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($300,000,000,000,000.oo --- see all indexes)
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AUTHOR'S RESUME. It's about his past history and a resume of his work experience in many various technical areas and with many different companies as a technical consultant,designer,innovator,inventor, etc. his past experiences has contributed to many of the ideas and concepts shown in the following indexes also.

gblsys 's Home Page

GBLSYS (global systems)from THE STREET RAG newsletter now on line.

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Note:(These web pages are non-©-copyrighted)(also,any countries cited in them, and should they be interested,may have access to these ideas for exploitation on specific conditions.2-13-98-counter was 16526

It should be understood that upon my death,any and all ideas wether in 'the street rag' or/and all previous ones not exploited by me during my lifetime and regardless of whoever tries to claim them, they all become public domain and for all to use freely any time.

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This is page one. It is mainly used to express views,opinions,suggestions,replies ,etc. such as described.

For a brief description of the author's resume see page 1a

the street rag

ideas suggestions solutions

This page,( no.1) is mainly used to express views,opinions,suggestions,replies ,etc. such as described below.



MAY 15th,2003.

-----VIVE LA FRANCE!!--------------- ABOUT...... FREEDOM FRIES, WEASLES, AND LONG MEMORIES......... Of course, the American Revolution fits into the third criteria that war influenced people quickly. The war had no choice but to change our life quickly since America was left to fend for itself during and after that war. Since England didn't want to trade with America, France was the colonists' hope for economic help, but even then we owed France a considerable debt of money. Finally, the colonists could picture themselves as true Americans rather than British a colonist. French helped during the American revolution. France provided arms, ships, money and 44,000 soldiers to the American colonies. Some Frenchmen even became army leaders in the fight against the British....REMEMBER? Maybe some hypocrites and dumb asses don't want to.....




July 27,2001.About the continuation of STAR WARS missile program, namely the anti-missile missile defense system, is a waste of taxpayers time money. Many are skeptical the recents tests were successful while Russia ,now a democracy, questions our motives in pursuing it. What Russia should tell the Pentagon is "SHOW ME!" Let's play wargames ."We(Russia) will send a decoy missile at the U.S. and you (the Pentagon) try to stop it. Then the truth is more apt to come out.Several years ago(see STREET RAG No.085--page2 at top right).. a typical idea was suggested titled "NO MORE WARS"CLICK HERE and was in my view a better concept because the missiles and even the "stealth" bombers had on board anti anti-missile preventing their destruction and therefore making any and all deterrents impossible to the point of realizing the silliness of it all. Instead of trying to control and seek submission of the countries of the world including Iraq, N.Korea, who fear just that.Why not extend a hand of friendship by helping them without strings attached or prerequisites. As we can see, the world is changing, and no one need submit to any power group who tries to play GOD. We had enough of those Asses. The $Trillions wasted on weapons and wars in the last half century could have better been spent instead on new global concepts such as shown in indexes below. Such as index 3 (Electric vehicle and battery exchange stations infrastucture) index4 (Global high speed Maglev System ) and index 10 (a global solar electric energy corporation owned by all nations) and also in index 6 (free telecommunication services network the world over...everyone is a shareholder of their local system.)


May22nd,2001.Neither Firestone nor Ford are responsible for the accidents caused by tire failures. The driver, the mere fact any vehicle has limitations, should be the one to be aware of the dangers. That said, the conditions of the road, weather, ice, visibility, speed and many other aspects come into play. In this instance, the Center of Gravity angle versus the side distance between the wheels is really or probably the cause of the recent tire failures. Just imagine two neighbors going to work and following the same route at the same speed and thru the same curves each day. One has a low CG profile while the other a high one such as the Utility vehicles today. If the curves are sharp enough the Utility may have all the load 100% on the outside tires ready to flip over while the other has only 70% load on the outside Which means the Utility driver should go slower to have the same weight ratio. Obviously the tires are under unusual strain and are apt to fail. It's just a matter of time due to fatigue and deformation by side thrust on any tire that failure would occur sooner and could even be fatal, and more so, for the neighbor with the Utility vehicle.---------June 1, 2001.(Continued) About the feud between those two Companies... why not test out a condition to proove the validity of each one's accusation. Here's a suggestion...Set up a circular track slanted towards the outside and have several SUVs of different makes ...all equiped with Firestone brand tires,then providing there is no ice on the road or deer crossing it we can use this new technique to control the vehicles without drivers for the test (see NAHSC Intelligent highways).. CLICK HERE Then have them follow each other at specific speeds, install strain gages to register, via a remote computer, the loading on the wheels then run them for hours at different speeds. Bring them to a stop for refueling then back up to speed again till tires fail on the 'Explorer'.If they haven't on the others yet, then that vehicle is suspect.Then a new test increasing the speed progressively to test when each vehicle flips over.This test will tell how firestone's tire hold up... what vehicle flips over in equal circumstances also repeat the same tests with different tire sets but with the same make of vehicle this time to see how other tires stand up. That should settle the arguments, and for all the world to see. An idea to prevent rollovers in turns regardless of tire conditions is to incorporate on future vehicles sensors which slow down the vehicle or restrict acceleration when too much weight differential ratio is building up on one side, and that can be done by either automatically braking and/or automatically cutting down fuel supply to engine.The damaged firestone tires may be the result of low pressure neglect ,combine that with high speed in a curve and a high center of gravity can easily result in a rollover, even on a straightaway. Michelin , I believe has a hard rubber inner core which can prevent flat tires to permit a safe slowdown and crawl to an air pump. Other means is to warn the driver autumatically and repeatedly when pressure drops or even incorporate an pump to keep all tires at a specific pressure... The real solution to transportation is coming...see in this web site all pages from indexes 3 to 5b included.


