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( ITEM 31)Should a town agree to it they can put their name lower than the ad and indicate where the fast food is located also in the area. Below is aspherical tank that can badvertise golf balls, baseballs, oranges, local billiard halls, etc. maybe new shapes for those tanks could be fabricated to accomodate whoever has a specific product.(cont)

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link here for index "THE STREET RAG" Text. Most of the present ideas in these pages were in this newsletter, and presented to the public on the streets of N.Y.C. They are now for the world to view.Many more, not disclosed yet will also be available.

link here for page 1It is mainly used for item to express views,opinions,suggestions,replies ,etc. such as described.For previous items see index1b, for older ones see index1c.(Just modify location line above.)

link here for page 1a The author's resume.It's about his past history and a resume of his work experience in many various technical areas and with many different companies as a technical consultant,designer,innovator,inventor, etc. his past experiences has contributed to many of the ideas and concepts shown in the following indexes also.

link here for page 2 It contains ideas for stadium convertible roofs,a new roller skates (Two Wheel "Skoter"),

link here for page 2x It contains ideas for a new snowboard which converts into a pair of regular skis. Also a new ("Tri-cat)sailboat .The fastest yet. Also a bonded zipper fastened to the skin temporarily substituting suture stitches and leaving no scars.

link here for page 2a It contains ideas for an electric scooter,a battery exchange vending machine for bicycles, wheelchairs,etc,...a dual passenger bike,an energy concept, hurricaneproof homes, oil tanker containment system.

link here for page 2ax It contains ideas for a new system for floppy disc loading without computers, a bird's nest at your window,'hold-up ' protection for taxis.A power pack to motorize present hand trucks.

link here for page 3 Included are recent patents of EV battery swap stations.Also a Global concept for EVs using one standard universal(size and voltage) battery available at all exchange stations anywhere on the planet and requiring no more than a minute to swap.It's in the trillions of dollars. (EURO$ or whatever)

link here for page 3a Continued from page 3. An interim engine shut off using a flywheel for restarts saving fuel and the planet.Includes previous (Street Rag) articles on these EV's which have new features. This page also shows an EV concept with an electric motor in each wheel, a universal battery, a battery swap station and many other novel ideas.

link here for page 3ax Continued from page 3a. Includes previous (Street Rag) articles on these EV's which have new features.

link here for page 3b (Continuation of page 3a.)Global concept for electric vehicles. Buses , semi-trailers also use same batteries, as shown here these EV's have new features and could be introduced to a high speed maglev system as shown in page 4, 4a,and 4b.

link here for page 4 A high speed ground transportation first presented to DOT in Washington in 60's , what's now called "maglev" and could be applied as local ,national, or globally funded and owned networks standardized for that very purpose with access anywhere.A 300 trillion dollar possibility.

link here for page 4a Continuation of page 4. Global concept for high speed ground transportation.With ideas how we can have access to 95% of all nations ,except distant Pacific Islands, thru Alaska to Asia and to all 6 continents and thru Greenland and Iceland to Europe. All within a few hours.

link here for page 4ax Continuation of page 4a. Global concept for high speed ground transportation. Here's a typical future possibility for high speed (3000mph)transport MAGLEV.The images were displayed in early 1990's down on Wall Street. Shown here is only a partial description of how private vehicles (and cargo at storage and retrieval areas) can safely enter and exit the system with no problems whatsoever.

link here for page 5 Back in the "Johnson Administration" era this technical material of the Marco System Inc. and what is now called 'MAG-LEV' was presented to the U.S.DOT in Washington in the early 60's.A bi-modal system using the same privately owned vehicles on the streets and in the global magnetic guideways as also indicated in pages 4 and 4a. It was evaluated with other concepts and placed at the top of the list.It is now also on file in the U.S. Patent Office.

link here for page 5a Further material and in more detail was also presented and disclosed to the public and various interested parties for viewing. When this later info was released to the public in 1987 the stock market crashed.

link here for page 5ax Further material such as THE GUIDEWAYS-THRU MOUNTAINS-UNDERWATER-BRIDGING LAKES AND RIVERS .Also material depicting a Montreal to New York City connection with solw downs at various town in between..This global system would eventually grow into three generations.The first generation concept would accomodate an EV electric vehicle , the second cargo containers and the third mini capsules for very high speeds.

link here for page 6 Global concept for communications and it's all free. No more phone monthly bills,no more TV cable fees,no more nuttin! We,the people of this planet own and control it.

link here for page 7 this page will be restructured into others and later deleted into a specific category.Miscillaneous at present.

link here for page 8 The politicians,the gangsters, the contractors will love this one.It relates to structures for various public activities. Only sealed bids are allowed.

link here for page 9After all these centuries of fomenting never ending conflicts, by greedy and selfish interest,in Europe,never mind what we've seen else where in the last few centuries in other parts of the world europe is now leading the way for new possibilities.This page can also give us another possibility to an ever greater objective. Global unity.. Then watch us go. Global transport, energy, communications, among many others. Hang in there!

link here for page 10 Energy in abundance and forever.It's all free for everyone.Using most desert located in all continents around the world and interconnecting them via Alaska and the North Atlantic islands a never ending supply of energy totally with inert components can provide the world with free power and forever. It's installation cost would be financed by all proportionately. Thus permitting even the smallest and poorest countries to participate and and control their destiny also.(cont)

link here for page 11 In order to help all the countries of the world to develop and attain a standard of life equal to ours, some of these ideas in this page can be provided to various governments for their internal growth. (not for individual or corporate interests to grab and run like we see now preventing their growth while maintaining them at a very meager level and thus controlling those countries to a submission to a bunch of greedy ego-centric gangsters here making them eat out of their hand trying then to show us their phony generosity.)Some ideas as listed in page 2,6 and others have already been made available should those countries contact me and meet certain conditions (cont)

link here for page 12 This page contains ideas relating to participating sports as well as spectator sports.It also pertains to ideas for bicycles, roller blades, skiing , clothing ,golf and many others.Structures such as stadium convertible roofs,ski slope canopies for all-year round sking, street activity canopies,and many others can be found in page 8 listing under 'structures'. (cont)

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