thru the clothing, and by pushing a button, you switch back to your favorite stereo program or the AM band.(as soon as nokio, motorola etc. pay me a royalty maybe they'll do it...No?) Type In Here!!
(IMAGE NO.13)(for Austria)At right is an excerpt of "street rag" No.128 p.1, it illustrates a new possibility for skiers who,regardless of adverse conditions, can ski or snowboard at any time and to their heart's content.The two skiers at right are standing within a pressurized dome type structure with an all year round controlled temperature just below freezing, and thus, eliminating the need to snow making to only a few times a month maybe, and with minimum grooming. At present, unless you live in a cold winter area and at near proximity to ski areas, that sport can be quite costly even for a weekend.($300.00+ for lodging,food,lifts,travel ,etc.) and available to a limited few.With this new possibility even the kids working at "fast foods" at $5.00 an hour can get together with 3 or 4 pals, put their boards on top of the car,and hop over, for example to Great Gorge,N.J. from N.Y.C. in an hour and ski the slopes all day for $25.00 and be home that same evening. With such easy access, they too can become "pros" in no time. Since these areas are then open all year, a whole new possibility for the local businesses could evolved into new prosperity for them also.Even the the winter resorts who,thru the summer, have many vacationers could also include bring their boards along on their trip. The Bottom picture(at left) illustrates Camelback Pa. ski area with such a roof over one of its lifts at its right, a side elevation and section view is also shown. for more, see "Big Top" in fig .14 in next image. (continued)

(IMAGE NO.16x)This RCA stadium in Minneappolis For several years now these type roofs have shown their reliability regardless of their size.(cont)

(IMAGE NO.16y)This Yeadon stadium RICE & ARLINGTON SPORTS DOME 360' Diameter x 90' H Round Structure at St. Paul, MN. can also give us an idea of how wide these structures can be without any support other than air pressure (cont)

(IMAGE NO.13a)For all year skiing this type of (cont)

(IMAGE NO.14)"Big top"A coincidence, a company of that name makes rigid light structures which ,having looked them up in "thomas register" could also among others I contacted provide typical facilities such as the air pressure supported ones. Also at a minimal cost relative to huge structures like the present one in Japan,or the costly stadiums now being planned. See future ideas for new inexpensive convertible roofs for all present stadiums for an approximate $20 million cost, to be in this web page soon also.A few years ago I visited the giant stadium and left sketches and description of such a standard roof adaptable to most existing and future ones to the manager Mr. Mulcahy also sent a copy to Mr.Steinbrenner avoiding the need for a new stadium for the "Yankees". Never heard from neither of them.The folded roof (like a "chinese fan") is stored in a tiltable tower the size of the washington monument. With a track circling the roof ,small motors at each fold circulate the stadium till both halves meet,a power fastener zips it closed, the edges are sealed then air pressure is introduced like the bubbled roofs on tennis courts and the ski slope dome shown in Image 13 above. I'll show it soon on this page.The bottom of this image gives us an idea as to how we can reduce costs of these roof structures by standardizing them from one application to another. Even circular roofs of dfferent diameters. Can you imagine what can be done with one billion dollars saved for N.Y. tax payers ? Boy! I have other things they need!Type In Here!!
(IMAGE NO.15)What we're looking at here,see photo below(the image was entered wrong) is Times Square,N.Y.City. The biggest advertizing center in the world. Since millions come to visit it, an idea came to mind to provide McDonald's with a 'humdinger' of an ad while permitting the public access with elevators within the M logo and for them to ride, take photos also enjoy the ride and the view during the trip across both arches.Down in Saint Louis, Missouri they have a huge arch where visitors can view that city from. So,the same in Manhattan.should you be standing at 40th st. and seventh looking north, you only see one arch,from there walk over to Broadway, look north again ,you see the other (half)arch. Walk north to 43rd st. you'd see both as the McDonald symbol. When a Burger King manager saw this he asked me what can be done with their logo, I told him I'll think about it. Since then.,I did,and will show it on the web soon.For instance, their logo with "Burger King" written between the bun would lend itself very well on rural towns's water tanks. Their shape at many location are identical to it. Also a big "whopper" shaped building located within traffic circles. A perfect spot for hungry travelers.---cont)Type--- max.29816
(IMAGE NO.15a)What we're looking at here is Times Square,N.Y.City before the TWIN McARCHES were erected. When the Sinatra,'Satchmo',Geo. Cohan monuments are located nearer to 42nd St. At 44th, then the arches can be located at 46th St. as shown in image 15 above.(cont)
(IMAGE NO.18)For text and same image,hit page 2 link below. also (IMAGE NO.17-"skoter") and (IMAGE NO.16-"stadium roof)

Many other ideas in past issues such as,powered self generating electric bicycle with assist under extra loads,a Tri-cat high speed foil sail racer,an anti slice trailing weight attachment to all golf clubs among many others with many new features. Hundreds more not shown are also available ;For copies write to distrbutors listed below.(cont)

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