April 27th,2001.The other day Koppel was giving us an idea of what a trillion meant.Well as mentioned in page three in the index,when we go "ELECTRIC" for all vehicles on this planet ...and it will be soon. The batteries alone (The oil Companies can forget the Hybrids And Fuel Cells etc...)Like "yesterday and today" gasoline was...and is the standard fuel for autos, "tomorrow" (beginning within the next few years)the batteries and exchange stations will be the norm.That's the reason gas prices have soared.The scam is to control that new infrastructure and soak us again if we don't take em on now.Presently 250 million vehicles are on the road today in the U.S.A. and by year 2010 one billion will roam this planet.As suggested using one standard size and voltage battery (for example the nickel metal hidride one which went from Boston to New York City on one charge)for all vehicles.With two removeable front and rear in aminute as shown in pages 3 3a 3b,thats two billion batteries add to that the same amount in the exchange stations and multiply that by $500.00 each ...that's two trillion dollars alone .Include the E.V.s and the exchange stations everywhere that exceeds 30 trillion dollars. That's what Koppel should consider in trillions to understand what lays ahead for us. It's in the hundreds of trillion$ if not thousands. Someday maybe I'll describe it if I'm still around(cont)


March 1st,2001 Let's do away with all Income Tax .... Instead, here's a new possibility. Anyone can earn or own up to ten million dollars but never exceed that amount. They can sit on it, invest it, spend it but never exceed it.Why should we the only specie with the highest intellectual capacity feel so insecure that we should grab every thing in sight and try impose our silly ways on others. Other species just hunt or graze for their survival and enjoy there stay as they can. What we see now are greedy egocentric paranoid assholes measuring themselves by how much they take."hey!..look at me." mentality. then leave their fortunes for so called foundations etc.feeding us B.S.of their generosity with strings attached only to continue establishing a power block for those who they assume know best should determine man's destiny. Real asses...So with ten million max and always, work, spend it, or go fishing, but leave for all others more opportunities. (cont)

ITEM 24.

Feb. 8th,2001(cont) In page 6 below,see Image10 (bottom) I offered Ted Turner an opportunity in the trillions but he never took me up on it. You take a horse to water..the offer still holds. Now ,if Bill Clinton is interested I got something for him.This will help him get even with all the envious and jealous 'Hen Pecking Prima Donnas' who just can't accept someone who has excelled beyond what they can ever achieved. As we can see from his simple beginnings from Hope Arkansa and attained the zenith of all goals others only dreampt of. For instance most women are attracted to him, he was the first President to be elected with two landslides at such a young age, in foreign policy was quite succesful in influencing leaders around the world, minimized more fighting abroad as a peacemaker, permitting economies to soar not only here but helped other countries, he reduced unemployment to its lowest yet, and much more.I've great admiration towards him even though I voted for Perot twice and Nader in the last elections because neither would have let self interests in any way influence them. His good nature, wanting to please all people, made him quite vulnerable and they took advantage of him. So when ever he's ready,I got some areas of interest and ideas undisclosed yet in which he can and should he want to, on an international basis,pursue with me to complement even more on his recent remarkable successful record. Note: Please bring this to his attention and have him contact me personally in N.Y.C. No mail. IT is Big!!! (cont)


Jan 24th,01 Quebec government stadium convertible roofs... (potential for constant activity$$$) jan.1 2001 Gentlemen In reference to:Save the montreal ttp:// Here's some thing which may be of interest to provide under 'one roof'a center of activity not only for one team or sport.See gblsys's Home Page... It contains ideas for stadium convertible roofs. a new roller skates (Two Wheel "Skoter"), a new snowboard which converts into a pair of regular skis. Etc... [More results from index] It could have every day and all year round live concerts ,exhibitions,rallies,tennis ,etc including creating area of businesses around it leave alone the financing and support for the sustaining of the teams without any need for subsidizing them with tax money. As for more interesting games ,why not have the leagues pool their 'gate' money so that the richest cities don't end up with all the best players bought and winning everytime.Where is the challenge of a heavy weight versus a feather weight.That's one reason why spectator sports don't fizz me. I'd rather be with the participating sports where the rewards are greater and more challenging instead. The'couchpotatoes'and 'rah-rah wanna-bes'should go spend there money keeping healthy and fit all the while.Please write me.. Jack Marchand



This 2nd sign above was installed in front of the Port of Authority bus terminal


Nov.6th 99, The latest 'fast one'then was a sign hung up in sept 99 in front of the Port of Authority bus terminal where I always get off and was facing us with huge printed letters as follows.."THE WALL- look,no one's gonna know there not your ideas,-STREET JOURNAL".... It was removed just about nov.4th I believe.Since then the 2nd one above was put up. It reads...."THE WALL- hurry, someone else is about to come up with that idea,-STREET JOURNAL"... So what is the objective to put them up unless the're trying to ridicule someone's ideas (My "The street rag" newsletter maybe?)Typical greed and envy by the same ego-centric asses who want it all...the power and glory.(cont)

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