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We will be taking the step towards spending the rest of our lives together
on 03 March 2003. We want our marriage to be solemnized on a memorable date,
and 030303 is the perfect choice for us.

Our relationship has been blessed by both our parents, and wedding plans are excitedly underway.
Our marriage solemnization will be a small affair in a local mosque. We really hope that this
will be possible for us. Alternatively, we would consider a small and private affair at home,
witnessed by family and best friends. Following the solemnization will be a small dinner reception
for our guests. We also hope to hold another wedding dinner on a separate day at a meaningful
location for both of us. This will be just a small cosy affair between family and friends,
those not present during our solemnization.

We are doing away with the traditional practices that usually occurs during a traditional Muslim
wedding solemnization. We believe that the usual ceremonies often practised in a wedding,
such as menghantar hantaran (exchanging of trays of gifts between bride & groom),
bersanding (the wedding dais) and many more are not only unnecessary,
but are also strongly discouraged in Islam, as these are practices of a Hindu wedding.

Islam only requires that a wedding include the akad nikah (solemnization), followed by the
walimatul urus (wedding dinner). And during the wedding solemnization, only the mas kahwin
is the mandatory requirement. The mas kahwin can be anything: cash, jewellery or whatever
is agreed upon by the bride's family, as long as it is within the means of the groom.

We have included these websites for more information on the proper marriage procedures in the eyes of Islam.

Mutiara Perkahwinan Mengikut Ajaran Islam Hantaran Dalam Pandangan Islam

Hukumnya Walimatul Urus Malay Weddings

As the wedding nears, this page will soon be updated with more details
on our solemnization venue and procedures.

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