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For his grace in crossing our paths, for keeping our love strong through his trying tests
and for the beautiful ending he has bestowed us. Alhamdullillah Syukur.

For their love, support and blessings throughout our relationship and eventually our marriage.

For their support & blessings.

There are too many of you, but each one equally important.
For your company, love and support.
For bringing laughter during our tears.

For providing the perfect wedding venue and
in time to come, helping us achieve that perfect wedding.

For inspiring us to build our own WEDpage and for the help rendered in times of need.
Visit Zul & Nadiah's WEDpage here.

For hosting our WEDpage at no charge,
and making it possible for us to share our story with the world.

For making it possible for us to share our WEDsite with other soon-to-wed couples. 
Engaged Couples Ring
Engagement Ring

Whose words of love appear on our WEDsite.

Najib & Nurul WEDpage 2002 All Rights Reserved ©