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Note:What's shown here is only a fraction of further material to be entered.

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continuation of page four

this is page four-a

Note:If frozen, hit reload until scroll bar appears.(it should decrease to 1/4" when all is in.) ----See below,much more to come.--Global concept for high speed ground transportation. With access any where via Alaska to Asia to all 6 continents and even thru Greenland to Europe. All within an hour.

the street rag

ideas suggestions solutions

(4a)The image above is an enlargement of the excerpt in "the street rag" issue No.135 page 2.

(4b)The image at left is an enlargement of the excerpt in "the street rag" issue No.135 page1. On the upper section is an oval image depicting the contour of a 54 mile long tunnel built in Texas just recently(cont)

(5)The image above is an enlargement of the excerpt in "the street rag" issue 135a above also(cont)

(5a)Here's a Volkswagen with a seperable module that could be applied also as mentioned to the global magnetic guideways. The carrier dolly is electrically powered and has motors in each wheel with swap battery cavities front and rear for a one minute exchange at automatic stations.(See index3a.html).Until that day comes, the vehicles could be non seperable but still be part of a global battery swap infrastructure permitting the conveniences to travel without the worry of running out of power and wait to recharge the privately owned batteries affixed permanently to the owners vehicle. The swap method permits the user to leave the expired ones and pick up recharged ones to pursue one's journey.

(5b)Here's the same Volkswagen as above viewed from the rear. As you may noticed just below the windows protrusions are provided to seperate and permit the module to interface with magnetic coils supporting and propelling them in the pipeline guideways which then protects them from all elements.The sketch in Image 6 below shows how the vehicle modules seperate as well as merge onto their carrier dollys that the user would rent on a monthly or yearly basis.The preferable conditions are to have the dollies unlike below, descending away from the module as its entering the horizontal track of the guideway system and then upon exiting the system the module descends onto the carrier dolly which is moving horizontally at the same speed and also using the same method shown in the sketch below when exiting the high speed system. At that point the vehicles, wether entering or exiting the guideways, travel relatively at very slow.(30MPH maybe?)When that time comes to develop that interchange I'll provide more details then.Meanwhile see my port-folio in (index1a.html).Put it in address window above and hit 'enter'.

(5c)Here's a Volkswagen with a stretched module in which you can sleep while riding the high speed global system and have an alarm wake you up upon arrival to drive in another carrier dolly to your final destination.In Image 6 just below,notice the wheels are shrouded and sealed and are are typical to aircraft designs to permit new features.See more data in (index 3a.html).

(6)The image above is an enlargement of the excerpt in "the street rag", Issue 135 p.1 ----As one can see just below,GM is copying my idea (cont)

(6a)The image above show how a b-modal EV vehicle is seperated before insertion into the high speed magnetic guideways and----As one can see just below,GM is copying my idea (cont)

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(6b)Above left is GM split car and(6b)at right is Raytheon's(PRT) dual mode vehicle transport guideway where Boeing , Lockheed and many others are also moving in.

(6c)Here's my own sketch of what I think will be GM's next design to adapt to the overhead guideways shown above.Only the passenger capsules seperate leaving fenders and all like the concept shown in image (6) above.Also below(6d)is Magnetrans dual mode concept where that sketch of my modified GM's module could be applied also.


(6d) Here is Magnetrans concept above.


IN IMAGE NO.6a ABOVE Is GM's new AUTOnomy concept car presented at the Auto show in Detroit Jan. 6th.2002. Not only did they copy my concept above, they even copied my wrap around window ...Damn it!!! In their next design, as I redesigned it in Image 6c, the fenders will remain with the lower part shown above where only the passenger capsule will seperate like in image 6 above that and be transferred to guideways similar to ,for instance, Raytheon's "Personal Rapid Transport" concept in 6b (above right)and others such as "Magnetrans" above and in index5ax.html on this web site. Don't be fooled, this is really an attempt maybe to, in the future, claim access to the high speed magnetic tube guideways mentioned in these web pages and with others claiming the bi-modal system presented to the U.S. DOT way back in the 60's. Many, I believe, are playing ignorance of it's existence in order to decimate the concept into different components to claim patents on them seperately in order to repackage them for their own objectives. That is why all countries and private companies should be vigilant and not be taken in. It's in the hundreds of $trillions. enough for all,to have a piece of it.(cont)

(7)The image above is an enlargement of the excerpt in "the street rag" issue No....(cont)

(8)The image above is an enlargement of the excerpt in "the street rag" issue No.136, page 1 (bottom right)...(cont)

(9)The image above is an enlargement of the excerpt in "the street rag" issue No.136,page2(bottom right)Tunnel from Scotland to the Faeroe Islands...(cont)

(10)The image above is an enlargement of the excerpt in "the street rag" issue No.136,page2 (top right)Tunnels from the Faeroe Islands to Iceland then to Greenland...(cont)

(11)The image above is an enlargement of the excerpt in "the street rag" issue No.136,page 2 (top left)Tunnel from Greenland to Baffin Island...(cont)

(12)The image above is an enlargement of the excerpt in "the street rag" issue No.136, page 2(bottom left)Final connections from Baffin Island to L.A. and N.Y.C....(cont)

(13)The image above is an enlargement of the excerpt in "the street rag" issue No.135 page 2 bottom left (shown at 2 above)

(13a)The image above is a typical pipeline giving us an idea of what future magnetic guideways may look like with two tubes for movement in both directions out in the countryside and globally.See below for an Alaskan connection to Asia permitting cargo and passengers movement beween the Americas and other continents also connecting Europe via Greenland(cont.)

(14)The image above,(a composite of previous drawings also was put together in 2002),is a future possibility for high speed (2000mph)transport MAGLEV Shown here in Alaska heading to Asia via the Bering Strait.As you may notice, the zig-zagging pipeline is the present oil line from Purdoe Bay in the Arctic north of Alaska linking access to tankers loading in the north Pacific Ocean . Expansion and contraction due to temperature differentials required the irregularity (non-linear) in its installation. On the other hand the straight pipeline shown to its left is the high speed (mach 3--2000mph) magnetic guideway system crossing through tunnels (no longer than than the English-French Chunnel)via the Diomedes Islands to Siberia. Unlike the oil pipeline that is continously welded the guideways have expansion joints at every support towers. Their temperature variation would cause little effect ot the performance on the propulsion of the modules (vehicles and containers) within.(cont)

(15)The image just above, an enlargement of the excerpt in "the street rag" issue No.107 page 2 -- oct. 27,1995 is a future possibility for high speed (maybe at times 3000 mph)transport MAGLEV Shown here is a description of how(cont)

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